
简介: ML之catboost:catboost的CatBoostRegressor函数源代码简介、解读之详细攻略




class CatBoostRegressor Found at: catboost.core

class CatBoostRegressor(CatBoost):

    _estimator_type = 'regressor'


    Implementation of the scikit-learn API for CatBoost regression.



    Like in CatBoostClassifier, except loss_function, classes_count, class_names and class_weights

    loss_function : string, [default='RMSE']









实现scikit-learn API的CatBoost回归。



像CatBoostClassifier,除了loss_function, classes_count, class_names和class_weights

    def __init__(









































































































        params = {}

        not_params = ["not_params", "self", "params", "__class__"]

        for key, value in iteritems(locals().copy()):

            if key not in not_params and value is not None:

                params[key] = value


        super(CatBoostRegressor, self).__init__(params)

    def fit(self, X, y=None, cat_features=None, sample_weight=None, baseline=None,


        eval_set=None, verbose=None, logging_level=None, plot=False,


        verbose_eval=None, metric_period=None, silent=None, early_stopping_rounds=None,

        save_snapshot=None, snapshot_file=None, snapshot_interval=None, init_model=None):


        Fit the CatBoost model.



        X : catboost.Pool or list or numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series. If not catboost.Pool, 2 dimensional Feature matrix or string - file with dataset.

        y : list or numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series, optional (default=None). Labels, 1 dimensional array like. Use only if X is not catboost.Pool.

        cat_features : list or numpy.ndarray, optional (default=None). If not None, giving the list of Categ columns indices.Use only if X is not catboost.Pool.

        sample_weight : list or numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series, optional (default=None). Instance weights, 1 dimensional array like.

        baseline : list or numpy.ndarray, optional (default=None). If not None, giving 2 dimensional array like data. Use only if X is not catboost.Pool.

        use_best_model : bool, optional (default=None). Flag to use best model

        eval_set : catboost.Pool or list, optional (default=None). A list of (X, y) tuple pairs to use as a validation set for early-stopping

        metric_period : int. Frequency of evaluating metrics.

        verbose : bool or int. If verbose is bool, then if set to True, logging_level is set to Verbose, if set to False, logging_level is set to Silent. If verbose is int, it determines the frequency of writing metrics to output and logging_level is set to Verbose.

        silent : bool. If silent is True, logging_level is set to Silent.  If silent is False, logging_level is set to Verbose.

        logging_level : string, optional (default=None). Possible values:

                - 'Silent'

                - 'Verbose'

                - 'Info'

                - 'Debug'

        plot : bool, optional (default=False). If True, draw train and eval error in Jupyter notebook

        verbose_eval : bool or int.  Synonym for verbose. Only one of these parameters should be set.

        early_stopping_rounds : int. Activates Iter overfitting detector with od_wait set to early_stopping_rounds.

        save_snapshot : bool, [default=None]. Enable progress snapshotting for restoring progress after crashes or interruptions

        snapshot_file : string, [default=None]. Learn progress snapshot file path, if None will use default filename  snapshot_interval: int, [default=600]. Interval between saving snapshots (seconds)

        init_model : CatBoost class or string, [default=None]. Continue training starting from the existing model. If this parameter is a string, load initial model from the path specified by this string.



        model : CatBoost


        params = deepcopy(self._init_params)


        if 'loss_function' in params:   

X: catboost。pool或list或numpy。ndarray或pandas.DataFrame或pandas.Series。如果不是catboost。Pool,二维特征矩阵或字符串文件与数据集。

y: list或numpy。ndarray或pandas.DataFrame或pandas.Series。可选(默认= None)。标签,类似于一维数组。仅当X不是catboost.Pool时使用。

cat_features: list或numpy.ndarray,可选(默认= None)。如果不是None,则给出类别列索引的列表。仅当X不是catboost.Pool时使用。

sample_weight:列表或numpy。ndarray或pandas.DataFrame或pandas.Series,可选(默认= None)。实例权重,类似于一维数组。

baseline:列表或numpy。ndarray,可选(默认= None)。如果不是None,则给出像data这样的二维数组。仅当X不是catboost.Pool时使用。

