or ||

简介: Is $z TRUE or FALSE? In this case, $z will be FALSE because the above code is equivalent to rather than as might be expected - because the ...
$z=$y OR $x;

Is $z TRUE or FALSE?

In this case, $z will be FALSE because the above code is equivalent to <?php ($z=$y) OR $x ?> rather than <?php $z=($y OR $x) ?> as might be expected - because the OR operator has lower precedence than assignment operators.

On the other hand, after this code sequence:
$z=$y || $x;

$z will be TRUE, as expected, because the || operator has higher precedence than assignment:  The code is equivalent to $z=($y OR $x).

This is why you should NEVER use the OR operator without explicit parentheses around the expression where it is being used.


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