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PAI 训练后的结果数据如何下载?


写到了 dataworks 中,但在PAI 和 dataworks 中均找不到下载的地方。 体验这么差吗?

pwdking 2020-01-06 21:04:32 1857 分享 版权
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    (1)PAI训练模型后,结果表和中间表均为maxcompute的表,可以通过tunnel下载; (2)参考链接,https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/27833.html?spm=a2c4g.11174283.2.32.5044590eFc9ys7 (3)可以去命令行, odps@ project_name>tunnel help download; usage:tunnel download [options] <[project.]table[/partition]> download data to local file -c,-charset specify file charset, default ignore. set ignore to download raw data -ci,-columns-index specify the columns index(starts from 0) to download, use comma to split each index -cn,-columns-name specify the columns name to download, use comma to split each name -cp,-compress compress, default true -dfp,-date-format-pattern specify date format pattern, default yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss -e,-exponential When download double values, use exponential express if necessary. Otherwise at most 20 digits will be reserved. Default false -fd,-field-delimiter specify field delimiter, support unicode, eg \u0001. default "," -h,-header if local file should have table header, default false -limit specify the number of records to download -ni,-null-indicator specify null indicator string, default ""(empty string) -rd,-record-delimiter specify record delimiter, support unicode, eg \u0001. default "\r\n" -sd,-session-dir set session dir, default D:\software\odpscmd_public\plugins\dshi p -te,-tunnel_endpoint tunnel endpoint -threads number of threads, default 1 -tz,-time-zone time zone, default local timezone: Asia/Shanghai usage: tunnel download [options] instance://<[project/]instance_id> download instance result to local file -c,-charset specify file charset, default ignore. set ignore to download raw data -ci,-columns-index specify the columns index(starts from 0) to download, use comma to split each index -cn,-columns-name specify the columns name to download, use comma to split each name -cp,-compress compress, default true -dfp,-date-format-pattern specify date format pattern, default yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss -e,-exponential When download double values, use exponential express if necessary. Otherwise at most 20 digits will be reserved. Default false -fd,-field-delimiter specify field delimiter, support unicode, eg \u0001. default "," -h,-header if local file should have table header, default false -limit specify the number of records to download -ni,-null-indicator specify null indicator string, default ""(empty string) -rd,-record-delimiter specify record delimiter, support unicode, eg \u0001. default "\r\n" -sd,-session-dir set session dir, default D:\software\odpscmd_public\plugins\dshi p -te,-tunnel_endpoint tunnel endpoint -threads number of threads, default 1 -tz,-time-zone time zone, default local timezone: Asia/Shanghai Example: tunnel download test_project.test_table/p1="b1",p2="b2" log.txt //下载指定表数据 tunnel download instance://test_project/test_instance log.txt //下载指定Instance的执行结果

    2020-03-02 09:02:02
    赞同 展开评论