2020年9月30日 19:00左右创建了一个最基础的K8s集群,试用了几小时后,进行删除,但删除失败,后来又执行了几次删除,还是失败,智能在线里面关于K8s集群删除失败的常见原因中未找到匹配原因,而且从9月30日执行删除动作失败后,集群即处于不可用状态,但是还在不断计费,这下麻烦了,删又删不掉,还在不断计费, 日志里面相关错误信息如下,请高手指示该怎么办?
c06e78cbd233147e7baf275e241c54d6d | Resource DELETE failed: ResponseException: resources.k8s_sg: There is still instance(s) in the specified security group. Code: DependencyViolation RequestId: 00381E0B-3E22-47AF-8E17-3D3D1C21AEDB:
c06e78cbd233147e7baf275e241c54d6d | failed to remove autoscaling group,because of an error on the server ("Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)") has prevented the request from succeeding (get configmaps autoscaler-meta)
c06e78cbd233147e7baf275e241c54d6d | Update componet cluster-autoscaler encounter error : an error on the server ("Delete net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)") has prevented the request from succeeding (delete deployments.apps cluster-autoscaler)
c06e78cbd233147e7baf275e241c54d6d | Delete auto scaler component encounter error: an error on the server ("Delete net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)") has prevented the request from succeeding (delete deployments.apps cluster-autoscaler)
c06e78cbd233147e7baf275e241c54d6d | Resource DELETE failed: ResponseException: resources.k8s_nodes_sg: Ess should be authorized in ram to operate user resource. Code: UserNotAuthorizeEss RequestId: 56A4D034-A899-4F56-90DD-0072830B9ABA: