
全局流量管理 GTM,标准版 1个月
云解析 DNS,旗舰版 1个月
简介: CUMCM→MCM/ICM→NPMCM:关于国赛(全国大学生、研究生、博士研究生数学建模竞赛)和美赛中的数学的专业词汇详细攻略—美国数学建模竞

非线性薛定谔方程||non-linear Schrodinger equation

非线性映射||non-linear mapping; 又称“非线性算子(non-linear operator)”。

非线性约束||non-linear constraint

非线性振动||non-linear oscillation

非线性自回归模型||non-linear autoregressive model

非线性最优化||non-linear optimization

非协调板元||non-conforming plate element

非协调膜元||non-conforming membrane element

非协调有限元||non-conforming finite element

非形式公理学||informal axiomatics

非循环码||non-cyclic code

非游荡集||non-wandering set


非增重排函数||non-increasing rearrangement function

非正则边界点||irregular boundary point

非正则尖点||irregular cusp

非正则结点||irregular node

非正则奇点||irregular singular point

非正则素数||irregular prime

非正则网格||irregular net


非直谓集合论||impredicative set theory

非中心F分布||non-central F-distribution

非中心t分布||non-central t-distribution

非中心χ2分布||non-central chi-square distribution

非中心参数||non-centrality parameter

非中心威沙特分布||non-central Wishart distribution

非主型算子||operator of non-principal type

非自治微分方程组||non-autonomous system of differential equations

费马大定理||Fermat last theorem

费马数||Fermat number

费诺译码算法||Fano decoding algorithm

费希尔判别函数||Fisher discriminant function

费希尔信息函数||Fisher information function

费耶核||Fejér kernel

费耶平均||Fejér mean

费用分析||cost analysis

费用函数||cost function

费用结构||cost structure

费用系数||cost coefficients

费用向量||cost vector

芬斯勒流形||Finsler manifold

分[数]指数||fractional exponent

分比||proportion by subtraction

分布参数系统||distributed parameter system

分布函数||distribution function

分布解||distribution solution; 又称“广义函数解 (generalized function solution)”。

分步法||fractional step method

分部积分法||integration by parts

分层||hierarchy; 对某特定对象类按其元素定义的复杂性建立起来的带有包含关系的分类。; stratification; 指空间的分层。

分层抽样||stratified sampling

分层单纯形法||stratified simplex method

分层多目标规划||stratified multiobjective programming


分拆函数||partition function

分次代数||graded algebra

分次环||graded ring

分次理想||graded ideal

分次模||graded module

分次同态||graded homomorphism

分次子模||graded submodule

分点||point of division

分段逼近||piecewise approximation

分段插值||piecewise interpolation

分段多项式||piecewise polynomial

分段连续[的]||piecewise continuous

分割的熵||entropy of the partition

分割搜索||sectioning search

分划格||partition lattice

分解群||decomposition group

分解数||decomposition numbers

分解域||decomposition field

分解原理||decomposition principle


分块乘法||block multiplication

分块对角矩阵||block diagonal matrix

分块数据压缩||block data compression

分类空间||classifying space

分离变量法||method of separation of variables

分离超平面||separating hyperplane

分离超越基||separating transcendental basis

分离点||separated point

分离定理||separating theorem

分离概形||separated scheme

分离公理||separating axiom

分离集||separated set

分离箭图||separated quiver

分离态射||separated morphism

分离凸集||separated convex set


分离性公理||separation axiom

分裂[法]||splitting [method]


