Google Earth Engine ——MYD11A2中的每个像素值是该8天内收集的所有相应的MOD11A1 LST像素的简单平均值1km分辨率

简介: Google Earth Engine ——MYD11A2中的每个像素值是该8天内收集的所有相应的MOD11A1 LST像素的简单平均值1km分辨率

The MYD11A2 V6 product provides an average 8-day land surface temperature (LST) in a 1200 x 1200 kilometer grid. Each pixel value in MYD11A2 is a simple average of all the corresponding MOD11A1 LST pixels collected within that 8 day period. The 8 day compositing period was chosen because twice that period is the exact ground track repeat period of the Aqua and Aqua platforms. In this product, along with both the day- and night-time surface temperature bands and their quality indicator (QC) layers, are also MODIS bands 31 and 32 and eight observation layers.


MYD11A2 V6产品提供了一个1200 x 1200公里网格内的8天平均陆地表面温度(LST)。MYD11A2中的每个像素值是该8天内收集的所有相应的MOD11A1 LST像素的简单平均值。选择8天的合成期是因为这段时间的两倍正是Aqua和Aqua平台的地面轨道重复期。在这个产品中,除了白天和夜间的地表温度带及其质量指标(QC)层之外,还有MODIS的31和32带以及8个观测层。

Dataset Availability

2002-07-04T00:00:00 - 2021-09-14T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



1000 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min Max Units Scale Offset
LST_Day_1km Day land surface temperature 7500 65535 Kelvin 0.02 0
QC_Day Daytime LST quality indicators 0 0
QC_Day Bitmask
  • Bits 0-1: Mandatory QA flags
    • 0: Pixel produced, good quality, not necessary to examine more detailed QA
    • 1: Pixel produced, unreliable or unquantifiable quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA
    • 2: Pixel not produced due to cloud effects
    • 3: Pixel not produced primarily due to reasons other than cloud (such as ocean pixel, poor input data)
  • Bits 2-3: Data quality flag
    • 0: Good data quality
    • 1: Other quality data
    • 2: TBD
    • 3: TBD
  • Bits 4-5: Emissivity error flag
    • 0: Average emissivity error ≤ 0.01
    • 1: Average emissivity error ≤ 0.02
    • 2: Average emissivity error ≤ 0.04
    • 3: Average emissivity error > 0.04
  • Bits 6-7: LST error flag
    • 0: Average LST error ≤ 1K
    • 1: Average LST error ≤ 2K
    • 2: Average LST error ≤ 3K
    • 3: Average LST error > 3K
Day_view_time Local time of day observation 0 240 Hours 0.1 0
Day_view_angl View zenith angle of day observation 0 130 Degrees 1 -65
LST_Night_1km Night land surface temperature 7500 65635 Kelvin 0.02 0
QC_Night Nighttime LST quality indicators 0 0
QC_Night Bitmask
  • Bits 0-1: Mandatory QA flags
    • 0: Pixel produced, good quality, not necessary to examine more detailed QA
    • 1: Pixel produced, unreliable or unquantifiable quality, recommend examination of more detailed QA
    • 2: Pixel not produced due to cloud effects
    • 3: Pixel not produced primarily due to reasons other than cloud (such as ocean pixel, poor input data)
  • Bits 2-3: Data quality flag
    • 0: Good data quality
    • 1: Other quality data
    • 2: TBD
    • 3: TBD
  • Bits 4-5: Emissivity error flag
    • 0: Average emissivity error ≤ 0.01
    • 1: Average emissivity error ≤ 0.02
    • 2: Average emissivity error ≤ 0.04
    • 3: Average emissivity error > 0.04
  • Bits 6-7: LST error flag
    • 0: Average LST error ≤ 1K
    • 1: Average LST error ≤ 2K
    • 2: Average LST error ≤ 3K
    • 3: Average LST error > 3K
Night_view_time Local time of night observation 0 240 Hours 0.1 0
Night_view_angl View zenith angle of night observation 0 130 Degrees 1 -65
Emis_31 Band 31 emissivity 1 255 0.002 0.49
Emis_32 Band 32 emissivity 1 255 0.002 0.49
Clear_sky_days Days in clear-sky conditions 0 0
Clear_sky_days Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Day 1 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 1 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 1 is clear-sky
  • Bit 1: Day 2 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 2 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 2 is clear-sky
  • Bit 2: Day 3 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 3 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 3 is clear-sky
  • Bit 3: Day 4 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 4 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 4 is clear-sky
  • Bit 4: Day 5 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 5 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 5 is clear-sky
  • Bit 5: Day 6 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 6 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 6 is clear-sky
  • Bit 6: Day 7 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 7 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 7 is clear-sky
  • Bit 7: Day 8 clear sky flag
    • 0: Day 8 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Day 8 is clear-sky
Clear_sky_nights Nights in clear-sky conditions 0 0
Clear_sky_nights Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Night 1 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 1 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 1 is clear-sky
  • Bit 1: Night 2 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 2 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 2 is clear-sky
  • Bit 2: Night 3 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 3 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 3 is clear-sky
  • Bit 3: Night 4 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 4 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 4 is clear-sky
  • Bit 4: Night 5 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 5 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 5 is clear-sky
  • Bit 5: Night 6 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 6 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 6 is clear-sky
  • Bit 6: Night 7 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 7 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 7 is clear-sky
  • Bit 7: Night 8 clear sky flag
    • 0: Night 8 is not clear-sky
    • 1: Night 8 is clear-sky


MODIS data and products acquired through the LP DAAC have no restrictions on subsequent use, sale, or redistribution.




var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MYD11A2')
                  .filter('2018-01-01', '2018-05-01'));
var landSurfaceTemperature ='LST_Day_1km');
var landSurfaceTemperatureVis = {
  min: 14000.0,
  max: 16000.0,
  palette: [
    '040274', '040281', '0502a3', '0502b8', '0502ce', '0502e6',
    '0602ff', '235cb1', '307ef3', '269db1', '30c8e2', '32d3ef',
    '3be285', '3ff38f', '86e26f', '3ae237', 'b5e22e', 'd6e21f',
    'fff705', 'ffd611', 'ffb613', 'ff8b13', 'ff6e08', 'ff500d',
    'ff0000', 'de0101', 'c21301', 'a71001', '911003'
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 2);
    landSurfaceTemperature, landSurfaceTemperatureVis,
    'Land Surface Temperature');

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