更新版本的 JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V2 也可用于此数据集,该数据集使用此算法进行处理。
GCOM-C 进行长期和持续的全球观测和数据收集,以阐明辐射收支和碳循环波动背后的机制,从而对未来温度上升做出准确预测。同时,与有气候数值模型的研究机构合作,有助于减少气候数值模型得出的温升预测误差,提高各种环境变化的预测精度。安装在 GCOM-C 上的 SGLI 是安装在 ADEOS-II (MIDORI II) 上的 Global Imager (GLI) 的连续传感器,是测量从近紫外到热红外区域 (380 nm-12 um) 的辐射的成像辐射计在 19 个频道中。在日本附近的中纬度地区,地面观测宽度超过 1,000 公里,可以进行大约每两天一次的全球观测。此外,SGLI 实现了比同类全局传感器更高的分辨率,并具有偏振观测功能和多角度观测功能。
Dataset Availability
2018-01-01T00:00:00 - 2020-06-28T00:00:00
Dataset Provider
Global Change Observation Mission (GCOM)
Collection Snippet
2.5 arc minutes
Bands Table
Name | Description | Min* | Max* | Units |
CHLA_AVE | Concentration of the green pigment (chlorophyll-a) in phytoplankton in sea surface layer. | 0 | 4000 | mg/m^3 |
CHLA_QA_flag | CHLA QA | |||
CHLA_QA_flag Bitmask |
* = Values are estimated
Name | Type | Description |
ALGORITHM_VERSION | String | Algorithm version |
GRID_INTERVAL | String | Spatial resolution |
IMAGE_END_TIME | String | Image acquisition end time |
IMAGE_START_TIME | String | Image acquisition start time |
PROCESSING_RESULT | String | Good, Fair, Poor, NG |
PROCESSING_UT | String | Processing time |
PRODUCT_FILENAME | String | Source filename |
PRODUCT_VERSION | String | Product version |
SATELLITE_DIRECTION | String | Satellite orbit direction |
CHLA_AVE_OFFSET | String | Offset |
CHLA_AVE_SLOPE | String | Slope |
This dataset is free to use without any restrictions (including commercial use). Anyone wishing to publish analyzed results or value added data products should properly credit the original G-Portal data, e.g., "PR data by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency". For value added data products, please indicate the credit of the original G-Portal data, e.g., "Original data for this value added data product was provided by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency."
See G-Portal's terms of service (Article 7) for additional information.
Murakami, H. (Oct. 2018). ATBD of GCOM-C chlorophyll-a concentration algorithm (Version 1). Retrieved from https://suzaku.eorc.jaxa.jp/GCOM_C/data/ATBD/ver1/SGLI_Chla_algorithm_v10.pdf
var dataset = ee.ImageCollection("JAXA/GCOM-C/L3/OCEAN/CHLA/V1") .filterDate('2020-01-01', '2020-02-01'); // Multiply with slope coefficient var image = dataset.mean().multiply(0.0016).log10(); var vis = { bands: ['CHLA_AVE'], min: -2, max: 2, palette: [ '3500a8','0800ba','003fd6', '00aca9','77f800','ff8800', 'b30000','920000','880000' ] }; Map.addLayer(image, vis, "Chlorophyll-a concentration"); Map.setCenter(128.45, 33.33, 5);