{'word': 'slack',
'phonetic': '/slak/',
'meaning': {'adjective': [{'definition': 'Not taut or held tightly in position; loose.',
'example': 'a slack rope',
'synonyms': ['loose',
'not taut',
'not tight',
{'definition': '(of business) characterized by a lack of work or activity; quiet.',
'example': 'business was rather slack'},
{'definition': 'Having or showing laziness or negligence.',
'example': 'slack accounting procedures',
'synonyms': ['lax',
{'definition': '(of a tide) neither ebbing nor flowing.',
'example': 'soon the water will become slack, and the tide will turn'}],
'noun': [{'definition': 'The part of a rope or line which is not held taut; the loose or unused part.',
'example': 'I picked up the rod and wound in the slack',
'synonyms': ['looseness', 'play', 'give']},
{'definition': 'Casual trousers.'},
{'definition': 'A spell of inactivity or laziness.',
'example': 'he slept deeply, refreshed by a little slack in the daily routine',
'synonyms': ['lull',
'spell of inactivity',
'breathing space']}],
'verb': [{'definition': 'Loosen (something, especially a rope).'},
{'definition': 'Decrease or reduce in intensity, quantity, or speed.',
'example': 'the flow of blood slacked off',
'synonyms': ['reduce',
'ease off',
'ease up']},
{'definition': 'Work slowly or lazily.',
'example': 'she reprimanded her girls if they were slacking',
'synonyms': ['idle',
'be inactive',
'be lazy',
'be indolent',
'sit back and do nothing',
'waste time',
'lounge about']},
{'definition': 'Slake (lime).'}],
'adverb': [{'definition': 'Loosely.',
'example': 'their heads were hanging slack in attitudes of despair'}]}}
这就是 slack这个词的意思。为了理解这个含义,我们可以谷歌含义或只是使用以下代码:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
from io import StringIO
import requests
word = 'slack'
url = 'https://googledictionaryapi.eu-gb.mybluemix.net/?define=' + word
response = requests.get(url)
content = response.content.decode('utf-8') # list of ugly strings
j = json.loads(content) # json list having nested dictionary
j = j[0]
j.keys() # dict_keys(['word', 'phonetic', 'meaning'])
j['meaning'].keys() # dict_keys(['adjective', 'noun', 'verb', 'adverb'])
j'meaning'[0].keys() # dict_keys(['definition', 'example', 'synonyms'])
如何获得有4 * 3 = 12列数据框,与像列名adjective_definition,adjective_example,..., verb_synonyms?
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
from io import StringIO
import requests
word = 'slack'
url = 'https://googledictionaryapi.eu-gb.mybluemix.net/?define=' + word
response = requests.get(url)
content = response.content.decode('utf-8') # list of ugly strings
j = json.loads(content) # json list having nested dictionary
j = j[0]
df_adj = json_normalize(data=j['meaning'], record_path=["adjective"], record_prefix="adjective.")
df_verb = json_normalize(data=j['meaning'], record_path=["verb"], record_prefix="verb.")
df_adv = json_normalize(data=j['meaning'], record_path=["adverb"], record_prefix="adverb.")
df_noun = json_normalize(data=j['meaning'], record_path=["noun"], record_prefix="noun.")
df = pd.concat([df_adj, df_verb, df_adv, df_noun], axis=1)