分裂格||splitting lattice

分裂李代数||split Lie algebra

分裂因子组||splitting factor set

分裂原理||splitting principle


分配格||distributive lattice

分配律||distributive law

分配问题||distribution problem; al[] problem

分配元||distributive element

分批试验法||block search

分片线性流形||piecewise linear  manifold

分歧理论||bifurcation theory; 又称“分岔理论”。

分歧群||ramification group

分歧域||ramification field

分歧指数||ramification index

分散控制||decentralized control

分式规划||fractional programming

分式环||ring of fractions

分式理想||fractional ideal

分式线性变换||fractional linear transformation

分式域||quotient field; 曾用名“商域”。


分数次导数||fractional derivative; 又称“非整数阶导数”。

分数次积分||fractional integral; 又称“非整数次积分”。


分位数过程||quantile process


分析解||analytic solution; 又称“解析解”。

分形分析||fractals, fractal analysis

分圆Zp扩张||cyclotomic Zp extension

分圆单位||cyclotomic units

分圆多项式||cyclotomic polynomial

分圆数||cyclotomic number

分圆域||cyclotomic field


分支定界法||branch and bound method; 又称“分支限界法”。

分支过程||branching process

分支类型论||ramified theory of types


分组编码||block coding

分组长度||block length

分组码||block code; 曾用名“分块码”。

分组译码||block decoding

丰富除子||ample divisor

丰富可逆层||ample invertible sheaf

丰富完全线性系||ample complete linear system

封闭的函数系||closed system of  functions

封闭引理||closing lemma



风险函数||risk function

风险决策||decision under risk

冯·诺伊曼-莫根施特恩解||von Neumann-Morgenstern solution

冯·诺伊曼代数||von Neumann algebra; 又称“算子环(operator ring)” 。 曾用名“W* 代数(W*-algebra)”。

冯·诺伊曼判据||von Neumann criterion

冯·诺伊曼条件||von Neumann condition



否命题||negative proposition


辐角原理||argument principle


符号编码||symbolic coding


符号计算||symbol computation

符号检验||sign test

符号码||symbolic code


符号语言||symbolic language

符号秩||signed rank

符号秩检验||signed rank test

服务时间||service time


浮点数||floating-point number

浮点运算||floating-point arithmetic

福科什引理||Farkas lemma

弗拉蒂尼子群||Frattini subgroup

弗兰克-沃尔夫法||Frank-Wolfe method

弗雷德霍姆 r 次余子式||Fredholm r-th minor

弗雷德霍姆初余子式||Fredholm first minor

弗雷德霍姆法||Fredholm method

弗雷德霍姆积分方程||Fredholm integral equation

弗雷德霍姆算子||Fredholm operator; 又称“弗雷德霍姆映射(Fredholm mapping)”。

弗雷德霍姆型积分微分方程||integro-differential equation of Fredholm type

弗雷德霍姆行列式||Fredholm determinant

弗雷德霍姆择一定理||Fredholm alternative theorem

弗雷歇导数||Fréchet derivative

弗雷歇格||Fréchet lattice

弗雷歇可微算子||Frechet differentiable operator

弗雷歇空间||Fréchet space; 简称“F 空间((F)-space)”。

弗里茨·约翰条件||Fritz·John conditions

弗里德里希斯不等式||Friedrichs inequality

弗罗贝尼乌斯互反公式||Frobenius reciprocity formula

弗罗贝尼乌斯环||Frobenius ring

弗罗贝尼乌斯群||Frobenius group

弗罗贝尼乌斯态射||Frobenius morphism

弗罗贝尼乌斯自同构||Frobenius automorphism

弗洛凯定理||Floquet theorem

辅助变量||auxiliary variable

俯角||angle of depression

副迭代||secondary iteration


覆叠变换||cover transformation

覆叠空间||covering space

覆叠群||covering group

覆叠同伦||covering homotopy

覆叠同态||covering homomorphism

覆叠映射||covering map

覆盖||cover, covering

覆盖的阶||order of a covering

覆盖的神经||nerve of a covering

覆盖面||covering surface

覆盖维数||covering dimension

覆盖引理||covering lemma

赋范[线性]空间||normed linear spaces; 又称“赋范向量空间(normed vector spaces)”。

赋范代数||normed algebra

赋范环||normed ring; 具有单位元的交换巴拿赫代数。

赋值||valuation; 对公式的真假性解释。; valuation

赋值的阶||rank of a valuation

赋值的扩张||extension of a valuation; 又称“赋值的开拓”。

赋值等价||equivalence of valuations

赋值环||valuation ring

赋值论||valuation theory

复变函数||function of complex variable

复变数||complex variable

复表示||complex representation

复测度||complex measure

复乘||complex multiplication

复单连通解析李群||complex simply connected analytic Lie group

复分析||complex analysis

复根||complex root

复共轭的||complex conjugate


复合泊松过程||compound Poisson process

复合抽样方法||composition sampling technique

复合代数||composition algebra

复合函数||composite function, compound function

复合假设||composite hypothesis

复合矩阵||compound matrix

复合群||composite group

复合设计||composite design

复合梯形公式||compound trapezoidal formula

复合辛普森公式||compound Simpson formula, composite Simpson formula

复合形法||complex method

复合映射||composite mapping

复合中点公式||compound midpoint formula


复积分||complex integral

复结构||complex structure

复解析表示||complex analytic representation

复解析动力系统||complex analytic dynamics; 又称“复解析动力学”。

复李群||complex Lie group

复流形||complex manifold

复平面||complex plane

复射影空间||complex projective space

复数||complex number

复数的三角形式||trigonometrical form of complex number

复数域||complex number field

复随机变量||complex random variable

复位势||complex potential

复线性空间||complex linear space

复相关||multiple correlation

复相关系数||multiple correlation coefficient


复一般线性群||complex general linear group

复振荡||complex oscillation

复正交群||complex orthogonal group

傅里叶-贝塞尔变换||Fourier-Bessel transform

傅里叶-贝塞尔级数||Fourier-Bessel series

傅里叶-拉普拉斯变换||Fourier-Laplace transform

傅里叶-斯蒂尔切斯变换||Fourier-Stieltjes transform

傅里叶变换||Fourier transform

傅里叶反演公式||Fourier inversion formula

傅里叶分析||Fourier analysis

傅里叶积分||Fourier integral

傅里叶积分算子||Fourier integral operator

傅里叶级数||Fourier series

傅里叶逆变换||inverse Fourier transform

傅里叶系数||Fourier coefficient

傅里叶余弦变换||Fourier cosine transform

傅里叶正弦变换||Fourier sine transform

负半定二次型||negative semi-definite quadratic form

负变差||negative variation

负超几何分布||negative hypergeometric distribution

负定二次型||negative definite quadratic form

负定矩阵||negative definite matrix

负多项分布||negative multinomial distribution

负二项分布||negative binomial distribution

负范数||negative norm

负号||negative sign

负偏差||negative deviation

负数||negative number

负稳定矩阵||negative stable matrix

负元[素]||negative element

负整数||negative integer

富克斯群||Fuchsian group

富克斯型方程||equation of Fuchs type

概括公理||comprehension axiom

概率[坐标]纸||probability paper


概率测度||probability measure

概率测度近邻性||contiguity of probability measures

概率测度奇异性||singularity of probability measures

概率抽样||probability sampling

概率单位模型||probit model

概率度量空间||probabilistic metric space

概率分布||probability distribution

概率函数||probability function

概率距离||probability metrics

概率空间||probability space

概率论||probability theory

概率逻辑||probability logic

概率母函数||probability generating function

概率位势理论||probabilistic potential theory

概率译码||probabilistic decoding


概形的粘合||gluing of schemes

概形上的射影空间||projective space over a scheme

概形态射||morphism of schemes

概形同构||isomorphism of schemes

盖尔范德-列维坦积分方程||Gelfand-Levitan integral equation

盖尔范德表示||Gelfand representation

盖根鲍尔多项式||Gegenbauer polynomial; 又称“超球多项式 (hyperspherical polynomial)”。


干扰解耦||disturbance decoupling

干扰输入||disturbance input

刚度矩阵||stiffness matrix


刚性组||stiff system


高负荷服务||heavy traffic

高阶差分||difference of higher order, higher difference

高阶导数||derivative of higher order

高阶等差数列||arithmetic progression of higher order

高阶逻辑||high order logic

高阶偏导数||partial derivative of higher order

高阶偏微分方程||partial differential equation of higher order

高阶奇点||singular point of higher order

高阶微分||differential of higher order

高阶微分方程||differential equation of higher order

高阶线性双曲[型]方程||linear hyperbolic equation of higher order

高阶线性椭圆[型]方程||linear elliptic equation of higher order

高斯-若尔当消元法||Gauss-Jordan elimination

高斯-雅可比恒等式||Gauss-Jacobi identity

高斯变分问题||Gauss variational problem

高斯测度||Gauss measure

高斯插值公式||Gauss interpolation formula

高斯过程||Gauss process

高斯和||Gauss sum

高斯积分[法]||Gauss integration

高斯曲率||Gaussian curvature

高斯消元法||Gauss elimination

高斯信道||Gaussian channel

高斯信源||Gaussian source

高斯型求积||Gaussian type quadrature

高斯映射||Gauss mapping


哥德巴赫问题||Goldbach problem

哥德尔配数法||Godel numbering

戈丹定理||Gordan theorem

戈杜诺夫法||Godunov method

戈尔丁不等式||Garding inequality

戈尔丁双曲性条件||Garding hyperbolicity condition

戈莱码||Golay code

戈帕码||Goppa code


割补阻碍||surgery obstruction

割点||cut point; cut point; 指测地射线上的割点。

割点图||cut point graph

割迹||cut locus


割平面法||cutting plane method

割线法||secant method



格的类||class of a lattice

格的旋量种||spinor genus of a lattice

