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图像搜索的API 错误码有哪些?

图像搜索的API 错误码有哪些?

保持可爱mmm 2020-03-27 10:54:21 1224 0
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  • 用户级别错误 错误代码 HTTP状态码 错误描述 说明 NoPermission 403 You are not authorized to perform this operation. 没有权限执行当前操作 BadRequest 400 The request has invalid parameters. 无效的请求 InstanceStatusError 409 Your instance is unavailable. 实例状态不可用,比如欠费 DeniedRequest 403 Your request was denied due to instance flow control. 请求被限流 InvalidInstance 400 The specified instance name is invalid. 无效的实例名 NoCaretSeperator 400 The body content is missing the ^ separator. Body中缺少^分隔符 EmptyMeta 400 The body content has an empty meta field. Body中Meta是空的 InvalidMetaItem 400 The meta field is invalid. 无效的Meta项 NoPicList 400 The body content is missing the pic_list parameter. Body中没有指定pic_list参数 InvalidPicList 400 The specified pic_list parameter is invalid. 无效的pic_list参数 NoSpecifiedPic 400 The content of an image is not specified in the HTTP POST body. 某个图像的内容没有在body中指定 NoSpecifiedSearchPic 400 The search image is not specified. 没有指定需要查询的图像 InvalidCategory 400 The specified category is invalid. 无效的类目 OverflowMaxResultNum 400 The specified number of total results exceeds the maximum of 500. 超过最大返回结果数500 OverflowMaxReturnNum 400 The specified number of results for each request exceeds the maximum of 100. 超过每次最大返回结果数100 InvalidStartParameter 400 The specified parameter s is invalid. 无效的参数s InvalidNumParameter 400 The specified parameter n is invalid. 无效的参数n NoSpecifiedAddPic 400 The image to insert is not specified. 没有指定新增的图片 NoSpecifiedItemId 400 The item_id parameter is not specified. item_id参数没有指定 InvalidIntAttr 400 The specified int_attr field is invalid. 无效的int_attr字段值 UnsupportedPicFormat 400 The specified image format is invalid. 不支持的图像格式 InvalidFilterClause 400 The specified filtering condition is invalid. 无效的filter条件 InstanceOverQuota 400 The number of items exceeds the limit. 实例数据量超过配额 IncorrectOrientation 400 The image contains incorrect rotation flags in the meta data. 图像中包含不正确的旋转信息 UnsupportedPicPixels 400 The specified pixels is not supported. 不支持的图像像素 SearchTimeout 400 The request is timed out. 引擎查询超时 PicNotExist 400 The search picture does not exist. 搜索指定的图片在实例中不存在 NoSpecifiedProductId 400 The parameter ProductId no specified. ProductId参数没有指定 NoSpecifiedPicName 400 The parameter PicName no specified. PicName参数没有指定 NoSpecifiedPicContent 400 The parameter PicContent no specified. PicContent参数没有指定 InvalidType 400 The specified parameter Type is not valid. 无效的参数Type InvalidProductId 400 The specified parameter ProductId is not valid. 无效的参数ProductId InvalidPicName 400 The specified parameter PicName is not valid. 无效的参数PicName InvalidStrAttr 400 The specified parameter StrAttr is not valid. 无效的参数StrAttr InvalidCustomContent 400 The specified parameter CustomContent is not valid. 无效的参数CustomContent InvalidPicContent 400 The specified parameter PicContent length greater than 2 1024 1024. 图片大小超2MB TimeoutForTransferImage 400 Timeout after 5 seconds waiting for images transfer to complete. 传输图片5秒超时 系统级别错误 错误代码 HTTP状态码 错误描述 说明 ​NetworkException ​500 ​A network error occurred. 系统网络异常 ​RequestTimeout ​500 ​The request is timeout. 请求超时 UnsupportedInstanceType 500 The instance type is not supported. 不支持的实例类型 UnsupportedOperationType 500 The specified action is not supported. 不支持的操作类型 ExtractFeatureTimeout 500 The request was timed out while extracting features. 提取特征超时 AccessEngineFailed 500 An error occurred while accessing the search engine. 访问引擎失败 InternalOssError 500 An internal OAS error occurred. 内部OAS错误 InternalSwiftError 500 An internal SWIFT error occurred. 内部SWIFT错误 InternalTableStoreError 500 An internal Table Store error occurred. 内部TableStore错误 InternalError 500 An internal server error occurred. 内部错误

    2020-03-27 10:54:57
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