ET Brain: Exploring New Uses for Data and AI

简介: This whitepaper seeks to introduce the various ET Brain solutions, their features, and how the solutions are designed to transform the respective target industries.


For years now, Alibaba Cloud has powered and empowered every business unit throughout the Alibaba Group. Serving as Alibaba Group’s backbone, they have developed powerful cloud platforms that can handle data analytics platforms, visualization tools, search algorithms, and database management. Over the past few years, Alibaba Cloud has branched out, offering its in-house products to businesses large and small across the globe. Currently, Alibaba Cloud has gone one step further, offering a wide range of products and solutions that feature the latest in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analysis. The new suite of products and solutions is called ET Brain. Alibaba Cloud developed ET Brain with one idea in mind. To help solve the most complex problems that plague not only business but also society. Simply put, ET Brain also puts small businesses on the same playing field as big corporations, providing them with equal access to technology and the capacity to build lasting and sustainable companies.

As of now, the ET Brain suite includes ET City Brain, ET Industrial Brain, ET Environment Brain, ET Medical Brain, ET Aviation Brain, ET Sports Brain, and ET Financial Brain. All ET Brain solutions include tools and solutions powered by modern technologies that are driving global breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technological innovations allow for capabilities including big data processing, real-time analysis, deep neural networks, video recognition, and multifaceted security capabilities. ET Brain’s capabilities, in turn, make for fully functioning cognitive perception, reasoning, and constant innovation which are designed to help in strategic decision-making and situational intelligence. It ensures that businesses large and small have all the data to make the best decisions promptly.

This whitepaper seeks to introduce the various ET Brain solutions, their features, and how the solutions are designed to transform the respective target industries. If you are a CTO or a manager of a large organization or an owner of a small business, you will find ET Brain applicable to you in some form or the other.

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