格的种||genus of a lattice

格等式||lattice equality

格等式类||equational class of lattices

格点分布||lattice distribution

格多项式||lattice polynomial

格拉姆-施密特正交化方法||Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process

格拉姆行列式||Gram determinant

格拉斯曼簇||Grassmanian variety

格朗沃尔不等式||Gronwall inequality

格理想||ideal of a lattice

格林[积分]公式||Green [integral] formula

格林公式||Green formula

格林函数||Green function

格林函数蒙特卡罗方法||Green function Monte Carlo method

格林容量||Green capacity

格林位势||Green potential

格滤子||filter of a lattice; 又称“对偶理想(dual ideal)”。

格论||lattice theory

格罗滕迪克群||Grothendieck group

格群||lattice group

格同构||lattice isomorphism

格同态||lattice homomorphism

格序线性空间||lattice-ordered linear space; 又称“向量格(vector lattice)”。

格子码||trellis code; 又称“篱码”。

格子图||trellis diagram; 又称“篱图”。


个体变元||individual variable

个体遍历定理||individual ergodic theorem; 又称“逐点遍历定理(pointwise ergodic theorem)”。



根的重数||multiplicity of root

根号||radical sign

根环||radical ring

根平方法||root-squaring method


根式扩张||radical extension

根添加||adjunction of roots

根指数||radical exponent

根子空间||root subspace

更比||proportion by alternation

更换策略||replacement strategy

更换理论||replacement theory

更列问题||derangement problem

更新定理||renewal theorem

更新方程||renewal equation

更新过程||renewal process

更新函数||renewal function

更新论||renewal theory

更新密度||renewal density

功率密度谱||power density spectrum

功率谱||power spectrum

功率谱密度||power spectrum density

功效函数||power function; 检验函数的期望。


公倍数||common multiple

公比||common ratio

公差||common difference

公分母||common denominator

公共信道||common channel

公共因子||common factor

公开密钥||public key

公理A||axiom A

公理||axiom; 又称“公设(postulate)”。

公理方法||axiomatic method

公理化集合论||axiomatic set theory

公理化理论||axiomatic theory



公信息||common information; 又称“共信息”。

公因数||common divisor

公钥体制||public key system

弓形||segment of a circle

贡献蒙特卡罗方法||contribution Monte Carlo method


共变导数||covariant derivative

共变函子||covariant functor

共变微分||covariant differential

共变张量||covariant tensor

共变指标||covariant index


共合积||amalgamated product




共尾保积函子||cofinal product-preserving functor


共尾子集||cofinal subset


共形不变量||conformal invariant


共形几何||conformal geometry

共形空间||conformal space

共形映射||conformal mapping; 曾用名“保形映射”,“共形映照”。

共域变换方法||corregion transformation method

共振现象||resonance phenomenon


共轭凹函数||conjugate concave  function

共轭表示||conjugate representation

共轭泊松核||conjugate Poisson kernel

共轭代数数||conjugate algebraic numbers

共轭点||conjugate point

共轭调和函数||conjugate harmonic function

共轭方向法||conjugate direction method

共轭复数||conjugate complex number

共轭傅里叶积分||conjugate Fourier integral

共轭根||conjugate roots

共轭轨迹||conjugate locus

共轭函数||conjugate function

共轭级数||conjugate series

共轭焦点||conjugate foci

共轭矩阵||conjugate matrix

共轭双曲面||conjugate hyperboloids

共轭双曲线||conjugate hyperbolas

共轭双重函数||conjugate bifunction

共轭梯度法||conjugate gradient method

共轭凸函数||conjugate  convex function

共轭微分算子||conjugate differential operator

共轭先验分布族||family of conjugate prior distributions

共轭域||conjugate field

共轭元||conjugate elements

共轭圆锥曲线||conjugate conics

共轭直径||conjugate diameters

共轭直线||conjugate lines

共轭轴||conjugate axis

共轭子群||conjugate subgroups

勾股定理||Pythagoras theorem; 曾用名“商高定理”,又称“毕达哥拉斯定理”。




构造性定义||constructive definition

构造序数||constructive ordinals

估计[量]||estimate, estimator

估计的效率||efficiency of an estimate


孤[立]点||isolated point



孤波||solitary wave

孤立奇点||isolated singular point, isolated singularity

孤立素理想||isolated prime ideal

孤立系统||isolated system

孤立子系统||isolated subsystem

古典概率||classical probability


故障率||failure rate; 又称“失效率”。

故障模式和效应分析||failure mode and effect analysis, FMEA

故障频度||failure frequency

故障树分析||fault tree analysis

顾客||customer; 又称“服务对象”。

固定模||fixed mode

固定奇点||fixed singular point

固定效应模型||fixed effect model

固定终点变分问题||fixed end point variational problem

固有误差||inherent error

拐点||inflection point

怪球面||exotic sphere

关键路线进度表||critical path scheduling

关联公理||incidence axioms, axiom of connection

关联矩阵||incidence matrices

关联数||incidence number

关联系统||interconnected system

关联预估法||interaction prediction approach



观测误差||observational error

观测值||observed value

管状邻域||tubular neighborhood

惯性律||law of inertia

惯性群||inertia group

惯性域||inertia field

惯性指数||index of inertia

光滑簇||smooth variety

光滑概形||smooth scheme

光滑函数||smooth function


光滑流形||smooth manifold

光滑态射||smooth morphism

光子信道||photon channel

广播信道||broadcast channel


广义 m 维单纯形||generalized m-dimensional simplex

广义贝叶斯估计||generalized Bayes estimate

广义贝叶斯决策函数||generalized Bayes decision function

广义本征空间||generalized eigenspace

广义本征值||generalized eigenvalue

广义博尔扎问题||generalized Bolza problem

广义伯努利推移||generalized Bernoulli shift

广义泊松过程||generalized Poisson process

广义布尔代数||generalized Boolean algebra

广义布尔格||generalized Boolean lattice

广义导数||generalized derivative

广义等周问题||generalized isoperimetric problem

广义狄利克雷问题||generalized Dirichlet problem

广义多胞体||generalized polytope

广义多项式逼近||generalized polynomial approximation

广义多圆盘||generalized polydisc

广义方向导数||generalized directional derivative

广义傅里叶积分||generalized Fourier integral

广义傅里叶展开||generalized Fourier expansion

广义格林公式||generalized Green formula

广义过程||generalized process, random distribution

广义函数||generalized function

广义函数局部化||localization of distribution

广义函数卷积||convolution of distributions

广义函数空间||space of generalized function

广义函数支集||support of distribution

广义函数直积||direct product of distributions

广义惠更斯原理||Huyghens principle in wider sense

广义极限||generalized limit

广义几何规划||generalized geometric programming

广义解||generalized solution

广义解析函数||generalized analytic function

广义局部极值||generalized local extremum

广义矩阵帕德逼近||generalized matrix Padé approximation

广义卷积||generalized convolution

广义拉盖尔多项式||generalized Laguerre polynomial

广义拉格朗日乘子||generalized Lagrange multiplier

广义拉梅方程||generalized Lamé equation

广义理想类群||generalized ideal class group

广义连续统假设||generalized continuum hypothesis

广义马蒂厄函数||broad sense Mathieu function

广义幂级数解||solution of generalized power series

广义幂零元||generalized nilpotent element


广义逆矩阵||generalized inverse matrix

广义帕德逼近||generalized Padé approximation

广义三角多项式||generalized trigonometric polynomial

广义三角级数||generalized trigonometric series

广义施勒米希级数||generalized series of Schlomilch

广义四元数环||generalized quaternion ring

广义四元数群||generalized quaternion group

广义特征[标]||generalized character, virtual character

广义梯度||generalized gradient

广义凸规划||generalized convex program

广义网络||generalized network

广义先验分布||generalized prior distribution

广义线性模型||generalized linear model

广义线性系统||generalized linear system

广义信息||generalized information

广义雅可比矩阵||generalized Jacobian

广义有理逼近||generalized rational approximation

广义约化梯度法||generalized reduced gradient method, GRG; 曾用名“广义既约梯度法”。

规避对策||evasion game

规范群||gauge group

规范正交函数系||system of orthonormal  functions

规范正交基||orthonormal basis;     又称“幺正基”。

规范正交系||orthonormal system

归纳定义||definition by induction

归纳极限||inductive limit; 又称“正[向]极限  (direct  limit)”。

归纳逻辑||inductive logic

归纳序集||inductive ordered set

归纳证明||proof by induction



轨道分解公式||orbit decomposition formula

轨道稳定性||orbital stability



滚线||rolling curve

国际数学联合会||International Mathematical Union, IMU

过程的等价形||version of process

过程的实现||realization of process

过程的投影||projection of process

过程的修正||modification of process


过渡条件||transition condition

过渡运动||transient motion

过分函数||excessive function

过剩近似值||upper approximate value; 曾用名“上近似值”。

哈代-李特尔伍德方法||Hardy-Littlewood method

哈代-李特尔伍德极大函数||Hardy-Littlewood maximal function

哈尔测度||Haar measure

哈尔条件||Haar condition

哈密顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程||Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation

