
简介: 基于matlab实现地平线图





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信号处理              图像处理               路径规划       元胞自动机        无人机

⛄ 内容介绍


Horizon Chart 是一种数据可视化技术,它以紧凑且分层的格式显示时间序列数据,提高可读性并能够随时间比较多个数据集。


为了获得最佳性能和准确的图表,请安装Mapping Toolbox


  • HorizonChart 为每个切片创建 Horizon Chart x 轴数据和 y 轴数据
  • horizonChart(x, y)创建一个包含 x 和 y 数据且 NumBands = 2 的水平图表,即在每个切片中,数据分为 2 个区域 - 一个位于基线上方,一个位于基线下方
  • horizonChart(x, y, numBands)使用 x 和 y 数据创建一个水平图表,其中波段数 = numBands。Number of Bands 是数据被划分为的部分的数量
  • horizonChart(__ , Name, Value)使用一个或多个名称-值对参数指定地平线图的其他选项。在所有其他输入参数之后指定选项。


  • XDataXData 是一个二维矩阵,其中每列指定要在图表的各个切片中显示的数据的 x 坐标。
    XData也可以是一维矩阵,它可以表示每个子图/单独切片的公共 x 值。
  • YDataYData 是一个二维矩阵,其中每列指定要在图表的各个切片中显示的数据的 y 坐标。
  • Labels图表中每个切片的标签列表
  • NumBands用于划分地平线图表的波段/段数


  • ColorAboveBaseline它用于确定基线上方的条带着色的颜色梯度。
  • ColorBelowBaseline它用于确定基线以下的带被着色的颜色梯度
  • XLabelX 轴标签
  • YLabelY 轴标签
  • Title地平线图的标题

