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Production site of several procedures:
First, site location analysis:
Whatis the purpose enterprise network? How to fully exploit the advantagesof networking sites, how to rationally organize site content andfunctionality to meet customer needs? Amoy Xin strategy needs analysisand site will give you a personalized analysis.
Second, the site features, columns, structural demand analysis:
Whatare the functional site, columns with the customer's needs? How theeconomic rationality of the construction site to complete the goal?Functional Analysis Web site will help you clear the need for thefunction of sites, the achievement of the mechanism and the relationshipbetween processes.
Third, the site navigation and user flow analysis:
Website navigation or a direct impact on the rational use of comfort tothe user or not, how the customer needs to establish a rational sitenavigation? Of course, we are talking about a broad sense navigationnavigation, something that needs to be more specific as the userprocesses, a good navigation should be designed to stand on the user'spoint of view to consider specific issues, for example: when a uservisited a particular information After that, he do next? Web sitethrough effective information to guide?Fourth, to the keyword as the core organizational strategy website:
Website information so why should we do as the core keyword? Fundamentallyspeaking, this web site solely for the purpose of marketing, thepromotion of the needs of the network, we have created the ultimate goalof the site through the network in order to attract more potentialcustomers, the most important question now is how to enable visitors tofind us, it is clear that , a feature of the website information caneasily be submerged in the massive search engine information. We haveintroduced to the contents of the keyword as the core organizationalstrategy is to gradually work out the effective exploration of thesearch engine ranking methods and friendly, and has been confirmed inpractice

纸鸳鸯 2015-05-15 17:13:01 11499 0
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