Test management tools

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简介: Bugzilla Testopia Description: Testopia is a test case management extension for Bugzilla.

Bugzilla Testopia


Testopia is a test case management extension for Bugzilla. It is designed to be a generic tool for tracking test cases, allowing for testing organizations to integrate bug reporting with their test case run results. Though it is designed with software testing in mind, it can be used to track testing on virtually anything in the engineering process.



Data Generator


The Data Generator is a free, open source script written in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL that lets you quickly generate large volumes of custom data in a variety of formats for use in testing software, populating databases and more.





FitNesse is a collaborative testing and documentation tool. It provides a very simple way for teams to collaboratively create documents, specify tests, and run those tests.


Mac, Wnidows, POSIX

Incremental Scenario Testing


IST supports the test teams in managing their complexity and adaptively select and prioritize the tests according to the past test results. The Incremental Scenario Testing Tool (ISTT) guides the testers through a test session with high-level test scenarios generated on the fly.


Platform independent



Litmus is an integrated testcase management and QA tool that is designed to improve workflow, visibility and turnaround time in the QA process.


Apache, mod_perl, MySQL

MTS: Multi-TeSTer


MTS: Multi-TeSTer: a simple domain-specific language for maintaining tests that supports two desirable properties: - single source: the command, input, and expected output are all in one file. - controlled experimentation: multiple slightly different tests can be generated from the same source with different expected outputs.


Unix command line tool; written in Perl



qaProjectManager is a web based application used for keeping track of engineering and customer releases of Software Projects, Resource allocations and related information. It helps QA Managers to keep track of releases effectively.Powered by OpenXava and Java.


Platform Independent



R.T.M.R stands for "Requirements and Test Management Repository". This is a test tool software which allows to manage software requirements and describe the scenarios and associated test cases and run them through targeted campaigns. In addition, it provides precise management of software evolution through a versioning system for projects, requirement and test case.





Radi-testdir is a lightweight test director. Radi supports test director features like configuring the test plan, updating (create/edit) the test results for the test image/build stores in the image results set.


All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes)



web-based tool designed to manage requirements, tests, test results, and defects throughout the application life cycle. The tool provides a structured approach to software testing and increases the visibility of the testing process by creating a common repository for all test assets including requirements, test cases, test plans, and test results.


All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), IBM AIX



RTH Turbo is optimized version of RTH, a testing management tool, that allows: requirement management; test case management; defect tracking; create test plans; analyze your test results. This project was originally created from RTH version 1.2, and this new branch and version is more powerful and optimized.


PHP, MySql and Apache



Salome-TMF is an independent Test Management Tool, which helps you to manage your entire testing process ? by creating tests, executing manual or automatic tests, tracking results, managing requirements and defects and producing HTML documentation. Salome-TMF is compatible with Junit, Abbot and Beanshell to define your automatic tests, and with Bugzilla and Mantis to manage your defects. Salome-TMF can also be extended by plug-in according to your requirements.



Speed Test


Speed Test is an open source test case management software that features a desktop GUI and runs on a PostGreSQL database. It is still a work in progress, but development is nearing completion and any feedback would be appreciated.



Squash TM


Squash TM is the test repository manager found in the open source Squash toolkit. It allows to manage requirements, test cases and execution campaigns, in a multiproject context.


Windows, Mac, Linux



Tarantula is the test management Tool for agile projects. It has modern web user interface and many advanced features for efficient testing. Tarantula manages requirements, test set planning, case execution and reporting. Dashboard gives project managers a realtime view to current status of testing. Integrates with Jira, Bugzilla and Doors.


Any modern browser for client, Linux (Centos) for server.



Test Case Web (TCW) is an online TCM system built with PHP and a SQL backend. It provides an efficient means for generation, organization, and execution reporting of test cases among projects and by multiple testers and versions. It provides various at-a-glance views of the test suite for easy status determination and test suite navigation. TCW also provides basic reporting capabilities and per-project access control.


Any (PHP/SQL/Apache)



Tesly is a Web application written in PHP that helps you create, execute, and report on test plans. QA leaders can track the progress of testing as testers use the interface to report completion of test cases.


OS Independent

Test Analytics


Test Analytics is a web application that provides an alterative to a test plan that is faster to create and of more practical value. It allows a easy way to visualize project risk across project capabilities. In addition, Test Analytics supports importing quality signals -- tests, code changes, and bugs -- to quantify risk and map it across your projects model. This gives a birds eye view of the risk associated with all areas of your project, and a way to assess what portions of your project need additional testing.


Web application

Test Environment Toolkit


Open source version of TETware, a proprietary multi-platform test framework for test suite management (administration, reporting and sequencing of tests). This open-source version is for Linux and UNIX system users only. The differences between the open source version and the other version for which a commercial support offering is available is in platform support (WIN32 and Java) rather than functionality.


Linux or Unix



Test Automation is a C#-based application that manages projects, requirements, defects, test cases, test case run history, and facilitates automated testing.





Testitool is a Web-based application for QA test planning. It creates a test plan and populates it with test cases, maps test cases to functional requirements, instantiates a test plan, begins executing test cases and marks them as successful or failed, generates reports on your test plans, copies test plans and test cases, and tailors test plan instances by adding and removing test cases from them.


Apache, PHP, MySQL



TestLink is a web based Test Management and execution system. The tool includes test specification, planning, reporting, requirements tracking and collaborate with well-known bug trackers.


Apache, MySQL, PHP



A testcase management, logging, reporting and test automation tool, similar to the commercial product Test Director. Features: Progress stats, reports, test case import from CSV,doc,web or SQL, STAF plugin.


Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL

Vibz Automation Utility


Vibz Automation Framework is an infrastructure that provides the solution where different tools can plug itself and do their job in an unified manner. Hence providing a common platform to the automation engineer doing their job.



Vienna 2


V2 can be utilised for Test Management, User Acceptance Testing, Training, Requirements Management, Defect Management and more. V2 can be integrated with automation testing applications and also provides some ground breaking innovations.


Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and 7



XQual Studio (XStudio) is a FREE 100% graphical test management application that handles the complete life-cycle of your QA/testing projects from A to Z: users, requirements, specifications, SUTs, dev. project, tests, testplans, test reports, test campaigns and defects. Using a MySQL database as principal storage, XStudio allows you to schedule or run fully automated or manual test campaigns. XStudio itself is free but NOT open-source. The launchers (drivers to interface with any kind of test) are under GPL license.


Windows, Linux, MacOSX, Web (through JavaWebstart deployment)

For those projects hosted on SourceForge, the project activity data is updated weekly using live newsfeedspowered by CaRP


Below is a list of some open source/free tools that may come in handy.

  • Bugzilla Testopia: A test case management extension for Bugzilla. It is designed to be a generic tool for tracking test cases, allowing for testing organizations to integrate bug reporting with their test case run results. Though it is designed with software testing in mind, it can be used to track testing on virtually anything in the engineering process. Requirement: Bugzilla
  • Data Generator: The Data Generator is a free, open source script written in JavaScript, PHP and MySQL that lets you quickly generate large volumes of custom data in a variety of formats for use in testing software, populating databases and more.
  • Fitnesse: A collaborative testing and documentation tool. It provides a very simple way for teams to collaboratively create documents, specify tests, and run those tests. Requirement: Mac, Windows, POSIX
  • Kineo Open Source: Advises on the best open source tools tailored for a specific group of users
  • Mantis: Can be used for bug tracking as well.
  • MTS: Multi-TeSTer: A simple domain-specific language for maintaining tests that supports two desirable properties: – single source: the command, input, and expected output are all in one file. – controlled experimentation: multiple slightly different tests can be generated from the same source with different expected outputs. Requirement: Unix command line tool; written in Perl
  • qaManager: A web based application used for keeping track of engineering and customer releases of Software Projects, Resource allocations and related information. It helps QA Managers to keep track of releases
    effectively.Powered by OpenXava and Java.
  • QATraq: Covers everything from defining test plans to writing test cases and recording results.  Requirement: Windows, BSD, Linux, SunOS/Solaris
  • Radi: Radi-testdir is a lightweight test director. Radi supports test director features like configuring the test plan, updating (create/edit) the test results for the test image/build stores in the image results set. Requirement: All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes)
  • rth: web-based tool designed to manage requirements, tests, test results, and defects throughout the application life cycle. The tool provides a structured approach to software testing and increases the visibility of the testing process by creating a common repository for all test assets including requirements, test cases, test plans, and test results. Requirement: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), All POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), IBM AIX
  • Dilbert and Software Quality
  • RTH-Turbo: Optimized version of RTH, a testing management tool, that allows: requirement management; test case management; defect tracking; create test plans; analyze your test results. This project was originally created from RTH version 1.2, and this new branch and version is more powerful and optimized. Requirement: PHP, MySql and Apache
  • Salome-TMF: An independent Test Management Tool, which helps you to manage your entire testing process by creating tests, executing manual or automatic tests, tracking results, managing requirements and defects and producing HTML documentation. Salome-TMF is compatible with Junit, Abbot and Beanshell to define your automatic tests, and with Bugzilla and Mantis to manage your defects. Salome-TMF can also be extended by plug-in according to your requirements. Requirement: Java
  • TCW: Test Case Web (TCW) is an online TCM system built with PHP and a SQL backend. It provides an efficient means for generation, organization, and execution reporting of test cases among projects and by multiple testers and versions. It provides various at-a-glance views of the test suite for easy status determination and test suite navigation. TCW also provides basic reporting capabilities and per-project access control. Requirement:Any (PHP/SQL/Apache)
  • Tesly: Tesly is a Web application written in PHP that helps you create, execute, and report on test plans. QA leaders can track the progress of testing as testers use the interface to report completion of test cases. Requirement: OS Independent
  • Test Environment Toolkit: Open source version of TETware, a proprietary multi-platform test framework for test suite management (administration, reporting and sequencing of tests). This open-source version is for Linux and UNIX system users only. The differences between the open source version and the other version for which a commercial support offering is available is in platform support (WIN32 and Java) rather than functionality. Requirement: Linux or Unix
  • Testitool: A Web-based application for QA test planning. It creates a test plan and populates it with test cases, maps test cases to functional requirements, instantiates a test plan, begins executing test cases and marks them as successful or failed, generates reports on your test plans, copies test plans and test cases, and tailors test plan instances by adding and removing test cases from them.Requirement: Apache, PHP, MySQL
  • TestLink: Web-based test management and test execution system allowing QA teams to create, manage, execute and track test cases and organize them into test plans. Requirement: Apache, MySQL, PHP
  • TestMaster: A testcase management, logging, reporting and test automation tool, similar to the commercial product Test Director. Features: Progress stats, reports, test case import from CSV,doc,web or SQL, STAF plugin. Requirement: Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL
  • WebTst: Tool aimed at creating and managing user-centric testing
  • XQual Studio (XStudio):  A free 100% graphical and modular in design test management application that handles the complete life-cycle of your QA/testing projects from end to end: users, requirements, specifications, development projects (scrum oriented), SUTs, tests, tesplans, test reports and test campaigns

Please comment below on your thoughts/experience on any of the tools listed above and/or if you know of any other tools that should be added.


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