哈密顿-雅可比方程||Hamilton-Jocobi equation

哈密顿典范方程||Hamilton canonical equations

哈密顿方程||Hamilton equation

哈密顿圈||Hamiltonian cycle

哈密顿图||Hamiltonian graph

哈密顿微分系统||Hamiltonian differential system

哈密顿原理||Hamilton principle

哈默尔基||Hamel basis

哈默斯坦积分方程||Hammerstein integral equation

哈默斯坦算子||Hammerstein operator

哈纳克不等式||Harnack inequality

哈塞-闵可夫斯基原理||Hasse-Minkowski principle

哈塞不变量||Hasse invariant

海曼法||Hyman method

海森伯格群||Hessenberg group

海森伯矩阵||Heissenberg matrix

海廷代数||Heyting algebra

亥姆霍兹方程||Helmholz equation

含误差变量模型||errors-in-variables model


函数逼近论||approximation theory of functions

函数代数||function algebra; 又称“一致代数(uniform algebra)”。

函数的除子||divisor of a function

函数的级数展开||expansion of a function in series

函数迭代法||function iteration method

函数方程||functional equation

函数方程法||function equation approach

函数符号||function symbol

函数构造论||constructive theory of functions

函数空间||function space

函数平移||translation of functions

函数无关||functionally independent

函数相关||functionally dependent

函数项级数||series of functions

函子Ext||functor Ext

函子Tor||functor Tor


函子的泛元||universal element of a functor

函子的复合||composite of functors

函子范畴||category of functors

汉克尔变换||Hankel transform

汉克尔渐近展开||Hankel asymptotic expansion

汉克尔算子||Hankel operator

汉明界||Hamming bound

汉明距离||Hamming distance, Hamming metric

汉明码||Hamming code

航班问题||problem of routing aircraft

豪斯多夫测度||Hausdorff measure

豪斯多夫维数||Hausdorff dimension

豪斯霍尔德变换||Householder transformation

豪斯霍尔德法||Householder method

豪斯霍尔德矩阵||Householder matrix

好约化||good reduction

耗散部分||dissipative part

耗散算子||dissipative operator

耗散态||dissipative state

耗散微分方程||dissipative differential equation

核广义函数||kernel distribution

核函数||kernel function

核型估计||kernel type estimator

核型空间||nuclear space

核型算子||nuclear operator


和乐群||holonomy group

和校验||sum check

合比||proportion by addition

合成列||composition series

合成算子||composite operator

合成因子||composition factor

合成因子列||composition factor series


合取[词]||conjunction; 又称“逻辑积(logical product)”。

合取范式||conjunctive normal form



合式公式||well-formed formula

合数||composite number

合作对策||cooperative game

赫尔德不等式||Holder inequality

赫尔德求和[法]||Holder summation [method]

赫尔德条件||Holder condition

赫尔维茨公式||Hurwitz formula

赫戈分裂||Heegard splitting

赫格内尔点||Heegner point

赫克环||Hecke ring

赫克算子||Hecke operator

赫克特征[标]||Hecke  character, Grossencharakter(德)

赫维赛德函数||Heaviside function; 又称“单位函数(unit function)”。

黑塞矩阵||Hessian matrix

黑塞行列式||Hessian determinant

亨特过程||Hunt process

亨特核||Hunt kernel

亨泽尔赋值||Hensel valuation

亨泽尔赋值域||Hensel valuation field

亨泽尔环||Henselian ring

横[坐标]轴||axis of abscissas


横截设计||transversal design

横截系||transversal system

横截相交||transverse intersection


横截性条件||condition of transversality



恒等代换||identical substitution

恒时信道||time-invariant channel

恒同映射||identity  mapping

红黑划分||red/black partitioning

后到先服务||last-come first-served, LCFS


后继函数||successor function


后向抛物[型]方程||backward parabolic equation

后向搜索||sweep backward

后验分布||posterior distribution

后验风险[函数]||posterior risk [function]

