runlevel in Linux and Solaris and AIX

runlevel Linux Solaris
0 halt (Do NOT set initdefault to /etc/inittal "initlevel" entry) halt
1 Single user mode Single user mode
2 Multiuser, without NFS (The same as 3, if you do not have networking) multiuser, unshare net
3 Full multiuser mode multiuser, deafult
4 unused unused
5 X11 halt, power off
6 reboot (Do NOT set initdefault to this) reboot to level 3
S None equal “init 1”, “boot -s”
      "AIX does not follow the System V R4 (SVR4) run level specification, with run levels from 0 to 9 available, as well as from a to c. 0 and 1 are reserved, 2 is the default normal multiuser mode and run levels from 3 to 9 are free to be defined by the administrator. Run levels from a to c allow the execution of processes in that run level without killing processes started in another."
      本来想把上个表格做得更全些的,结果在google上一搜,晕!人家 [url][/url]做得之巴适!我晕!真是众人拾柴火焰高啊!大家还是有空多去看看wikipedia吧!

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