use_best_model: bool,可选(默认为None)。标记使用最佳模型

eval_set: catboost。Pool或列表,可选(默认为None)。(X, y)元组对的列表,用作早期停止的验证集

metric_period: int。评估指标的频率。

verbose: bool或int。如果verbose是bool,那么如果设置为True, logging_level将设置为verbose,如果设置为False, logging_level将设置为Silent。如果verbose为int,则它确定向输出写入指标的频率,并将logging_level设置为verbose。

silent : bool。如果silent为True, loging_level设置为silent。如果silent为False, loging_level设置为Verbose。






plot: bool,可选(默认=False)。如果为真,在Jupyter中绘制训练集和测试集的error

verbose_eval: bool或int。详细的同义词。应该只设置这些参数中的一个。

early_stopping_rounds: int。激活Iter过拟合检测器,od_wait设置为early_stopping_rounds。

save_snapshot: bool, [default=None]。启用进度快照,以便在崩溃或中断后恢复进度

snapshot_file: string, [default=None]。学习进度快照文件路径,如果没有将使用默认文件名snapshot_interval: int,[默认=600]。保存快照的时间间隔(秒)

init_model: CatBoost类或字符串,[default=None]。从现有的模式开始继续培训。如果该参数为字符串,则从该字符串指定的路径加载初始模型。


        return self._fit(X, y, cat_features, None, None, None, sample_weight, None, None, None,

         None, baseline,

            use_best_model, eval_set, verbose, logging_level, plot, column_description,

            verbose_eval, metric_period, silent, early_stopping_rounds,

            save_snapshot, snapshot_file, snapshot_interval, init_model)


    def predict(self, data, prediction_type=None, ntree_start=0, ntree_end=0, thread_count=-

     1, verbose=None):


        Predict with data.



        data : catboost.Pool or list of features or list of lists or numpy.ndarray or pandas. DataFrame or pandas.Series or catboost.FeaturesData. Data to apply model on. If data is a simple list (not list of lists) or a one-dimensional numpy.ndarray it is interpreted as a list of features for a single object.

        prediction_type : string, optional (default='RawFormulaVal').  Can be:

            - 'RawFormulaVal' : return raw formula value.

            - 'Exponent' : return Exponent of raw formula value.

        ntree_start: int, optional (default=0)

            Model is applied on the interval [ntree_start, ntree_end) (zero-based indexing).

        ntree_end: int, optional (default=0)

            Model is applied on the interval [ntree_start, ntree_end) (zero-based indexing). If value equals to 0 this parameter is ignored and ntree_end equal to tree_count_.

        thread_count : int (default=-1). The number of threads to use when applying the model. Allows you to optimize the speed of execution. This parameter doesn't affect results. If -1, then the number of threads is set to the number of CPU cores.

        verbose : bool. If True, writes the evaluation metric measured set to stderr.



        prediction : If data is for a single object, the return value is single float formula return value otherwise one-dimensional numpy.ndarray of formula return values for each object.


        if prediction_type is None:

            prediction_type = self._get_default_prediction_type()

        return self._predict(data, prediction_type, ntree_start, ntree_end, thread_count, verbose,




data : catboost。池或特性列表或列表的列表或numpy。ndarray或熊猫。DataFrame或熊猫。系列或catboost.FeaturesData。应用模型的数据。如果data是一个简单的列表(不是列表的列表)或一维numpy。ndarray它被解释为一个对象的特性列表。

prediction_type :字符串,可选(默认为'RawFormulaVal')。可以是:

- 'RawFormulaVal':返回原始公式值。

- 'Exponent':返回原始公式值的指数。

ntree_start: int,可选(默认为0)

模型应用于区间[ntree_start, ntree_end)(从零开始索引)。

ntree_end:  int,可选(默认为0)

模型应用于区间[ntree_start, ntree_end)(从零开始索引)。如果value等于0,则忽略该参数,ntree_end等于tree_count_。

thread_count :int(默认=-1)。应用模型时要使用的线程数。允许您优化执行速度。此参数不影响结果。如果-1,则线程数设置为CPU核数。

verbose :bool。如果为真,则将评估度量值写入stderr。




    def staged_predict(self, data, prediction_type='RawFormulaVal', ntree_start=0,

     ntree_end=0, eval_period=1, thread_count=-1, verbose=None):


        Predict target at each stage for data.



