Google Earth Engine——植被统计数据集中的图像包含用于计算NTT的 “反转校正t统计“,NTT是由MODIS NDVI得出的植被颜色指数,FORMA用来测量褐化。

简介: Google Earth Engine——植被统计数据集中的图像包含用于计算NTT的 “反转校正t统计“,NTT是由MODIS NDVI得出的植被颜色指数,FORMA用来测量褐化。

NOTE from WRI: WRI decided to stop updating FORMA alerts. The goal was to simplify the Global Forest Watch user experience and reduce redundancy. We found that Terra-i and GLAD were more frequently used. Moreover, using GLAD as a standard, found that Terra-i outperformed FORMA globally.

FORMA alerts are detected using a combination of two MODIS products: NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and FIRMS (Fires Information for Resource Management System). NDVI updates are processed every 16 days, while fire updates are processed daily. Models are developed individually for each ecogroup to relate the two inputs to the area of clearing, using the Hansen annual tree cover loss data to train the model. The minimum threshold to qualify as an alert is 25% of the pixel cleared, though thresholds vary by ecogroup to minimize false positives. Here is an example script for a quick introduction to the FORMA datasets.

The images in this ImageCollection contain the “reversed rectified t-statistics” used in calculating NTT, the vegetation color index derived from MODIS NDVI that FORMA uses to measure browning. Using a sum reducer on over various date ranges in this ImageCollection produces an “NTT” image.

The images are broken by "ecogroup". Ecogroup geometries can be found here.



该图像集中的图像包含用于计算NTT的 "反转校正t统计",NTT是由MODIS NDVI得出的植被颜色指数,FORMA用来测量褐化。在该图像集的各种日期范围内使用总和还原器,产生一个 "NTT "图像。

这些图像按 "生态组 "划分。生态组的几何形状可以在这里找到。

Dataset Availability

2012-01-01T00:00:00 - 2019-04-23T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

World Resources Institute / Global Forest Watch

Collection Snippet



var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('WRI/GFW/FORMA/vegetation_tstats')
                  .filter('2018-07-01', '2018-07-15'));
var tstat ='tstat_r');
var visParams = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 1.0,
Map.setCenter(25.73, -7.61, 2);
Map.addLayer(tstat, visParams, 'Reversed rectified t-statistics');

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