
  1 //   2 //  main.m   3 //  NSDictionary   4 //   5 //  Created by dingxiaowei on 13-5-15.   6 //  Copyright (c) 2013年 dingxiaowei. All rights reserved.   7 //   8    9 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  10 #import "Student.h"  11 #pragma mark - 字典的创建  12 void dicCreate(){  13     //NSDictionary一旦创建是不可变的  可变的是NSMutableDictionary  14     //创建一个键值对  15     NSDictionary  *dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"dingxiaowei" forKey:@"10141303"]; //只能放OC对象,不能放基本数据类型  注意:不能处理中文  16     //创建多个键值对(最常用的初始化方法)  17     dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"cl",@"10141301",  18                                                    @"cey",@"10141302",  19                                                    @"dxw",@"10141303", nil];  20     //其他创建方法  21     NSArray *objs=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"v1",@"v2",@"v3", nil];  22     NSArray *keys=[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"k1",@"k2",@"k3", nil];  23     dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objs forKeys:keys];  24     NSLog(@"字典是:%@",dic);  25 }  26 #pragma mark - 字典的用法  27 void dicUse(){  28     //创建多个键值对(最常用的初始化方法)  29     NSDictionary *dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:  30                        @"v1",@"k1",  31                        @"cey",@"10141302",  32                        @"dxw",@"10141303", nil];  33     NSLog(@"count:%zi",[dic count]);  34     //由于NSDictionary是不可变的,所以一旦创建只能查询,不能更改  35     id obj=[dic objectForKey:@"k1"];  36     NSLog(@"k1-%@",obj);  37   38     //将字典写入文件中  39     NSString *path=@"/Users/dingxiaowei/Desktop/dictionary.xml";  40     if([dic writeToFile:path atomically:YES]){  41         NSLog(@"字典写入到文件成功");  42     }  43     //读取xml的字典文件  44     dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path];  45     NSLog(@"文件读取成功\ndic:%@",dic);  46   47     //返回所有的keys和values  48     NSArray *keys=[dic allKeys];  49     NSArray *values=[dic allValues];  50     NSLog(@"所有的keys是:%@\n所有的值是:%@",keys,values);  51   52     //查询一个value对于的多个key  53     dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"v1",@"k1",@"v2",@"k2",@"v1",@"k3",nil];  54     keys=[dic allKeysForObject:@"v1"];  55     NSLog(@"keys:%@",keys);  56   57     //根据多个key取出对于的value  58     //注意:当key找不到对于的value时候,就用marker来代替  59     NSArray *array1=[NSArray array];  60     array1=[dic objectsForKeys:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"k1",@"k2", @"k4",nil] notFoundMarker:@"not-found"];//如果找不到对于的object 就用marker代替 比如这儿没有k4  61     NSLog(@"找到的值%@",array1);  62 }  63 #pragma mark - 遍历字典  64 void dicFor(){  65     //初始化字典  66     NSDictionary *dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"v1",@"k1",@"v2",@"k2",@"v3",@"k3", nil];  67     //遍历字典所有的key  68     for (id key in dic) {  69         id value=[dic objectForKey:key];  70         NSLog(@"普通遍历:%@-%@",key,value);  71     }  72   73     //key迭代器遍历  74     NSEnumerator *enumer=[dic keyEnumerator];  75     id key=nil;  76     while (key=[enumer nextObject]) {  77         id value=[dic objectForKey:key];  78         NSLog(@"key迭代器遍历:%@-%@",key,value);  79     }  80   81     //value迭代器  82     //对象迭代器  83     //[dic objectEnumerator];  84   85     //lblock遍历(每调遍历一次键值就调用一次block  86     [dic enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {  87         NSLog(@"block迭代器遍历:%@-%@",key,obj);  88     }];  89 }  90 #pragma mark - 字典的内存管理  91 void dicMemory(){  92     Student *stu1=[Student studentWithName:@"cl"];  93     Student *stu2=[Student studentWithName:@"cey"];  94     Student *stu3=[Student studentWithName:@"dxw"];  95     //字典会自动销毁,一般静态创建的对象都不需要我们自己释放,自动释放的时候会对key和value对象进行一次release操作  96     NSDictionary *dic=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:stu1,@"k1",stu2,@"k2",stu3,@"k3",nil]; //注意:把一个对象塞给字典时会进行一次retain时候  97     /*[stu1 retain];  98     [stu2 retain];  99     [stu3 retain];*/ 100  101      102     NSLog(@"dic%@",dic); 103 } 104  105 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) 106 { 107  108     @autoreleasepool { 109  110         //dicCreate(); 111         //dicUse(); 112         //dicFor(); 113         dicMemory(); 114     } 115     return 0; 116 }


1 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> 2  3 @interface Student : NSObject 4 @property(nonatomic,retain)NSString *name; 5 +(id)studentWithName:(NSString *)name; 6 @end


 1 #import "Student.h"  2   3 @implementation Student  4   5   6 +(id)studentWithName:(NSString *)name{  7     Student *stu=[[[Student alloc] init] autorelease];  8     stu.name=name;  9     return stu; 10 } 11  12 -(NSString *)description{ 13     return _name; 14 } 15  16 -(void)dealloc{ 17     NSLog(@"名字为%@被销毁了",_name); 18     [_name release]; 19     [super dealloc]; 20 } 21  22 @end


前言 NSString的boolValue之前有使用,但是一直没有真正了解什么时候返回YES(true)或NO(false)。其实,苹果在官方文档中已经写的很清楚,按command + control 点击boolValue进入文档就可以看到: boolValue The Boolean value of the string.
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原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/wendingding/p/3766347.html 一、UIApplication 1.简单介绍 (1)UIApplication对象是应用程序的象征,一个UIApplication对象就代表一个应用程序。
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UIApplication 什么是UIApplication? UIApplication对象是应⽤程序的象征.每一个应用都有⾃己的UIApplication对象,这个对象是系统自动帮我们创建的, 它是一个单例对象.
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