后验概率||posterior probability

弧||arc; 又称“有向边(directed edge)”。; arc

弧度[法]||radian measure


弧连通[的]||arcwise connected

弧线搜索法||arc search method

互补几何规划||complementary geometric programming

互补松弛定理||theorem of complementary slackness

互补凸规划||complementary convex program

互补性问题||complementarity problem

互斥析取||exclusive disjunction

互反方程||reciprocal equation

互反律||reciprocity  law

互激点过程||mutually exciting point process

互谱||cross spectrum

互扰信道||interference channel

互素||coprime, relatively prime

互相关函数||cross correlation function

互信息||mutual information

互熵||cross entropy

华-维诺格拉多夫方法||Hua-Vinogradov method

华-王方法||Hua-Wang method; 又称“实分圆域法(method of real cyclotomic field)”。

华林问题||Waring problem

滑动平均模型||moving-average model, MA model

画法几何 [学]||descriptive geometry


化圆为方[问题]||quadrature of a circle

怀特黑德群||Whitehead group

坏约化||bad reduction



环层||sheaf of rings

环的导子||derivation of a ring

环的对合||involution of a ring

环的格罗滕迪克群||Grothendieck group of a ring

环的怀特黑德群||Whitehead group of a ring

环的极大谱||maximal spectrum of a ring

环的谱||spectrum of a ring

环的森田相似||Morita similar of rings

环的施坦贝格群||Steinberg group of a ring

环的诣零根||nilradical of a ring

环的整体维数||global dimension of rings

环的直和||direct sum of rings

环的直积||direct product of rings

环的中心||center of a ring

环范畴||category of rings

环籍模的扩张||extension of ring by module


环论||ring theory

环面||torus, anchor ring

环面群||torus group

环绕数||linking number

环上矩阵群||matrix group over rings

环同构||ring isomorphism

环同态||ring homomorphism

环形区域||annular region

缓增C∞类函数||slowly increasing C∞ function

缓增广义函数||slowly increasing distribution


换位子群||commutator subgroup; 又称“导群(derived group)”。

换元积分法||integration by substitution

幻方||magic square

黄金分割搜索||golden section search

回避对策||eluding game

回代||back substitution

回复点||recurrent point

回复运动||recurrent motion

回归分析||regression analysis

回归估计||regression estimate

回归函数||regression function

回归设计||regression design

回归系数||regression coefficient

回归诊断||regression diagnostics


回收方向||direction of recession

回收锥||recession cone

惠更斯原理||Huyghens principle

惠特克函数||Whittaker function

惠特克微分方程||Whittaker differential equation



汇合型超几何方程||confluent hypergeometric equation

汇合型超几何函数||hypergeometric function of confluent type

汇合型函数||function of confluent type

汇合型微分方程||differential equation of confluent type

混合边界条件||mixed boundary condition

混合边界问题||mixed boundary problem; 又称“第三边值问题 (third boundary value problem)”。

混合策略||mixed strategy

混合惩罚法||mixed penalty method

混合分布||mixing distribution

混合矩||mixed moment

混合理想||mixed ideal

混合条件||mixing condition

混合条件分布||mixed conditional distribution

混合同余方法||mixed congruential method

混合外代数||mixed exterior algebra

混合线性模型||mixed linear model

混合型边界条件||boundary condition of mixed type

混合型方程||equation of mixed type

混合有限元法||mixed finite element method

混合张量||mixed tensor

混合张量代数||mixed tensor algebra

混合整数规划||mixed integer programming

混合制系统||mixed system

混合字母表||mixed alphabet

混料设计||mixture design

混淆误差||aliasing error

混循环小数||mixed recurring decimal



混沌分解||chaos decomposition

活动标架||moving frame

活动分析||activity analysis

活动三面形||moving trihedral

获胜联盟||winning coalition; 又称“赢联盟”。

霍尔子群||Hall subgroup

霍赫希尔德上同调群||Hochschild cohomology group

霍姆格伦唯一性定理||Holmgren uniqueness theorem

霍普夫不变量||Hopf invariant

霍普夫丛||Hopf bundle

霍普夫代数||Hopf algebra

霍普夫映射||Hopf mapping

霍奇斜率||Hodge slope

霍奇折线||Hodge polygon

霍特林T2统计量||Hotelling T2-statistic

基[本]变量||basic variable

基本[区]域||fundamental region

基本不变式||basic invariant

基本单位系||system of fundamental units

基本点||fundamental point

基本对称多项式||fundamental symmetric polynomial

基本函数||fundamental function

基本函数支集||support of fundamental function

基本解||fundamental solution

基本解组||fundamental system of solutions; 指常微分方程组的解。

基本可行解||basic feasible solution

基本空间||fundamental space

基本邻域系||fundamental system of neighborhoods

基本区||fundamental domain

基本群||fundamental group

基本事件||elementary event

基本事件空间||space of elementary events

基本同调类||fundamental homology class

基本运算||fundamental operations

基本张量||fundamental tensor

基本支配权||fundamental dominant weight

基本周期||fundamental period

基本周期平行四边形||fundamental period parallelogram

基变换||change of bases

基点||base point

基尔霍夫法||Kirchhoff method

基尔霍夫公式||Kirchhoff formula

基弗过程||Kiefer process

基数||cardinal number

基域||ground field

机会对策||game of chance

机会约束||chance constraint

机会约束规划||chance constrained programming

机器误差||machine error

机械求积||mechanical quadrature

机械求体积||mechanical cubature


积测度||product measure

积测度空间||product measure space

积丛||product bundle

积簇||product variety

积定向||product orientation

积范畴||product category


积分变换||integral transform

积分常数||constant of integration, integral constant

积分抽样方法||integration sampling technique


积分方程||integral equation

积分方程核||kernel of an integral equation

积分几何[学]||integral geometry

积分控制||integral control

积分流形||integral manifold

积分路径||path of integration

积分曲面||integral surface

积分曲线||integral curve

积分上限||upper limit of integral

积分算子||integral operator

积分微分方程||integro-differential equation

积分下限||lower limit of integral

积分学||integral calculus

积分因子||integrating factor

积分域||domain of integration

积分直和||integral direct sum; 又称“直积分(direct integral)”。

积复形||product complex


积极约束||active constraint

积集||product set

积可测集||product measurable set

积可测空间||product measurable space

积空间||product space

积拓扑||product topology

迹||trace, spur; trace of von Neumann algebra; 指冯·诺伊曼代数的迹。

迹范数||trace norm

迹空间||trace space

迹理想||trace ideal

迹形式||trace form

迹族||trace class; 又称“核族(nuclear class)”。

激波间断||shock discontinuity

激波条件||shock condition

吉布斯态||Gibbs state

吉布斯现象||Gibbs phenomenon

吉尔法||Gear method

吉文斯法||Givens method


极差||range; 样本中最大值与最小值之差。

极超曲面||polar hypersurface

极除子||polar divisor

极大遍历定理||maximal-ergodic theorem

极大不等式||maximal inequality

极大代数||maximum algebra

极大单调算子||maximal monotone operator; 又称“极大单调映射(maximal monotone mapping)”。

极大点||maximum point

极大独立集||maximal independent set

极大对称算子||maximal symmetric operator

极大泛代数||maximal universal algebra

极大风险模型||maximum risk pattern


极大化极小法||maximin method

极大化模型||maximization model

极大化序列||maximizing sequence

极大环面||maximal torus

极大集||maximal set

极大理想||maximal ideal

极大滤子||maximal filter

极大条件||maximum condition

极大序模||maximal order

极大右理想||maximal right ideal

极大元||maximal element

极大正规算子||maximal normal operator


极大子群||maximal subgroup

极大左理想||maximal left ideal

极点||pole; 一种孤立奇点。

极点的阶||order of pole; 又称“极点的重数 (multiplicity of pole)”。

极点配置||pole assignment, pole placement

极端不连通空间||extremely disconnected space

极丰富层||very ample sheaf

极丰富丛||very ample bundle

极化的阿贝尔簇||polarized Abelian variety

极集||polar set, α-polar set; polar

极类||polar class

极面||polar plane

极式分解||polar decomposition


极限策略||limiting strategy

极限点||limiting point; 指序列的极限点 。

极限定理||limit theorem

极限函数||limiting function, limit function

极限环||limit-cycle; 又称“极限圈”。

极限序数||limit ordinal number

极限鞅||martingale in limit

极线||polar line

极小遍历||minimally ergodic

极小点||minimum point

极小度||minimal degree

极小对||minimal pair

极小多项式||minimal polynomial


极小化方法||minimization method


极小化极大逼近||minimax approximation

极小化极大估计||minimax estimate

极小化极大解||minimax solution

极小化极大决策函数||minimax decision function

极小化极大序贯决策函数||minimax sequential decision function

极小化极大原理||minimax principle

极小化模型||minimization model

极小极大策略||minimax strategy

极小极大定理||minimax theorem

极小解||minimum solution

极小理想||minimal ideal

极小模型||minimal model

极小曲面||minimal surface

极小曲面方程||minimal surface equation

极小时间问题||problem of minimum time

极小条件||minimum condition

极小向量||minimal vectors

极小右理想||minimal right ideal

极小元||minimal element


极小子流形||minimal submanifold

极小左理想||minimal left ideal


极值场||extremal field

极值长度||extremal length

极值点||extreme point

极值分布||extreme-value distribution

极值曲线||extremal curve

极值原理||extremum principle

极坐标||polar coordinates


集的边界||boundary of a set

集的核||nucleus of a set

集范畴||category of sets

集函数||set function

集合度规||gauge of set

集合论||set theory

集结法||aggregation method

集团蒙特卡罗方法||cluster Monte Carlo method

集压缩映射||set contraction mapping


集值函数映射||set-valued function mapping, multivalued function mapping

集值增生算子||set-valued accretive operator, multivalued accretive operator

集指标过程||set-indexed process

集中函数||concentration function

集中控制||centralized control

集总参数系统||lumped parameter system; 又称“集中参数系统”。

及时单纯集||promptly simple set

