YouPorn占据整个互联网每秒流量2%, 100Gb/s, 300K queries/s, 是全球访问量最高的视频色情网站.
HAProxy->Varnish->Nginx-> PHP-FPM->Symfony2->Doctrine->HAProxy->Redis/MySQL
Datastore is the most interesting part. Initially they used MySQL but more than 200 million of pageviews and 300K query per second are too much to be handled using only MySQL. First try was to add ActiveMQ to enqueue writes but a separate Java infrastructure is too expensive to be maintained. Finally they add Redis in front of MySQL and use it as main datastore.
Now all reads come from Redis. MySQL is used to allow the building new sorted sets as requirements change and it’s highly normalized because it’s not used directly for the site. After the switchover additional Redis nodes were added, not because Redis was overworked, but because the network cards couldn’t keep up with Redis :D
Lists are stored in a sorted set and MySQL is used as source to rebuild them when needed. Pipelining allows Redis to be faster and Append-only-file (AOF) is an efficient strategy to easily backup data.