⛄ 部分代码

classdef horizonChart < matlab.graphics.chartcontainer.ChartContainer  & ...        matlab.graphics.chartcontainer.mixin.Legend    % horizonChart creates a Horizon Chart x-axis data and    % y-axis data for each slice    %     % horizonChart(x, y) creates a horizon chart with x an y data and    % NumBands = 2 i.e. in each of the slices, the data is divided into    % 2 regions - one above the baseline and one below the baseline    %     % horizonChart(x, y, numBands) creates a horizon chart with x and y data    % with number of bands = numBands. Number of Bands is the number of    % sections that the data is divided into.    %     % horizonChart(__ , Name, Value) specifies additional options for the horizon chart    % using one or more name-value pair arguments. Specify the options after all other    % input arguments.            properties        XData (:, :) double = [];        YData (:, :) double = [];        Labels (1, :) string = [];        NumBands double {mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual(NumBands, 1)} = 2;        XLabel string = "";        YLabel string = "";        Title string = "";    end    properties(Dependent)        Baseline double = 0;        ColorAboveBaseline {validatecolor} = [0, 0, 1];        ColorBelowBaseline {validatecolor} = [1, 0, 0];    end        properties(Access = private,Transient,NonCopyable)        PatchObjectListPerSlice (:, :)  = [];        AxisHandlePerSlice (1, :) = [];        SegRanges (1, :) double = [];        NumSlices;        ColorMap (:, 3) double;                     end    properties(Access = private)        Baseline_I = NaN ;        BaselineSetMethod string = "auto";                ColorAboveBaseline_I = NaN;        ColorAboveBaselineSetMethod = "auto";        ColorBelowBaseline_I = NaN;        ColorBelowBaselineSetMethod = "auto";                ContainsMappingToolbox matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState = 'on';    end    methods         function obj = horizonChart(varargin)           % Intialize list of arguments           args = varargin;           leadingArgs = cell(0);            if numel(args) >= 2 && isnumeric(args{1}) ...                && isnumeric(args{2})                                    x = args{1};                   y = args{2};                if mod(numel(args), 2) == 1 && isnumeric(args{3})                   % horizonChart(x, y, numBands)                   numBands = args{3};                   leadingArgs = [leadingArgs {'XData', x, 'YData', y , 'NumBands', numBands}];                   args = args(4:end);                else                   % horizonChart(x, y)                   leadingArgs = [leadingArgs {'XData', x, 'YData', y }];                   args = args(3:end);                end            else                if numel(args) < 2                    error('Invalid Input Arguments. Too few inputs were provided. ')                else                    error('The first two arguments are not numeric and do not conform to XData and YData definition')                end            end                        % Combine positional arguments with name/value pairs            args = [leadingArgs args];            % Call superclass constructor method            obj@matlab.graphics.chartcontainer.ChartContainer(args{:});        end    end    methods(Access=protected)        function setup(obj)            if ~any(strcmp('Mapping Toolbox', {ver().Name}))                 obj.ContainsMappingToolbox = 'off';                warning("Mapping Toolbox is not installed. " + ...                    "This may lead to degraded performance of the horizon chart. " + ...                    "Install Mapping Toolbox for better performance")            end        end        function update(obj)                        [obj.XData, obj.YData] = transformInputData(obj.XData, obj.YData) ;            % Validate Inputs             validateInputs(obj.XData, obj.YData, obj.Labels);                        % If Grid Layout is already defined then clear the layout            % during the update step            children = obj.getLayout().Children;            set(children, "Parent" , []);                        % Clear all patch objects             obj.PatchObjectListPerSlice = [];            obj.AxisHandlePerSlice = [];                        % Set GridLayout to be vertical layout            obj.NumSlices = size(obj.YData, 2);            obj.getLayout().GridSize = [obj.NumSlices 1];            title(obj.getLayout(), obj.Title);            xlabel(obj.getLayout(), obj.XLabel);            ylabel(obj.getLayout(), obj.YLabel);                        % If user doesn't specify baseline we setup the baseline as the            % median of the data. If the user specifies baseline, we adjust            % the segment lengths to match the new baseline.            