PostgreSQL 11 preview - Allow on-line enabling and disabling of data checksums

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PostgreSQL , checksum , online modify , pg_verify_checksums , pg_enable_data_checksums , pg_disable_data_checksums


PostgreSQL的数据文件是以数据块组织的,由于数据块可能比文件系统的原子写更大,所以在某些情况下可能出现partial write(例如断点或者块设备异常),出现数据块数据损坏(不一致)的情况。为了满足可靠性要求,PG在设计之初已经考虑到这点,所以有了WAL的FULL PAGE WRITE,以及WAL的PAGE强制开启CHECKSUM的功能。如果主机异常或者文件系统异常等问题导致数据库异常关闭,那么数据库在下次启动时会进入RECOVERY模式,使用从上一个检查点开始的WAL,修复数据文件内的BLOCK。

既然WAL可以有CHECKSUM,那么数据文件是否有checksum呢?答案当然是有的,不过在PostgreSQL 11以前,CHECKSUM需要在数据库初始的时候决定,要么开启要么不开启。

PostgreSQL 11引入了一个功能点,可以在线开关checksum。;a=commit;h=1fde38beaa0c3e66c340efc7cc0dc272d6254bb0

Allow on-line enabling and disabling of data checksums  
This makes it possible to turn checksums on in a live cluster, without  
the previous need for dump/reload or logical replication (and to turn it  
Enabling checkusm starts a background process in the form of a  
launcher/worker combination that goes through the entire database and  
recalculates checksums on each and every page. Only when all pages have  
been checksummed are they fully enabled in the cluster. Any failure of  
the process will revert to checksums off and the process has to be  
This adds a new WAL record that indicates the state of checksums, so  
the process works across replicated clusters.  
Authors: Magnus Hagander and Daniel Gustafsson  
Review: Tomas Vondra, Michael Banck, Heikki Linnakangas, Andrey Borodin  


pg_verify_checksums 工具



pg_verify_checksums — verify data checksums in an offline PostgreSQL database cluster  
pg_verify_checksums [option] [[-D] datadir]  
pg_verify_checksums verifies data checksums in a PostgreSQL cluster. It must be run against a cluster that's offline.  
The following command-line options are available:  
-r relfilenode  
Only validate checksums in the relation with specified relfilenode.  
Force check even if checksums are disabled on cluster.  
Enable debug output. Lists all checked blocks and their checksum.  
Print the pg_verify_checksums version and exit.  
Show help about pg_verify_checksums command line arguments, and exit.  
Can only be run when the server is offline.  


9.26.7. Data Checksum Functions

The functions shown in Table 9.84 can be used to enable or disable data checksums in a running cluster. See Section 30.2 for details.

Table 9.84. Checksum SQL Functions

Function Return Type Description
pg_enable_data_checksums([cost_delay int, cost_limit int]) void Initiates data checksums for the cluster. This will switch the data checksums mode to in progress and start a background worker that will process all data in the database and enable checksums for it. When all data pages have had checksums enabled, the cluster will automatically switch to checksums on. If cost_delay and cost_limit are specified, the speed of the process is throttled using the same principles as Cost-based Vacuum Delay.
pg_disable_data_checksums() void Disables data checksums for the cluster.


pg_controldata |grep checksum

Data page checksum version:           0


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如果数据库是non checksum的,使用pg_enable_data_checksums函数在线打开checksum,会对所有BLOCK进行校验并写入校验值,产生大量的写数据文件的IO以及写WAL日志的IO。

数据库通过设置delay和每一轮的limit来设置调度,尽量的降低转换为CHECKSUM模式带来的IO风暴,使其平滑化。如果未设置delay,cost limit,则沿用数据库设置的vacuum的delay和cost limit。


《PostgreSQL primary-standby failback tools : pg_rewind》

《PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - pg_rewind fast sync Split Brain Primary & Standby》

《PostgreSQL 9.5 add pg_rewind for Fast align for PostgreSQL unaligned primary & standby》

《Get txid from pg_controldata's output》

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