急减C∞类函数||rapidly decreasing C∞ function

急减广义函数||rapidly decreasing distribution


级数的和||sum of series

级数解||series solution

级数求和||summation of series


几何测度论||geometric measure theory

几何单纯复形||geometric  simplicial complex

几何单形||geometric simplex

几何分布||geometric distribution

几何概率||geometric probability

几何格||geometric lattice

几何规划||geometric programming

几何亏格||geometric genus

几何码||geometric code

几何平均||geometric mean

几何实现||geometric realization

几何约化的||geometrically reduced

几何约束||geometrical constraint

几何整的||geometrically integral

几何正则的||geometrically regular

几何重数||geometric multiplicity

几乎必然||almost sure, almost certain

几乎必然收敛||almost sure convergence

几乎处处||almost everywhere, a.e

几乎处处收敛||convergence almost everywhere

几乎一致收敛||almost uniform convergence

脊线||line of regression

季节性模型||seasonal model

计划评审法||program evaluation and review technique, PERT

计量抽检||sampling inspection by variables

计数抽检||sampling inspection by attributes

计数过程||counting process

计数函数||counting function

计数统计量||counting statistic

计数问题||enumeration problem

计算[的]不稳定性||computational instability


计算的分布||computational distribution

计算方法||computing method

计算复杂性||computational complexity

计算效率||computational efficiency

记忆梯度法||memory gradient method

既约剩余系||reduced system of residues

嘉当-基灵型||Cartan-Killing form

嘉当不变量||Cartan invariants

嘉当矩阵||Cartan matrix

嘉当子代数||Cartan subalgebra

夹角||included angle


加边矩阵||bordered matrix

加抽样方法||additional sampling technique


加法交换律||commutative law of addition

加法结合律||associative law of addition

加法消去律||cancellation law for addition

加减消元法||elimination by addition and subtraction


加强连续性||intensified continuity; 又称“弱强连续性”。

加权逼近||weighted approximation

加权不等式||weighted inequality

加权残差||weighted residual

加权方法||weight method

加权极小化极大算法||weighted minimax algorithm; 又称“劳勃算法(Loeb algorithm)”。

加权误差||weighted error

加权余量法||weighted residual method

加权最小二乘法||method of weighted least squares




加同余方法||additional congruential method

加托导数||Gateaux derivative

加托可微算子||Gateaux differentiable operator

加细网格||refined net, refined mesh


加性范畴||additive category

加性函子||additive functor

加性集函数||additive set function

加性数论||additive number theory;     又称“堆垒数论”。

加性约化||additive reduction

加严抽检||tightened sampling inspection


假设检验||hypothesis testing


价值论||value theory


尖点形式||cusp form


间断分解||discontinuity decomposition

间断解||discontinuous solution


检测概率||detection probability; 又称“侦破概率”。


检验函数||test function, critical function

检验批||inspection lot

检验水平||size of a test

检验统计量||test statistic

简单闭曲线||simple closed curve

简单波||simple waves

简单打靶法||simple shooting method

简单对策||simple game

简单多数对策||simple majority game

简单假设||simple hypothesis

简单连分数||simple continued fraction

简单流||simple stream

简单随机抽样||simple random sampling

简单随机样本||simple random sample

简化除子||reduced divisor

简化范||reduced norm

简化方程||reduced equation

简化迹||reduced trace



减函数||decreasing function


减算子||decreasing operator; 指在具正锥的巴拿赫空间中。

箭头图||arrow diagram


箭图的表示||representation of quiver

箭图的二次空间||quadratic space of quiver

箭图的刚体表示||rigid representation of quiver

渐近方向||asymptotic direction


渐近广义梯度||asymptotic generalized gradient

渐近极小化极大估计||asymptotically minimax estimate

渐近级数||asymptotic series

渐近路径||asymptotic path

渐近切线||asymptotic tangent

渐近曲线||asymptotic curve

渐近扰动理论||asymptotic perturbation theory

渐近收敛||asymptotic  convergence

渐近收敛速率||asymptotic rate of convergence

渐近稳定性||asymptotic stability


渐近有效估计||asymptotically efficient estimate

渐近展开||asymptotic expansion

渐近值||asymptotic value

渐近中心||asymptotic center

渐近锥面||asymptotic cone

渐近鞅||asymptotic martingale



降 L-S 定理||downward Lowenheim-Skolem theorem

降阶法||method of reduction of order

降阶观测器||reduced order observer

降阶模型||reduced model

降链条件||descending chain condition

降维法||method of descent, method of reduction of dimension

降维展开[法]||expansion of decreasing dimension

焦点||focus; 常微分方程组的一种孤立奇点。

焦集||focal set

焦散曲面||caustic surface

交||intersection; meet

交半格||meet semi-lattice

交比||cross ratio, anharmonic ratio

交表示||meet representation

交不可约元||meet irreducible element

交叉核实||cross validation

交错代数||alternative algebra

交错定理||alternation theorem

交错多重线性映射||alternating multilinear mapping


交错级数||alternating series

交错链||alternating chain

交错群||alternative groups

交错双线性型||alternate bilinear form

交错网格||staggered mesh

交错张量||alternative tensor

交点||point of intersection

交互规划||interactive programming; 又称“对话式规划”。

交互决策||interactive decision making


交换A代数||commutative A-algebra

交换巴拿赫代数||commutative Banach algebra

交换代数||commutative algebra

交换环||commutative ring

交换李群||commutative Lie group

交换律||commutative law

交换上链||commutative cochain

交换图表||commutative diagram


交结数||intertwining number

交界条件||interface condition

交替方向法||alternating direction method

交替方向隐格式||alternating direction implicit scheme, ADI scheme

交替方向隐式法||alternating direction implicit method

交替更新过程||alternating renewal process

交替码||alternate code

交图||intersection graph

交无穷分配||meet infinite distributive

交线||line of intersection

交织图||intersection chart

交重数||intersection multiplicity


角的对边||side opposite of an angle

角度[法]||degree measure

角平分线||angular bisector

角域||angular domain

较多序||major order

较多有效点||majorly efficient point

较多有效解||majorly efficient solution

较多有效性||major efficiency

较多最优点||majorly optimal point

较多最优解||majorly optimal solution

接触定理||contact theorem

接触过程||contact process

接收区域||region of acceptance

接受区域||acceptance region


阶乘函数||factorial function

阶乘矩||factorial moment

阶乘矩母函数||factorial moment generating function

阶理想||order ideal

阶梯迭代||staircase iteration

阶梯函数||step function

阶跃干扰||step disturbance

阶跃输入||step input

截[面]曲率||sectional curvature

截段有补格||sectionally complemented lattice

截断误差||truncation error

截规则||cut rule


截距式||intercept form

截口定理||section theorem

截面||cross section, section

截尾抽检||curtailed inspection

截尾分布||truncated distribution

截尾回归||truncated regression

截尾型决策函数||truncated decision function

截尾样本||truncated sample

截止速率||cut off rate

截锥||truncated cone


捷线||brachistochrone; 又称“最速降线 ( curve of steepest descent)”。

结点||node; node; 常微分方程组的一种孤立奇点。; knot, node; 网格线之间或网格线与边界的交点。


结构层||structure sheaf

结构常数||structure constants

结构函数||structure function

结构空间||structure space

结构群||structure group

结构摄动法||structural perturbation approach

结构态射||structure morphism

结构稳定性||structural stability

结合代数||associative algebra

结合代数簇||variety of associative algebras

结合代数的算术||arithmetic of associative algebra

结合环||associative ring

结合律||associative law

结合映射||association mapping


结局空间||outcome space




解冲突算法||collision resolution algorithm

解的积分表示||integral representation of solution

解的渐近展开||asymptotic expansion of solution

解的破裂||blowing-up of solution

解的振荡||oscillation of solution

解集连续性||solution set continuity



解析半群||analytic semi-group

解析簇||analytic variety

解析多面体||analytic polyhedron

解析泛函||analytic functional

解析分层||analytic hierarchy

解析函数||analytic function

解析函数的芽||germ of analytic function

解析函数的芽层||sheaf of germs of analytic function

解析函数元素||element of analytic function

解析集||analytic set

解析几何[学]||analytic geometry

解析空间||analytic space

解析流形||analytic manifold

解析奇支集||analytic singular support

解析群||analytic group, connected Lie group

解析数论||analytic number theory

解析算子||analytic operator

解析同构||analytic isomorphism

解析同胚||analytic homeomorphism

解析同态||analytic homomorphism

解析同态的微分||differential of an analytic homomorphism

解析完全域||analytically complete domain


解析亚椭圆算子||analytic-hypoelliptic operator

解析延拓||analytic prolongation, analytic continuation

解析映射||analytic mapping; 定义在一个域 G∈C n 内的 C m 值解析函数 。

解析子群||analytic subgroup, connected Lie subgroup

解析自同构算子||analytic automorphism operator


解耦系统||decoupled system


紧阿贝尔群||compact Abelian group

紧差分格式||compact difference scheme


紧加边黎曼[曲]面||bordered compact Riemann surface

紧开拓扑||compactopen topology

紧空间||compact space

紧黎曼[曲]面||compact Riemann surface; 又称“闭黎曼[曲]面”。

紧群的表示||representation of compact group

紧群的群环||group ring of compact group

紧群的正则表示||regular representation of compact group

紧群上的不变积分||invariant integral on compact group

紧生成格||compactly generated lattice

紧实型||compact real form

紧算子||compact  operator; 又称“全连续算子(completely continuous operator)”。


紧拓扑群||compact topological group

紧线性算子||compact linear operator; 又称“全连续线性算子 (completely continuous linear operator)”。


