Installing Database Vault Into An Existing Oracle Home:


Install 11g Database Vault in an Existing 11G Home:

In 11G the "Database Vault" software ships with the database software. There are two versions of this software which can be downloaded from OTN.  It's included in the full package - the bigger download - which includes crs/asm etc .

In Oracle 10G database Vault was a seperate installation CD.

Set your environment to the ORACLE_HOME in which you want to install the additional Database Vault packages using '. oraenv' and start the installer from your staging area using ./runinstaller

Select "Advanced Installation"  from the below window:


"Custom" from the below window

Select your Oracle Home from the below window, adn attend to all pre-requisite checks which might fail

Select to install "Oracle Database Vault option" and "Oracle Label Security"


Click install and wait for these components to be added to the Oracle Home you selected


The software is now installed in your Oracle Home.

IMPORTANT: The next step will be to re-install the patchset in this home. After this, continue to the next step.

The next step will be to make your database aware of this new functionality which you just installed. Thsi is done using "dbca" - Database Configuration Assistant"

Start Database Configuration Assistant from Start->Programs->Oracle – ORACLE_HOME->Configuration and Migration tools OR alternatively from console by running the following command:




Choose “Configure Database Options” and select Oracle Database Vault (and Oracle Label Security) and proceed to credentials page.

Pick a password for
 DBVOWNER and DBVACCTMGR accounts (you might find this very difficult as Database Vault has very strict password requirements) and proceed. The database is automatically restarted by DBCA.


Select the database for which you want to configure database vault, form the below window. I only had one database in this home

Database Vault will only come visible once you selected "Oracle Label Security"

Follow the password rules in the below windows, otherwise "NAG-screens" will keep you busy for a while:

Decided to use this one:         id10t_id10t

The below window appears behind the above window - don't wait hours like me before you notice this

Go to https://host_name:port/dva and you’re done.


Before you can login with the SYSTEM user - if you don't want to use the dbvowner or dbvmanager accounts - you'll have to grant system the appropriate rights to use database vault

NB:  You can do this grant only logged in with the dbvowner user - no other user can give these grants to other users:

Retry the login now:

Which two statements are true about Database Vault factors?
Which two statements are true about Database Vault factors?
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