简介: Profile 1: Web Based Application Experience Work Experience: 4-5 Years Industry Experience (1 Year working with established SDLC) Basic Experience [Microsoft Based]:  Web Applications, ASP .

Profile 1: Web Based Application Experience

Work Experience: 4-5 Years Industry Experience (1 Year working with established SDLC)

Basic Experience [Microsoft Based]:  Web Applications, ASP .Net, C# ,Basic SQL

Technical Skill Keywords [Microsoft Based] ASP .NET, MVC, LinQ, Linq to SQL, NHibernate, NUnit,

Basic Experience [Non Microsoft Based]: Web Applications, J2EE, Java, Basic SQL

Technical Skill Keywords [Non Microsoft Based] J2EE,JSP, STRUTS MVC, SPRING, POJO, Hibernate

Profile 2: Database and Reporting Experience

Work Experience: 4-5 Years Industry Experience (1 Year working with established SDLC)

Basic Experience [Microsoft Based]: Strong SQL and Reporting (multiple projects listed),  Good C# , Java or C++ (doesn’t have to be web)

Technical Skill Keywords [Microsoft Based] SQL Server 2005/2008,SQL, T-SQL, Model, Tuning, Optimization, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Data-Warehouse, ETL, SSIS, DTS Packages

Basic Experience [Non Microsoft Based]: Strong SQL and Reporting (multiple projects listed) , Good C#, Java or C++

Technical Skill Keywords [Non Microsoft Based]: Oracle 9i/10g/11g, Oracle Reports, Crystal Reports, PL-SQL, Model, Tuning, Optimization, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, Data-Warehouse


感兴趣者可以把简历发到我邮箱: Nicholas.lu.mail@gmail.com

网传字节跳动 TNS 部门一锅端,转岗“难于上青天”
大家好,我是鸭血粉丝,不知道大家最近有没有看到一个帖子,说的是字节跳动 TNS 部门被一锅端。在这个疫情还没有被宣布结束的时期,很多公司都会有这种裁员的动作,俗称组织架构优化,很多小公司都倒闭了,大公司也不得不想办法控制成本,那么这个时候倒霉的也只能是普通的打工人了。 没有一劳永逸的开始;也没有无法拯救的结束。人生中,你需要把握的是:该开始的,要义无反顾地开始;该结束的,就干净利落地结束。
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网传字节跳动 TNS 部门一锅端,转岗“难于上青天”
安全 数据中心 数据安全/隐私保护
北京时间5月2日消息,据美国知名IT杂志《连线》网站报道,微软日前已同美国空军部门签署了一项供货合,今后微软将向美国空军部门提供默认设置“最为安全的”Windows XP操作系统,并提供最为及时的安全升级服务。
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