紧映射||compact mapping

紧元||compact element

进度安排法||scheduling method

进退构造||back and forth construction

近乎处处||approximately everywhere

近似表示||approximate representation

近似抽样方法||approaching sampling technique

近似导数||approximate derivative

近似解||approximate solution

近似可导[的]||approximately derivable

近似因式分解法||approximate factorization method

近似值||approximate value




晶体群||crystallographic group

晶体上同调||crystalline cohomology

精[确]度||accuracy, precision

精确惩罚法||exact penalty method

精确罚函数||exact penalty function

精确解||exact solution

精细结构||fine structure

精细模空间||fine moduli space

经典解||classical solution

经典控制理论||classical control theory

经典杨-巴克斯特方程||classical Yang-Baxter equation

经验贝叶斯方法||empirical Bayes method

经验分布函数||empirical distribution function

经验公式||empirical formula

经验过程||empirical process

经验曲线||empirical curve

镜射||reflection; 曾用名“反射”。

径迹长度方法||track length method

径向测地线||radical geodesic

径向量||radius vector; 又称“径矢”。

径向无界||radially unbounded


竞争均衡||competitive equilibrium

纠错码||error correcting code

久期项||secular term; 又称“永年项”。


九点圆||nine-point circle



局部变换群||local transformation group

局部遍历定理||local-ergodic theorem

局部表现模||locally presented module

局部参数||local parameter

局部次理想||local subideal

局部戴环空间||locally ringed space

局部代数||local algebra

局部单连通||locally simply connected

局部单值化||local uniformization

局部道路连通[的]||locally path connected

局部高||local height

局部弧连通||locally arcwise connected


局部环||local ring

局部极大值||local maximum

局部极限定理||local limit theorem

局部极小值||local minimum

局部解析同构||locally analytical isomorphic

局部紧可除代数||locally compact division algebra

局部紧空间||locally compact space

局部紧群||locally compact group

局部紧群的酉表示||unitary representation of locally compact group

局部可解性||local solvability

局部类域论||local class field theory

局部李群||local Lie group

局部连通[的]||locally connected

局部幂零代数||locally nilpotent algebra

局部幂零根||locally nilpotent radical, Levitzki radical

局部幂零理想||locally nilpotent ideal

局部诺特概形||locally Noetherian scheme

局部时||local time

局部收敛||local convergence

局部同调群||local homology group

局部同构||locally isomorphic

局部同态||local homomorphism

局部凸[拓扑线性]空间||locally convex [topological linear] space

局部凸||locally convex

局部误差||local error

局部有限代数||locally finite algebra

局部有限覆盖||locally finite covering

局部域||local field

局部域的布饶尔群||Brauer group of a local field

局部域上代数群||algebraic groups over a local field

局部自由层||locally free sheaf

局部最优化||local optimization

局部最优值||local optimum

局部鞅||local martingale


局中人||player; 又称“参预者”。


矩法估计||moment estimate

矩量法||moment method

矩母函数||moment generating function

矩形||rectangle; 又称“长方形 ”。

矩形法则||rectangle rule

矩形网格||rectangular net, rectangular mesh

矩阵[的]范数||norm of a matrix, matrix norm


矩阵变量[的]超几何函数||hypergeometric function of matric argument

矩阵表示||matrix representation

矩阵的对角线||diagonal line of a matrix

矩阵的迹||trace of a matrix

矩阵的阶||order of a matrix

矩阵的逆||inverse of a matrix

矩阵的谱||spectrum of a matrix

矩阵的谱半径||spectral radius of a matrix

矩阵的行列式||determinant of a matrix

矩阵的元||entry of a matrix

矩阵的张量积||tensor product of matrices, Kronecker product of matrices

矩阵的正规形||normal form of a matrix

矩阵的秩||rank of a matrix

矩阵迭代分析||matrix iterative analysis

矩阵对策||matrix game

矩阵论||theory of matrices

矩阵帕德逼近||matrix Padé approximation

矩阵求逆||matrix inversion

矩阵群||matrix group

矩阵收缩||matrix deflation

聚点||point of accumulation

聚点原理||principle of the point of accumulation


聚类分析||cluster analysis

聚束法||bundle algorithm

聚值集||cluster set

拒绝门限||rejection threshold

拒绝区域||rejection region

距离传递图||distance transitive graph

距离结构||distance structure

距离判别法||discriminant by distance

距离正则图||distance-regular graph


卷积码||convolutional code

卷积算子||convolution operator

卷积下确界||infimal convolution

卷绕数||winding number

决策||decision; decision making

决策变量||decision variable

决策变量灵敏度分析||decision variable sensitivity analysis

决策表||decision table

决策分析||decision analysis

决策过程||decision process

决策空间||space of decisions

决策论||decision theory

决策模型||decision model

决策树||decision tree

决策向量||decision vector

决定[区]域||domain of determinacy


绝对不等式||absolute  inequality

绝对不可约表示||absolutely irreducible representation

绝对高||absolute height

绝对极大值||absolute maximum

绝对极小值||absolute minimum

绝对极值||absolute extremum

绝对几何||absolute geometry

绝对矩||absolute moment

绝对连续[的]||absolutely continuous

绝对邻域收缩核||absolute neighborhood retract

绝对收敛||absolutely convergent

绝对收敛横坐标||abscissa of absolute convergence

绝对收缩核||absolute retract

绝对凸||absolutely convex

绝对微分学||absolute differential calculus

绝对误差||absolute error



绝对值||absolute value

绝对秩||absolute rank

绝对最优解||absolute optimal solution

绝妙定理||theorema egregium, remarkable theorem; 欧氏空间中曲面的两个主曲率的乘积由第一基本型决定,而与第二基本型

均差||divided difference

均方遍历[的]||ergodic in mean, ergodic in square

均方根误差||root-mean-square error

均方连续||continuity in mean square

均方收敛||convergence in mean square

均方误差||mean square error, MSE; 估计量与被估计量之差的平方的期望。

均衡[的]||balanced, circled

均匀分布||uniform distribution; 密度在一特定区域上为常数,而它处为零的概率分布。

均匀量化||uniform quantizing

均匀偏度||uniform departureness

均匀设计||design by uniform distribution


均值函数||mean function

均值向量||mean vector

卡茨-穆迪代数||Kac-Moody algebra

卡尔曼-布西滤波器||Kalman-Bucy filter

卡尔曼滤波||Kalman filtering

卡尔曼滤波器||Kalman filter

卡尔松测度||Carleson measure

