🚀 1.母亲节起源
母亲节(Mother’s Day),是一个感谢母亲的节日。现代的母亲节起源于美国,是每年5月的第二个星期日。母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草.
🚀 2.母亲节表达
🌈 1.1 SQL算出母亲节日期
year(curdate()) ‘年份’,
month(curdate()) ‘月份’,
weekofyear(curdate()) ‘本年周’,
dayofyear(curdate()) ‘本年天’,
DATE_FORMAT(now(), ‘%Y-%m-%d’) ‘日期’,
TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,‘1913-05-01’, DATE_FORMAT(now(), ‘%Y-%m-%d’)) ‘多少个母亲节’\G
🚩 Oracle
to_char(sysdate, ‘yyyy’) 年份,
to_char(sysdate, ‘MM’) 月份,
to_char(sysdate,‘iw’) 本年周,
to_char(sysdate,‘DDD’) 本年天,
to_char(sysdate, ‘yyyy-mm-dd’) 日期,
trunc(months_between(sysdate,to_date(‘19130501’,‘yyyymmdd’))/12) 多少个母亲节
from dual;
🚩 postgreSQL
to_char(now(),‘yyyy’) “年份”,
to_char(now(),‘mm’) “月份”,
date_part(‘week’, now()) “本年周”,
extract(doy from now()) “本年天”,
to_char(now(), ‘yyyy-mm-dd’) 日期,
extract(‘year’ from now())-extract(‘year’ from to_date(‘1913-05-01’, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)) 多少个母亲节;
🌈 2.2 python绘图
import numpy import multidict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.misc import imread from wordcloud import WordCloud, ImageColorGenerator def transform_format(val): """ 用于去除杂色 Arguments: val {[array]} -- RGB颜色组 Returns: [array] -- 去除杂色后的值 """ if val[0] > 245 and val[1] > 245 and val[2] > 245: val[0] = val[1] = val[2] = 255 return val else: return val def gen_happy_birthday_cloud(file, name): words = multidict.MultiDict() # 必须先初始化两个最大权重的 words.add('母亲节快乐', 10) words.add(name, 12) # 随意插入新的词语 for i in range(1000): words.add('妈妈', numpy.random.randint(1, 5)) words.add('您辛苦了', numpy.random.randint(1, 5)) words.add(name, numpy.random.randint(1, 5)) # 设定图片 bimg = imread(file) for color in range(len(bimg)): bimg[color] = list(map(transform_format, bimg[color])) wordcloud = WordCloud( background_color='white', mask=bimg, font_path='simhei.ttf' ).generate_from_frequencies(words) # 生成词云 bimgColors = ImageColorGenerator(bimg) # 渲染词云 plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(wordcloud.recolor(color_func=bimgColors)) plt.savefig(name + '.png') plt.show() gen_happy_birthday_cloud("mother.jpg", "母亲节快乐")
🌈 2.3.java求指定年份母亲节日期
public class Mother { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("请输入年份:"); int year = in.nextInt(); //获取当前时间 Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); //设置年份 c.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); //设置月份(从0开始,母亲节是五月份第二个星期日,故设置为:4) c.set(Calendar.MONTH,4); //五月份最大的天数 int maxDate=c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE); int sunDays=0; for (int i = 1; i <=maxDate ; i++) { c.set(Calendar.DATE,i); //判断是周日 if(c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SUNDAY) { sunDays ++; //第二个周日 //退出循环 if(sunDays== 2) { break; } } } String date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(c.getTime()); System.out.printf("%s年的母亲节是:%s",year,date); } }