PgBouncer config常见错误

简介: PgBouncer config

PgBouncer config

[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d test01 -U admin
psql: ERROR: no such user: admin


[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d test01 -U test01
Password for user test01:
psql: ERROR: SASL authentication failed //scram-sha-256认证密码错误信息。

[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d test01 -U test01
Password for user test01:
psql: ERROR: password authentication failed //md5认证密码错误信息。


[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d test
psql: ERROR: no such database: test




[pg10@db01 pgbouncer]$ cat pgbouncer.ini
;;; 未设置用户密码,需要使用auth_file密码连接数据。
test01=host=db01 port=5432 dbname=test01
logfile = /home/pg10/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /home/pg10/pgbouncer/
auth_type = md5
auth_file = /data/pg
listen_addr = *
listen_port = 5766


select usename,passwd from pg_shadow;

[pg10@db01 pgbouncer]$ cat /data/pg
"test01" "123456"



create user test01 with password '123456';
create database test01 owner test01;
grant all privileges on database test01 to test01;


-h 指定ip地址
-p 连接池端口
-d 数据库连接描述名称
[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d test01 -U test01
Password for user test01:
psql (10.14)
Type "help" for help.


The database name “pgbouncer” is reserved for the admin console and cannot be used as a key here.

“*” acts as a fallback database: If the exact name does not exist, its value is taken as connection string for the requested database. For example, if there is an entry (and no other overriding entries)

  • = host=foo

then a connection to PgBouncer specifying a database “bar” will effectively behave as if an entry
bar = host=foo dbname=bar
exists (taking advantage of the default for dbname being the client-side database name; see below).
Such automatically created database entries are cleaned up if they stay idle longer than the time specified by the autodb_idle_timeout parameter.

If user= is set, all connections to the destination database will be done with the specified user, meaning that there will be only one pool for this database.
If no password is specified here, the password from the auth_file or auth_query will be used.

appdb=host=db01 port=5666 dbname=appdb
appdb01=host=db01 port=5666 user=appuser password=1qaz@WSX dbname=appdb01
*=host=db01 port=5432


host: 后端数据库的主机名或者IP地址
port: 后端数据库监听端口
dbname: 后端数据库名称
user: 连接后端数据库的用户名
password: 连接后端数据库的密码
pool_size: 配置连接池的大小,如果没有配置此项,连接池大小将使用[pgbouncer]部分中default_pool_size配置的值
connect_query: 在连接使用之前执行一个SQL语句,用于探测此连接是否正常.如果执行该语句出错,则选择另外一个连接
max_db_connections: 配置数据库范围的最大值(即数据库中的所有池都不会有这么多的服务器连接
client_encoding: 制定客户端字符集编码
datestyle: 指定日志类型参数
timezone: 指定时区

[pg10@db01 pgbouncer]$ cat pgbouncer.ini
;;; 数据连接符号*,匹配所有数据库。
*=host=db01 port=5432
logfile = /home/pg10/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
pidfile = /home/pg10/pgbouncer/
auth_type = md5
auth_file = /data/pg
listen_addr = *
listen_port = 5766

[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d sadfsdf -U test01
Password for user test01:
psql: ERROR: database "sadfsdf" does not exist
[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d sadfsdf -U test01
psql: ERROR: pgbouncer cannot connect to server


[pg10@db01 data]$ psql -h db01 -p5766 -d test01 -U test01
Password for user test01:
psql (10.14)
Type "help" for help.
test01=> \q

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