《CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南》——2.8节填空


本节书摘来自异步社区《CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南》一书中的第2章,第2.8节填空,作者【美】Sean Wilkins , Trey Smith,更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看

2.8 填空
CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南
1.Politics within an organization can cause a lack of    within the security policies.企业或组织内部的争斗倾轧可能导致安全策略缺乏    。

2.A good disaster recovery plan must include contingencies for both     and    security breaches.一份完备的灾难恢复计划必须同时考虑    与    两个方面的安全突发事件。

3.Unauthorized network access is made easier when     are implemented on thenetwork.     会在一定程度上降低攻击者入侵网络的难度。

4.    are individuals who have extensive knowledge of telephone networks andswitching equipment.     是精通电话网与交换设备的一类人群。

5.Hackers with malicious intent are referred to as     心怀鬼胎的黑客被称为    。

6.    scans scan the service ports of a single host and request different services ateach port.     扫描是对一台主机的不同端口以及每个端口的不同服务进行扫描。

7.The most effective way to protect your sensitive data is to save it in a (an)     
formator to send it through a (an)     connection.保护敏感数据最有效的方法是将它们
    保存、    传输。

8.The five core reasons for intruding on a system or network include    .导致网络入侵的5个主要原因是    。


