《CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南》——6.10节填空


本节书摘来自异步社区《CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南》一书中的第6章,第6.10节填空,作者【美】Sean Wilkins , Trey Smith,更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看

6.10 填空
CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南
1.    is an IEEE standard that provides a framework for authenticating and authorizingnetwork devices connected to LAN ports and for preventing access in theevent that the authentication fails.     标准是一种基于端口的访问控制架构,它对连接到局域网端口的设备进行认证与授权,确保只有合法用户才能访问网络资源与服务。

2.Configuring    causes a period verification to take place, thus ensuring that theclient is still connected and the port should remain in the authenticated state.交换机每隔一段时间对客户进行    ,以确保客户仍然与端口相连,且端口仍然处于授权状态。

3.Enable 802.1X globally on the switch with the    global command.全局命令    用于在交换机全局启用802.1X。

4.Verify the operational status of the 802.1X configuration on your device by using the    command.命令    用于显示设备配置的802.1X参数。

5.    can be used to restrict 802.1X users to only access the network from a certainnet-work address space.     机制可以对认证用户做进一步限制,如仅给予来自某些地址的用户访问网络资源的权限。

6.The Cisco IOS Software    command can be used to verify that the 802.1Xauthenticationis functioning properly.管理员可以使用命令    测试请求方、认证方与认证服务器的状态。