        data : catboost.Pool or list of features or list of lists or numpy.ndarray or pandas. DataFrame or pandas.Series or catboost.FeaturesData. Data to apply model on. If data is a simple list (not list of lists) or a one-dimensional numpy.ndarray it is interpreted as a list of features for a single object.

        ntree_start: int, optional (default=0). Model is applied on the interval [ntree_start, ntree_end) with the step eval_period (zero-based indexing).

        ntree_end: int, optional (default=0).Model is applied on the interval [ntree_start, ntree_end) with the step eval_period (zero-based indexing). If value equals to 0 this parameter is ignored and ntree_end equal to tree_count_.

        eval_period: int, optional (default=1). Model is applied on the interval [ntree_start, ntree_end) with the step eval_period (zero-based indexing).

        thread_count : int (default=-1). The number of threads to use when applying the model. Allows you to optimize the speed of execution. This parameter doesn't affect results. If -1, then the number of threads is set to the number of CPU cores.

        verbose : bool. If True, writes the evaluation metric measured set to stderr.



        prediction : generator for each iteration that generates:If data is for a single object, the return value is single float formula return value  otherwise one-dimensional numpy.ndarray of formula return values for each object.


        return self._staged_predict(data, prediction_type, ntree_start, ntree_end, eval_period,

         thread_count, verbose, 'staged_predict')

  data : catboost。池或特性列表或列表的列表或numpy。ndarray或DataFrame 或pandas.Series or catboost.FeaturesData。应用模型的数据。如果data是一个简单的列表(不是列表的列表)或一维numpy。ndarray它被解释为一个对象的特性列表。

ntree_start: int,可选(默认为0)。模型应用于间隔[ntree_start, ntree_end),步长为eval_period(从零开始索引)。

ntree_end:int,可选(默认为0)。模型应用于间隔[ntree_start, ntree_end),步长为eval_period(从零开始索引)。如果value等于0,则忽略该参数,ntree_end等于tree_count_。

eval_period:  int,可选(默认为1)。模型应用于间隔[ntree_start, ntree_end),步长为eval_period(从零开始索引)。

thread_count : int(默认=-1)。应用模型时要使用的线程数。允许您优化执行速度。此参数不影响结果。如果-1,则线程数设置为CPU核数。

verbose :bool。如果为真,则将评估度量值写入stderr。



prediction :为每个迭代生成的生成器:如果数据是针对单个对象的,则返回值为单个float公式返回值,否则为一维numpy。ndarray的公式返回每个对象的值。

    def score(self, X, y=None):


        Calculate R^2.



        X : catboost.Pool or list or numpy.ndarray or pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series.Data to apply model on.

        : list or numpy.ndarray.True labels.



        R^2 : float


        if isinstance(X, Pool):

            if y is not None:

                raise CatBoostError("Wrong initializing y: X is catboost.Pool object, y must be

                 initialized inside catboost.Pool.")

            y = X.get_label()

            if y is None:

                raise CatBoostError("Label in X has not initialized.")

        elif y is None:

            raise CatBoostError("y should be specified.")

        y = np.array(y, dtype=np.float64)

        predictions = self._predict(X,







        loss = self._object._get_loss_function_name()

        if loss == 'RMSEWithUncertainty':

            predictions = predictions[:0]

        total_sum_of_squares = np.sum((y - y.mean(axis=0)) ** 2)

        residual_sum_of_squares = np.sum((y - predictions) ** 2)

        return 1 - residual_sum_of_squares / total_sum_of_squares

    def _check_is_regressor_loss(self, loss_function):

        is_regression = self._is_regression_objective(loss_function) or self.


        if isinstance(loss_function, str) and not is_regression:

            raise CatBoostError("Invalid loss_function='{}': for regressor use "

                "RMSE, MultiRMSE, MAE, Quantile, LogLinQuantile, Poisson, MAPE, Lq or custom

                 objective object".format(loss_function))


    def _get_default_prediction_type(self):

        # TODO(ilyzhin) change on get_all_params after MLTOOLS-4758

        params = deepcopy(self._init_params)


        loss_function = params.get('loss_function')

        if loss_function and isinstance(loss_function, str):

            if loss_function.startswith('Poisson') or loss_function.startswith('Tweedie'):

                return 'Exponent'

            if loss_function == 'RMSEWithUncertainty':

                return 'RMSEWithUncertainty'

        return 'RawFormulaVal'

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