再发OSChina源码之 ActionServlet,控制类? 400 报错
ActionServlet 这个类在 OSChina 是负责处理表单请求的,所有以 /action 开头的请求,自己感觉还不甚满意,别拍我砖头。
package my.mvc; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; import my.db.DBException; import my.util.ResourceUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; /** * 业务处理方法入口,URI的映射逻辑: * /action/xxxxxx/xxxx -> com.dlog4j.action.XxxxxxAction.xxxx(req,res) * <pre> 林花谢了春红, 太匆匆, 无奈朝来寒雨晚来风。 胭脂泪, 相留醉, 几时重, 自是人生长恨水长东。 * </pre> * @author Winter Lau (http://my.oschina.net/javayou) */ public final class ActionServlet extends HttpServlet { private final static String ERROR_PAGE = "error_page"; private final static String GOTO_PAGE = "goto_page"; private final static String THIS_PAGE = "this_page"; private final static String ERROR_MSG = "error_msg"; private final static String UTF_8 = "utf-8"; private List<String> action_packages = null; private final static ThreadLocal<Boolean> g_json_enabled = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); @Override public void init() throws ServletException { String tmp = getInitParameter("packages"); action_packages = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(tmp,',')); String initial_actions = getInitParameter("initial_actions"); for(String action : StringUtils.split(initial_actions,',')) try { _LoadAction(action); } catch (Exception e) { log("Failed to initial action : " + action, e); } } @Override public void destroy() { for(Object action : actions.values()){ try{ Method dm = action.getClass().getMethod("destroy"); if(dm != null){ dm.invoke(action); log("!!!!!!!!! " + action.getClass().getSimpleName() + " destroy !!!!!!!!!"); } }catch(NoSuchMethodException e){ }catch(Exception e){ log("Unabled to destroy action: " + action.getClass().getSimpleName(), e); } } super.destroy(); } @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { process(RequestContext.get(), false); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { process(RequestContext.get(), true); } /** * 执行Action方法并进行返回处理、异常处理 * @param req * @param resp * @param is_post * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException */ protected void process(RequestContext req, boolean is_post) throws ServletException, IOException { try{ req.response().setContentType("text/html;charset=utf-8"); if(_process(req, is_post)){ String gp = req.param(GOTO_PAGE); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(gp)) req.redirect(gp); } }catch(InvocationTargetException e){ Throwable t = e.getCause(); if(t instanceof ActionException) handleActionException(req, (ActionException)t); else if(t instanceof DBException) handleDBException(req, (DBException)t); else throw new ServletException(t); }catch(ActionException t){ handleActionException(req, t); }catch(IOException e){ throw e; }catch(DBException e){ handleDBException(req, e); }catch(Exception e){ log("Exception in action process.", e); throw new ServletException(e); }finally{ g_json_enabled.remove(); } } /** * Action业务异常 * @param req * @param resp * @param t * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException */ protected void handleActionException(RequestContext req, ActionException t) throws ServletException, IOException { handleException(req, t.getMessage()); } protected void handleDBException(RequestContext req, DBException e) throws ServletException, IOException { log("DBException in action process.", e); handleException(req, ResourceUtils.getString("error", "database_exception", e.getCause().getMessage())); } /** * URL解码 * * @param url * @param charset * @return */ private static String _DecodeURL(String url, String charset) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(url)) return ""; try { return URLDecoder.decode(url, charset); } catch (Exception e) { } return url; } protected void handleException(RequestContext req, String msg) throws ServletException, IOException { String ep = req.param(ERROR_PAGE); if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(ep)){ if(ep.charAt(0)=='%') ep = _DecodeURL(ep, UTF_8); ep = ep.trim(); if(ep.charAt(0)!='/'){ req.redirect(req.contextPath()+"/"); } else{ req.request().setAttribute(ERROR_MSG, msg); req.forward(ep.trim()); } } else{ if(g_json_enabled.get()) req.output_json("msg", msg); else req.print(msg); } } /** * 业务逻辑处理 * @param req * @param resp * @param is_post_method * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IOException * @throws ServletException * @throws IOException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ private boolean _process(RequestContext req, boolean is_post) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { String requestURI = req.uri(); String[] parts = StringUtils.split(requestURI, '/'); if(parts.length<2){ req.not_found(); return false; } //加载Action类 Object action = this._LoadAction(parts[1]); if(action == null){ req.not_found(); return false; } String action_method_name = (parts.length>2)?parts[2]:"index"; Method m_action = this._GetActionMethod(action, action_method_name); if(m_action == null){ req.not_found(); return false; } //判断action方法是否只支持POST if (!is_post && m_action.isAnnotationPresent(Annotation.PostMethod.class)){ req.not_found(); return false; } g_json_enabled.set(m_action.isAnnotationPresent(Annotation.JSONOutputEnabled.class)); if(m_action.isAnnotationPresent(Annotation.UserRoleRequired.class)){ IUser loginUser = req.user(); if(loginUser == null){ String this_page = req.param(THIS_PAGE, ""); throw req.error("user_not_login", this_page); } if(loginUser.IsBlocked()) throw req.error("user_blocked"); Annotation.UserRoleRequired urr = (Annotation.UserRoleRequired)m_action.getAnnotation(Annotation.UserRoleRequired.class); if(loginUser.getRole() < urr.role()) throw req.error("user_role_deny"); } //调用Action方法之准备参数 int arg_c = m_action.getParameterTypes().length; switch(arg_c){ case 0: // login() m_action.invoke(action); break ; case 1: m_action.invoke(action, req); break; case 2: // login(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) m_action.invoke(action, req.request(), req.response()); break ; case 3: // login(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String[] extParams) StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(); for(int i=3;i<parts.length;i++){ if(StringUtils.isBlank(parts[i])) continue; if(args.length() > 0) args.append('/'); args.append(parts[i]); } boolean isLong = m_action.getParameterTypes()[2].equals(long.class); m_action.invoke(action, req.request(), req.response(), isLong ? NumberUtils.toLong( args.toString(), -1L) : args.toString()); break ; default: req.not_found(); return false; } return true; } /** * 加载Action类 * @param act_name * @return * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ protected Object _LoadAction(String act_name) throws InstantiationException,IllegalAccessException { Object action = actions.get(act_name); if(action == null){ for(String pkg : action_packages){ String cls = pkg + '.' + StringUtils.capitalize(act_name) + "Action"; action = _LoadActionOfFullname(act_name, cls); if(action != null) break; } } return action ; } private Object _LoadActionOfFullname(String act_name, String cls) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { Object action = null; try { action = Class.forName(cls).newInstance(); try{ Method action_init_method = action.getClass().getMethod("init", ServletContext.class); action_init_method.invoke(action, getServletContext()); }catch(NoSuchMethodException e){ }catch(InvocationTargetException excp) { excp.printStackTrace(); } if(!actions.containsKey(act_name)){ synchronized(actions){ actions.put(act_name, action); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException excp) {} return action; } /** * 获取名为{method}的方法 * @param action * @param method * @return */ private Method _GetActionMethod(Object action, String method) { String key = action.getClass().getSimpleName() + '.' + method; Method m = methods.get(key); if(m != null) return m; for(Method m1 : action.getClass().getMethods()){ if(m1.getModifiers()==Modifier.PUBLIC && m1.getName().equals(method)){ synchronized(methods){ methods.put(key, m1); } return m1 ; } } return null; } private final static HashMap<String, Object> actions = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private final static HashMap<String, Method> methods = new HashMap<String, Method>(); }
######红薯大哥 太牛逼了,收藏了