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flink table转datastream失败


table.printSchema(); streamTableEnv.toRetractStream(table, Types.ROW(TypeConversions.fromDataTypeToLegacyInfo(table.getSchema().getFieldDataTypes()))).print();

root |-- register_id: BIGINT |-- asi_uid: BIGINT |-- person_uuid: BIGINT |-- app_id: BIGINT |-- country_id: BIGINT |-- channel_id: STRING |-- device_id: STRING |-- adjust_id: STRING |-- google_adid: STRING |-- referrer: BIGINT |-- login_pwd: STRING |-- sync_data_flag: INT |-- register_phone_number: STRING |-- device_type: INT |-- imei: STRING |-- device_model: STRING |-- os_version: STRING |-- app_name: STRING |-- app_version: STRING |-- app_package_name: STRING |-- network_type: STRING |-- wifi_mac: STRING |-- longitude: DECIMAL(38, 18) |-- latitude: DECIMAL(38, 18) |-- geo_hash7: STRING |-- ip: STRING |-- register_time: BIGINT |-- etl_time: BIGINT NOT NULL

org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: BIGINT and VARCHAR(2147483647) does not have common type now*来自志愿者整理的flink

毛毛虫雨 2021-12-06 15:36:17 1365 分享 版权
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  • Hi, 我看其中一个 condition 是 t1.uid = t2.refer_id 其中 uid 是 bigint 类型,refer_id 是 varchar 类型。 你再确认下?*来自志愿者整理的flink

    2021-12-06 16:05:08
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