if obj.BaselineSetMethod == "auto"                obj.calculateSegmentsWithoutUserSetBaseline();            else                obj.calculateSegmentsWithUserSetBaseline();            end                         for slice = 1:obj.NumSlices                % We obtain XData/ YData for each slice and calculate                 % which band each data point belongs to                  sliceXData = obj.XData(:, min(slice,size(obj.XData,2)))';                sliceYData = obj.YData(:, slice)';                binsPoint = binData(sliceYData, obj.SegRanges);                PatchObjectList = [];                order = [];                               % Get axis for the current tile and set all the properties                ax = nexttile(obj.getLayout());                               % Disable data tips                disableDefaultInteractivity(ax)                % Specify labels only if the user has specified labels for                % each slice                if slice <= numel(obj.Labels)                     title(ax, obj.Labels(slice));                end                 y_min_slice = max(obj.YData(:));                                ax.XLim = [min(sliceXData), max(sliceXData)];                ax.YTickLabel = [];                ax.YTick = [];                polygonOrder = gobjects(0);                hold(ax, 'all')                                % Calculate color map for all the bands                bgColor = get(ax, 'Color');                order = ax.ColorOrder;                                if obj.ColorAboveBaselineSetMethod == "auto"                    obj.ColorAboveBaseline_I = order(1, :);                 end                                if obj.ColorBelowBaselineSetMethod == "auto"                    obj.ColorBelowBaseline_I = order(2, :);                end                                               obj.CalculateColorMap(bgColor);                % For each band we create a polygon that makes up the area                % of the band.                 for band = 1:obj.NumBands                      lower = obj.SegRanges(band);                    upper = obj.SegRanges(band + 1);                    color = obj.ColorMap(band, :);                    % Calculate the vertices of the polygon depeding on                    % whether it lies above the baseline/ or below the                    % baseline                     [x_vertices, y_vertices] = generatePolygonPoints(sliceXData, sliceYData, lower, upper, lower >= obj.Baseline_I, obj.ContainsMappingToolbox);                                        % Transform polygon and reflect it over the baseline                    y_vertices = transformPolygon(y_vertices, lower, upper, obj.Baseline_I);                                                            % Create the PatchObject for the band                    PatchObject = patch(ax, x_vertices, y_vertices, color, 'DisplayName', num2str(lower) + " - " + num2str(upper));                                        % If x_vertices/ y_vertices are empty then we need to                    % create an empty patch object                    if numel(x_vertices) == 0                         PatchObject = patch(ax, NaN, NaN, color, 'DisplayName', num2str(lower) + " - " + num2str(upper));                    else                         % Find minimum all transformed y data in a particular slice                         y_min_slice = min(y_min_slice, min(y_vertices(:)));                    end                      % The bands that lie furthest from the baseline are                    % displayed in the front. While the bands that are the                    % closest to the baseline are displayed in the back                    if lower >= obj.Baseline_I                        polygonOrder = [PatchObject, polygonOrder];                    else                        polygonOrder = [polygonOrder, PatchObject];                    end                                        PatchObjectList = [PatchObjectList, PatchObject];                end                                if y_min_slice ~= obj.Baseline_I                    ax.YLim(1) = y_min_slice;                end                ax.Children = polygonOrder;                hold(ax, 'off')                obj.PatchObjectListPerSlice = [obj.PatchObjectListPerSlice; PatchObjectList];                obj.AxisHandlePerSlice = [obj.AxisHandlePerSlice, ax];            end              cbh = obj.buildColorBar(obj.AxisHandlePerSlice(end));            cbh.Layout.Tile = 'east';        end        function CalculateColorMap(obj, backgroundColor)            % The color of a band is decided by whether it lies above or            % below the baseline. In case of bands that lie below the            % baseline, the lower bands have a darker shade of            % obj.colorsBelowBaseline. In case of bands that lie above the            % baseline, the upper bands have a darker shade of            % obj.colorsAboveBaseline            nBandsBelowBaseline = sum(obj.SegRanges(2:end)<=obj.Baseline_I);            nBandsAboveBaseline = obj.NumBands - nBandsBelowBaseline;                        % Calculate color gradient for the bands below the baseline            alphas = fliplr(linspace(0.5, 1, nBandsBelowBaseline))';            colorsBelowBaseline = alphas .* obj.ColorBelowBaseline_I + (1 - alphas) .