本期刊物新增《CSS 前沿》栏目,大漠老师将作为栏目主编加入共建,希望大家喜欢。
The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers
Front-end development is at the intersection of art and logic. A cross of business and expression. Both left and right brain. A cocktail of design and nerdery. I love it.
I was wrong. CRDTs are the future
Thanks to people like Martin, we now know how to make good CRDTs. But there’s still a lot of code to write before local first software can become the default. OT - you’re clever and fascinating, but CRDTs can do things you were never capable of. And CRDTs need me. With some good implementations, I think we can make something really special. I mourn all the work I’ve done on OT over the years. But OT is no longer fits into the vision I have for the future. CRDTs would let us remake Wave, but simpler and better. And they would let us write software that treats users as digital citizens, not a digital serfs. The time to build is now.
Writing JavaScript tools in other languages – a new trend?
Recently, we have seen an uptick of JavaScript tools being written in languages other than JavaScript. This blog post lists a few examples and explains the appeal of not using JavaScript. Releated: Boa - An experimental Javascript lexer, parser and compiler written in Rust, Volta: Install, Run, and Manage JavaScript Tools Quickly, built in Rust and ships as a snappy static binary.
What’s In The Future For JavaScript?
The predictions of a software developer who’s seen the language evolve for the past 17 years. What’s in our near future and what will happen 20 or more years from now?
Four principles of software engineering
Software should be robust, Software should be reliable, Software should also be stable. Finally, software should be simple.
🧐一周精读🧐《设计模式 - Builder 生成器》
https://github.com/dt-fe/weekly/blob/v2/168.精读《设计模式 - Builder 生成器》.md
通过三个生动的例子与 JS 示例代码,帮助前端的你理解设计模式,让我们一起积累不过时的知识!
新潮流?用其他语言来写 JS 工具
最近发现不少比较快的 JS 周边工具都是用 Go 或者 Rust 来实现的,同时速度远快于之前用 Node 来实现,比如说比 Webpack 快百倍的 esbuild 使用 Go 来实现的,或许是一种新的潮流。
用 TensorFlow.js 来让蒙娜丽莎栩栩如生起来
深度好文,这个项目利用 TensorFlow.js、深度学习和图像处理技术,让蒙娜丽莎的眼神和头跟踪实验者的动作来移动。
去复习一遍 Linux 的知识
标题是「对不起,学会这些 Linux 知识后,我有点飘」有些 2,不过用前端久了,去复习一下 Linux 用法是很不错的。
本文主要是将当时 Linus 是怎么设计出来 Git 的第一个版本来的,从背景、设计、实现、启示来阐述,对于了解 Git 原理很不错。
SWC- 超快 TS / JS 编译器
SWC 是一个用 rust 编写的超快速 typescript/javascript 编译器,类似用 Rust 写的 JS 工具还有 RSLint 格式校验工具和 Volta 项目命令行 node/npm/yarn 版本管理工具,还有用 Go 实现的 Elsa。
jspm - 可直接使用的 NPM 包模块 CDN
jspm 提供了一个模块 CDN,允许 npm 中的任何包作为原生 JavaScript 模块直接加载到浏览器或 Node 环境中使用,类似的还有 Skypack,可以和 Webpack5 中的模块联邦结合起来看。
Jazzit - 让你的脚本运行成功失败播放声音
Python 的一个库,挺有新易,有兴趣的同学可以用 Node 去实现一个。
Headless Recorder Chrome 扩展
Headless recorder 是一个可以记录浏览器事件交互行为并生成 Puppeteer 或 Playwright 脚本的 Chrome 扩展工具,在测试领域可以好好玩一玩。
Airbnb 开源的可视化组件 Visx
Visx 是可复用的低代码可视化组件集,将 D3 的强大功能与 React 虚拟 DOM 更新的优势结合起来,很有 Airbnb 的视觉特色(效果>>),做一些年轻化潮流的可视化场景可以试试。
Pasukon 使用易于学习的语法生成解析器,基于解析器组合器,还实现了词法分析步骤,可以通过如上在线页面来试试看。
CSS Variables 101
CSS 变量又称为 CSS 自定义属性,其源于 CSS 处理器(比如,Sass , LESS 等)。W3C 将该特性引入到 CSS中,而且早在四年前就得到了 Web 浏览器的支持。它们非常有用且易于使用,但前端开发人员经常会误用或误解它们。这篇文章介绍了 CSS 变量并且通过大量的示例和用例可以帮助大家更好的了解关于 CSS 变量。
只用 CSS 来实现设置数字计数器动画
要写一个数字从 0-100 增长的动画效果,可能首先会想到用 setInterval,但是其实你可以试试 New School 的 CSS 解决方案。
Codepen-用 CSS 来画一个 Switch
可能你画就是一个 img 标签解决啦~
web 可视化类库的设计空间
图形和可视化开发人员经常会纠结:“应该使用哪个可视化库?”Medium 上的这篇文章对已有的 web 可视化库进行了调查,从 API 设计和抽象基本两个角度对它们做了归类。
When Sea Levels Attact
近年来的一些研究表明,格陵兰和南极洲的冰川正在加速融化,全球海平面的上升速度可能远超预期。当海平面不断上升,向人类城市发起进攻,世界将会变成怎样?如果不采取行动,到 2100 年威尼斯将会完全被水淹没。并且,按照当前速度继续发展下去,沿海的各大城市都面临被淹没的风险,甚至会让一些陆地彻底消失。这将会给人类世界带来不可挽回的灾难。只有积极地节能减排,才有可能更好地拯救我们赖以生存的陆地。
