Best of Application Security (Friday, Jan. 8)

简介: Ten of Application Security industry's coolest, most interesting, important, and entertaining links from the past week -- in no particular order.
安全 SQL
Preventing Security Breaches: The Benefits of a Web Application Firewall
If the benefits of cloud computing can be summarized in just one word, it would be an “enabler”.
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Preventing Security Breaches: The Benefits of a Web Application Firewall
NoSQL Java 网络安全
NoSQL Java 网络安全
Web App开发 缓存 监控
SQL 安全 数据库
C#——Web.config中的Integrated Security=SSPI
<h1> <span style="font-size:18px">    </span><span style="font-size:24px">问题由来</span> </h1> <p><span style="font-size:18px">    之前在进行机房收费系统个人重构的时候,配置文件访问数据库,用的是这种方式,如:  </span></p> <p><span styl
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security ebooks
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Web App开发 安全 关系型数据库
Web application security incident handling
I thought I'd take a moment to post about some web security tools I use pretty often, which hel...
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安全 Java 网络协议
Application Security Logging
How to Do Application Logging Right is the best guidance I have come across to date.
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