* backgroundColor;            % Calculate color gradient for the bands above the baseline            alphas = linspace(0.5, 1, nBandsAboveBaseline)';            colorsAboveBaseline = alphas .* obj.ColorAboveBaseline_I + (1 - alphas) .* backgroundColor;            obj.ColorMap = [colorsBelowBaseline; colorsAboveBaseline];        end            end    methods(Access = private)        function calculateSegmentsWithoutUserSetBaseline(obj)            % We divide the data into segments which contain equal amount of            % data. For eg: If NumBands = 5, the first segment contains 20%            % of the data. The second segment represents 20% - 40% of data            % and so on            obj.SegRanges = quantile(obj.YData(:), linspace(0, 1, obj.NumBands + 1));            if mod(obj.NumBands, 2) == 0                obj.Baseline_I = obj.SegRanges(obj.NumBands / 2 + 1);            else                obj.Baseline_I = obj.SegRanges((obj.NumBands + 1) / 2);            end        end        function calculateSegmentsWithUserSetBaseline(obj)            % In the first step, we divide data into segments using the            % method proposed above.            % Then we calculate segments below the baseline and above the            % baseline. We accordingly divide the data below/above the            % baseline using the newly found segments.             all_data = obj.YData(:);            max_data = max(all_data);            min_data = min(all_data);            if obj.Baseline_I >= max_data                nSegmentsAboveBaseline = 0;                nSegmentsBelowBaseline = obj.NumBands;            elseif obj.Baseline_I <= min_data                nSegmentsAboveBaseline = obj.NumBands;                nSegmentsBelowBaseline = 0;            else                segRanges = quantile(all_data, linspace(0, 1, obj.NumBands + 1));                nSegmentsBelowBaseline = find(obj.Baseline_I >= segRanges, 1, 'last');                if nSegmentsBelowBaseline == 0                    nSegmentsBelowBaseline = nSegmentsBelowBaseline + 1;                elseif nSegmentsBelowBaseline == obj.NumBands                    nSegmentsBelowBaseline = nSegmentsBelowBaseline - 1;                end                nSegmentsAboveBaseline = obj.NumBands- nSegmentsBelowBaseline;            end            dataBelowBaseline = all_data(all_data < obj.Baseline_I);            dataAboveBaseline = all_data(all_data > obj.Baseline_I);            segRangesBelowBaseline = [];            segRangesAboveBaseline = [];            if nSegmentsBelowBaseline ~= 0                 segRangesBelowBaseline = quantile(dataBelowBaseline, linspace(0, 1, nSegmentsBelowBaseline + 1));            end             if nSegmentsAboveBaseline ~= 0                segRangesAboveBaseline = quantile(dataAboveBaseline, linspace(0, 1, nSegmentsAboveBaseline + 1));            end             obj.SegRanges = [segRangesBelowBaseline(1:nSegmentsBelowBaseline), obj.Baseline_I, segRangesAboveBaseline(2: nSegmentsAboveBaseline + 1)];        end        function cbh = buildColorBar(obj, ax)            % Build a colorbar where the length of each color is proportional             % to the ratio of the length of each segment            segLengths = obj.SegRanges(2:end) - obj.SegRanges(1: end - 1);            lengthRatios = segLengths / sum(segLengths);            lengthRatios = round(lengthRatios * 100);            tLength = sum(lengthRatios);            modifiedColorMap = colormap(repelem(obj.ColorMap, lengthRatios, 1));            cbh = colorbar(ax);            cumulLengthRatios = cumsum(lengthRatios) / tLength;            cbh.Ticks = [0, cumulLengthRatios];            cbh.TickLabels = num2cell(obj.SegRanges);        end    end    methods        function set.Baseline(obj, newBaseline)            obj.BaselineSetMethod = "manual";            obj.Baseline_I = newBaseline;        end        function baseline = get.Baseline(obj)             baseline = obj.Baseline_I;        end        function set.ColorAboveBaseline(obj, color)            obj.ColorAboveBaselineSetMethod = "manual";            obj.ColorAboveBaseline_I = validatecolor(color);        end        function colorAboveBaseline = get.ColorAboveBaseline(obj)            colorAboveBaseline = obj.ColorAboveBaseline_I;        end        function set.ColorBelowBaseline(obj, color)            obj.ColorBelowBaselineSetMethod = "manual";            obj.ColorBelowBaseline_I = validatecolor(color);        end        function colorBelowBaseline = get.ColorBelowBaseline(obj)            colorBelowBaseline = obj.ColorBelowBaseline_I;        end    endendfunction [x, y] = validateInputs(x, y, labels)    x_size = size(x);    y_size = size(y);    if x_size(1) == 0 || x_size(2) == 0 || y_size(1) == 0 || y_size(2) == 0        error("Horizon chart cannot be constructed with empty data");    end    if ~isreal(x) || ~isreal(y)        error("Chart does not work for complex data")    end     if x_size(1) ~= y_size(1)        error("Number of datapoints for each slice does not match between X and Y");    end    if ~validateIsIncreasing(x)        error("X values should be strictly monotonically increasing")    end    if x_size(2) > 1 && x_size(2) < y_size(2)        error("Number of slices for X-Data can either be 1 or need to match the Y-Data");    end    if numel(labels) ~= 0 && numel(labels) ~= y_size(2)        error("Size of Labels is incorrect. It should either be empty or equal to the number of slices/ 1st dimension of Y data");    endendfunction isIncreasing = validateIsIncreasing(x)    for slice = 1:size(x, 2)        if ~issorted(x(:, slice), 'strictascend')            isIncreasing = false;            return;        end    end    isIncreasing = true;endfunction resultAr = binData(data, bins)    resultAr = histcounts(data, bins);endfunction [x_data, y_data] = transformInputData(x_data, y_data)    if size(x_data, 1) == 1        x_data = x_data';    end    if size(y_data, 1) == 1        y_data = y_data';    endend function [x_vertices, y_vertices] = generatePolygonPoints(dataX, dataY, lower, upper, isSegmentOverBaseline, containsMappingToolbox)    if isSegmentOverBaseline        keep = dataY >= lower;    else        keep = dataY < upper;    end        xi = dataX(keep);    yi = dataY(keep);        yi(yi >= upper) = upper;    yi(yi < lower) = lower;    if containsMappingToolbox        [x_u, y_u] = polyxpoly(dataX, dataY, dataX, upper * ones(1, numel(dataX)));        [x_l, y_l] = polyxpoly(dataX, dataY, dataX, lower * ones(1, numel(dataX)));        xi = [xi, x_u', x_l'];        yi = [yi, y_u', y_l'];    end    [xi, idx] = sort(xi);    yi = yi(idx);    x_vertices = [xi fliplr(xi)];    if isSegmentOverBaseline        y_vertices = [yi ones(1, numel(xi)) * lower];    else        y_vertices = [yi ones(1, numel(xi)) * upper];    endendfunction yi = transformPolygon(yi, lower, upper, baseline)            if lower >= baseline        yi = yi - (lower - baseline);    else        yi = yi + (baseline - upper);        yi = baseline + abs(baseline - yi);    endend
function [ y_data, x_data, labels] = GenerateRandomData(n)    x_data = [2000:2021];    y_data_all = [[791, 829, 881, 950, 1010, 1080, 1190, 1260, 1300, 1420, 1530, 1620, 1700, 1820, 1940, 2110, 2280, 2430, 2600, 2680, 2520, 2740],                   [770, 830, 849, 931, 988, 1050, 1150, 1230, 1290, 1190, 1240, 1300, 1360, 1370, 1380, 1350, 1380, 1380, 1420, 1450, 1410, 1500],                  [3980, 4010, 3990, 4080, 4150, 4220, 4300, 4360, 4310, 4040, 4210, 4230, 4270, 4370, 4370, 4430, 4480, 4550, 4590, 4580, 4370, 4450],                  [2040, 2100, 2120, 2130, 2200, 2220, 2290, 2340, 2330, 2280, 2320, 2370, 2390, 2400, 2400, 2430, 2470, 2530, 2570, 2620, 2400, 259],                  [1830, 1890, 1880, 1880, 1920, 1940, 1950, 2000, 1970, 1880, 1890, 1920, 1860, 1820, 1810, 1850, 1870, 1900, 1900, 1920, 1750, 1850]];    labels_all = ["Apple(AAPL)", "Microsoft(MSFT)", "Amazon(AMZN)", "Google(GOOGL)", "Coca Cola(KO)"];        y_data = y_data_all(1:n, :)';    labels = labels_all(1:n);end
Horizon ChartData Intialization and PreprocessingFirst, we need to read the data and do some inital preprocessing to ensure that y is a 2d matrix and that x is either a 2d matrix with same dimensions as y or that x is 1d matrix with same number of rows as y. Labels is the individual title for each slice in the tiled layout. Note: All data is random and is for representation purposes only. The data is not indicative of real stock market data. Further, each column indicates the price of each stock for the years 2000 - 2021. n_stocks = 5;[y_data, x_data, labels] = GenerateRandomData(5);Let us create a basic horizon chartbasicHorizonChart = horizonChart(x_data, y_data);Let us add some labels to our chart. Here, each slice of the chart denotes the gdp of a country. So, we pass in country names as labels. basicHorizonChart = horizonChart(x_data, y_data, 6, 'Labels', labels);Color SchemeThe horizon chart's color scheme is split into two zones: above the baseline and below the baseline. The user is required to specify a color for each zone. The segments in the chart are colored with a darker shade of the specified color based on their distance from the baseline. To set colors for the segments above and below the baseline, we can..coloredHorizonChart = horizonChart(x_data, y_data, 6, 'Labels', labels, 'ColorAboveBaseline' , 'g' , 'ColorBelowBaseline' , 'm', 'Baseline', 1800);BaselineWe can also set the baseline according to our preferences. In this case, depending on distribution of data we accordingly rearrange the number of bands above the baseline/ below the baseline. baselineHorizonChart = horizonChart(x_data, y_data , 6, 'Labels', labels, 'Baseline', 2000);Labelling the chartTo decorate the chart, we can also add the X-Label, Y-Label and chart title. basicHorizonChart = horizonChart(x_data, y_data, 6, 'Labels', labels, 'XLabel', 'Time(in years)', 'YLabel', 'Stock Price(In USD)', 'Title', 'Stock Price over the years');

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该内容概述了一个使用MATLAB2022a的二维人脸图像三维重建算法。首先,通过人脸检测和对齐,然后运用深度信息估计技术(如Shape from Shading)获取表面法线。接着,结合预训练的三维人脸模型库和二维关键点,通过迭代优化和全局优化构建三维模型。核心程序涉及图像处理、光源方向转换、反射率和表面法线计算,最终重构高度图并显示结果。该方法依赖多视角图像,单幅图像重建可能存在挑战。
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