StringBuffer使用append提示String concatenation as argument to 'StringBuffer.append()' call



String concatenation as argument to 'StringBuffer.append()' call less... (Ctrl+F1)

Reports String concatenation used as the argument to StringBuffer.append(),StringBuilder.append() orAppendable.append(). Such calls may profitably be turned into chained append calls on the existingStringBuffer/Builder/Appendable, saving the cost of an extraStringBuffer/Builder allocation.

This inspection ignores compile time evaluated String concatenations, which when converted to chained append calls would only worsen performance.     


        str.append("Date: " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + "\n");
        str.append("Version: " + info.versionName + "(" + info.versionCode + ")\n");

代码大概是这样的后面还有很多 append 。


本来  append 方法就是拼接字符串用的,而参数里面又用了 + 加号来拼接字符串,于是就提示你应该用 append 将这些字符串作为参数来使用~~~

不过如果真的全用 append 来写的话,那这段代码阅读起来可就要命了,所以还是忽略这个提示了

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