2020 年 7 月 25 日,日本一艘邮轮途径毛里求斯东南沿海埃因尼角的时候搁浅,造成了史上最严重的漏油事件,估计泄露 1000 吨燃油。Theo Isaac 制作的信息可视化展示了 1957 年以来的全球漏油事件历史。顶部巧妙地将漏油量的面积图和油轮泄漏这一形态结合在一起,然后使用统计图表对所有漏油事件的事故原因和污染物进行了数据展示,最后的地图对漏油事故发生地点进行了统计。
查看更多: https://www.yuque.com/mo-college/weekly/oqlcu8
The open source paradox
Open source is different, it’s an artifact, it’s a transposition in code of what you really want to do, of what you feel software should be, or just of all your fun and joy, or even anger you are feeling while coding. And you want it to rock, to be perfect, and you can’t sleep at night if there is a fucking heisenbug. So if a user of your software is addressing you because some part of your code sucks, and is willing to work with you to do something about it, and is very demanding, don’t think they are abusing you because they are not paying you. It’s not about money. You can ignore bugs if you want, and ignore their complains, you can do that since you don’t have a contract to do otherwise, but they are helping you, they care about the same thing you care: your software quality, grandiosity, perfection.
Writing a book: is it worth it?
On balance, I do think that writing a technical book is worth it. The feeling of knowing that you have helped a lot of people is gratifying. The personal growth that comes from taking on such a challenge is also considerable. And there is no better way to learn something in depth than by explaining it to others. In my next post I will provide some advice on writing and publishing from my experience so far.
The Best Design Is No Design
One characteristic of good UX design is that it’s unnoticeable to users because it reflects the way they work. As many companies scale up—especially growing startups—they struggle to add value without adding complexity. This is one reason we’re seeing a trend toward adding secondary navigation at the left of many applications. Often, one horizontal navigation bar across the top of an application is just not scalable. Your focus should be on simplicity. Releated: What is Simplicity Theory? Why people prefer simple experiences.
Introducing Google Workspace to help you get more done
Whether at work or at home, people want to do great things. But for many, this means juggling a variety of apps and tools to stay connected—none of them centralized—which can make it hard to keep track of things or make progress on what matters. Today we’re announcing Google Workspace: everything you need to get anything done, now in one place. Google Workspace includes all of the productivity apps you know and use at home, at work, or in the classroom—Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet, Chat and more—now more thoughtfully connected.
Figma Low Code – A new way to tackle design hand-off
Figma-Low-Code is an open-source project that enables the direct inclusion of Figma designs in VUE applications. By ensuring that the Figma design stays the single source of truth, this approach reduces the need for design hand-offs and front-end code significantly.
硬核 UP 自制带屏幕的 NFC 名片
B 站一 UP 开源了一个自己实现的超迷你智能 NFC 卡片,带电子墨水屏,可以模拟各种 IC 卡,和配套 APP 使用设置显示内容等等功能,非常佩服这个全能的人才。
用 JS 来玩音乐
试试按一下 1 1 3 1 6 5,然后按一下 1 1 3 1 8 6,会有惊喜,更多谱子可见 Externalizable/bongo.cat,很多“闲人”,玩完以后这个 JS 音乐生成库 ZzFXM 也可以了解一下~
本文主要针对的是无法长时间保持注意力的人,普通人能一次性保持高度专注的时长一般是 30~40 分钟,如果低于这个时间,那就阔以看看此文啦~
查看更多: https://www.yuque.com/awesome/fe_weekly/20201005、https://www.yuque.com/awesome/fe_weekly/20201012
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