卡积||cap product

卡吉耶除子||Cartier divisor

卡吉耶对偶||Cartier dual

卡拉泰奥多里测度||Carathéodory measure

卡拉泰奥多里存在定理||Carathéodory existence theorem

卡拉泰奥多里性质||Carathéodory property

卡莱曼型核||kernel of Carleman type

卡马卡法||Karmarkar algorithm

卡姆克唯一性条件||Kamke uniqueness condition

卡普坦级数||Kapteyn series

卡塞尔斯配对||Cassels pairing

开尔文函数||Kelvin function


开覆盖||open covering

开关函数||switch function

开关曲面||switch surface

开关曲线||switch curve

开环控制||open-loop control

开环系统||open-loop system

开集||open set

开集基||open set basis

开浸入||open immersion

开立方||extraction of cubic root

开平方||extraction of square root

开区间||open interval

开西米尔多项式||Casimir polynomial

开西米尔元||Casimir element

开星形||open star

开型积分公式||open integration formula

开映射||open mapping

开映射定理||open mapping theorem

开子概形||open subscheme

开子群||open subgroup

凯莱变换||Cayley transform

凯莱代数||Cayley algebra

凯莱数||Cayley number

康托尔集||Cantor set

考纽螺线||Cornu spiral; 又称“回旋曲线(clothoid)”。

柯尔莫哥洛夫自同构||Kolmogorov automorphism

柯朗-弗里德里希斯-列维条件||Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition; 简称“CFL条件”。

柯朗数||Courant number

柯西-阿达马公式||Cauchy-Hadamard formula

柯西-柯瓦列夫斯卡娅定理||Cauchy-Kovalevskaja theorem

柯西-黎曼方程||Cauchy-Riemann equations

柯西-施瓦茨不等式||Cauchy-Schwarz inequality

柯西插值||Cauchy interpolation

柯西存在和唯一性定理||Cauchy existence and uniqueness theorem

柯西分布||Cauchy distribution

柯西积分公式||Cauchy integral formula

柯西问题||Cauchy problem

柯西型积分||Cauchy type integral

柯西中值定理||Cauchy mean value theorem

柯西主值||Cauchy principal value

科恩-麦考莱概形||Cohen-Macaulay scheme

科恩-麦考莱环||Cohen-Macaulay ring

科恩环||Cohen ring

科尔莫戈罗夫-斯米尔诺夫检验||Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

科尔莫戈罗夫相容性定理||Kolmogorov consistent theorem

科斯居尔复形||Koszul complex

科斯坦特公式||Kostant formula



可比较补||comparable complement

可闭算子||closable operator; 又称“准闭算子(preclosed operator)”。

可变参数模型||variable parameters model

可变网距||variable mesh size

可辨识性||identifiability; 又称“能辨识性”。

可表示函子||representable functor



可采纳解||admissible solution; 又称“容许解”。

可测变换||measurable transformation

可测过程||measurable process

可测函数||measurable function

可测基数||measurable cardinal

可测集||measurable set

可测集值函数||measurable set-valued function, measurable multifunction

可测空间||measurable space

可除代数||division algebra

可除模||divisible module

可除群||divisible group

可达点||achievable point

可达集||reachable set; 又称“能达集”。

可达率||achievable rate

可达区域||achievable region

可达性||accessibility; 大基数的一种性质。

可达状态||accessible state


可定向丛||orientable bundle

可定向流形||orientable manifold

可定向曲面||orientable surface





可对角化代数群||diagonalizable algebraic group

可分[离]规划||separable programming

可分次数||separable degree

可分代数||separable algebra

可分代数闭包||separable algebraic closure

可分代数扩张||separable algebraic extension

可分对策||separable game

可分多项式||separable polynomial

可分过程||separable process

可分核||separated kernel; 又称“退化核 (degenerate kernel)”。

可分解算子||decomposable operator

可分解信道||decomposable channel

可分空间||separable space

可分扩张域||separable extension field

可分生成[的]||separably generated

可分态射||separable morphism

可分元||separable element

可分张量||decomposable tensor



可公度子群||commensurable subgroups


可构成壳||constructible hull



可观测信息||observable information

可观测性[矩]阵||observability matrix

可观测性||observability; 又称“能观测性”。

可观测性规范形||observability canonical form

可观测性指数||observability index

可观测性指数列||observability indicies


可和函数||summable function


可积条件||condition of integrability

可积微分方程组||integrable system of differential equations


可积有界集值函数||integrable bounded multifunction


可加信道||additive channel

可加噪声||additive noise

可检测性||detectability; 又称“能检测性”。


可接受标号||acceptable indexing

可解解析群||solvable analytic group

可解李代数||solvable Lie algebra

可解群||solvable group


可解性理论||theory of solvability


可靠数字||reliable digit

可靠性||soundness; 又称“有效性(validity)”。

可靠性理论||reliability theory

可靠性模型||reliability model

可控规范形||controllability canonical form

可控性[矩]阵||controllability matrix

可控性||controllability; 又称“能控性”。

可控指数||controllability index

可控指数列||controllability indices

可控子空间||controllable subspace

可扩映射||expansive map


可料时||predictable time

可裂短正合[序]列||splitting short exact sequence



可逆层||invertible sheaf

可逆矩阵||invertible matrix

可逆马尔可夫过程||reversible Markov process

可逆模||invertible module

可逆算子||invertible operator

可逆态射||invertible morphism

可逆系统||invertible system


可平面图||planar graph


可求长曲线||rectifiable curve


可去奇点||removable singularity


可实现性||realizability; 又称“能实现性”。

可数[的]||countable, denumerable

可数[性]公理||axioms of countability

可数赋范空间||countably normed space

可数勒贝格谱||countable Lebesgue spectrum

可数无穷[的]||countable infinite

可数希尔伯特空间||countable Hilbert space



可缩空间||contractible space


可微算子||differentiable operator


可稳性||stabilizability; 又称“能稳性”。

可行方向||feasible direction

可行方向法||feasible direction method

可行方向锥||feasible direction cone

可行基||feasible basis

可行解||feasible solution

可行下降方向||feasible descent direction

可行域||feasible region

可行约束||feasible constraint

可修系统||repairable system



可约表示||reducible representation

可展曲面||developable surface

可展拓扑空间||developable topological space

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机器学习/深度学习 算法 Unix
存储 算法 关系型数据库
JavaScript Java C语言
2017年浙江省大学生高等数学 (微积分) 竞赛试题 (工科类)
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2017年浙江省大学生高等数学 (微积分) 竞赛试题 (工科类)


