With the rapid development of the Internet,the Internet is closely related to our areas of work,study and life.The ever-increasing demand for data traffic from users,the ever-increasing demand for quality of service,and the ever-increasing demand for the number of servers make it a major challenge for servers to run properly.Therefore,real-time monitoring of servers is very important for operations and maintenance personnel.In the need to quickly call the server to solve the needs of customers,to avoid additional damage. However,these can not be achieved by manpower alone to monitor the server 24 hours a day,so you need a computer or a group of computers for monitoring,This is the server monitoring solution used in this writing.It can monitor the current status of each server in real time,and can quickly notify the operation and support staff to deal with the related problems to ensure the normal running of the server.
The design introduces the architecture and functions of the zabbix monitoring system, which monitors the server's operational status,hardware status,network interface card message, etc.So that it can deal with problems at the first time to ensure that the server is running normally, and alerts the server to problems,including e-mail,SMS,telephone,WeChat and other alarm information.Through the web monitoring interface,we can directly view the operation status of the managed terminal and the corresponding fault information,and make timely response strategies,and also send commands remotely or send some continuous commands as scripts to the destination host for remote maintenance.
目前广泛使用的开源监控程序有Cacti,Nagios, Ntop, Observium,Zabbix等。
Cacti是一个易于扩展的多平台分布式网络监控系统。维护人员无需熟悉RRDootl的具体参数,只需会使用设置来配置和实现绘图功能。使用SNMP协议进行数据采集,使用RRDootl进行绘图即使是初学者也可以通过简单的学习就可以直接上手。Cacti 可以监控计算机、交换机、路由器和其他设备的资源、状态和性能。但是,Cacti 的自定义监控和报警功能与其他监控软件相比会比较弱。
Nagios实现监控平台所需的功能,能够快速实现业务监控。它可以监控各种服务器和主机,以及各种网络设备和硬件设备,如交换机、路由器和打印机等。同时,可通过自定义脚本内容实现具体要监控的内容。但是Nagios在采集数据方面只关心状态是否正常,对采集的数据不保存,同时随着网络规模的逐渐壮大,Nagios无法实现分布式监控导致其无法胜任大规模网络监控任务。更重要的是 Nagios 配置起来实在太复杂了,不利于初学者使用。
Zabbix是一个分布式监控系统。它结合了上述两种开源监控的优点,克服了缺点,是目前最简单、易用、功能齐全的分布式监控平台。它还可以根据自己的需要自行设计,根据使用的监控信息开发轻量级的Web系统。也可以通过Web前端显示的监控数据查看服务状态和设备状态。被监控对象与服务器之间也支持多种通信方式,主要有AGENT、JMX、IPMI、SNMP等[12]。无论公司规模大小,Zabbix 监控软件都能用于运营和维护。