Python Methods

    This module provides socket operations and some related functions.
    On Unix, it supports IP (Internet Protocol) and Unix domain sockets.
    On other systems, it only supports IP. Functions specific for a
    socket are available as methods of the socket object.
    socket() -- create a new socket object
    socketpair() -- create a pair of new socket objects [*]
    fromfd() -- create a socket object from an open file descriptor [*]
    gethostname() -- return the current hostname
    gethostbyname() -- map a hostname to its IP number
    gethostbyaddr() -- map an IP number or hostname to DNS info
    getservbyname() -- map a service name and a protocol name to a port number
>>> print socket.getservbyname("ftp")
>>> print socket.getservbyname("http")
    getprotobyname() -- map a protocol name (e.g. 'tcp') to a number
>>> print socket.getprotobyname("tcp")
    ntohs(), ntohl() -- convert 16, 32 bit int from network to host byte order
    htons(), htonl() -- convert 16, 32 bit int from host to network byte order
    inet_aton() -- convert IP addr string ( to 32-bit packed format
    inet_ntoa() -- convert 32-bit packed format IP to string (
#安全socket sll
    ssl() -- secure socket layer support (only available if configured)
    socket.getdefaulttimeout() -- get the default timeout value
    socket.setdefaulttimeout() -- set the default timeout value
    create_connection() -- connects to an address, with an optional timeout
     [*] not available on all platforms!
    Special objects:
    SocketType -- type object for socket objects
    error -- exception raised for I/O errors
    has_ipv6 -- boolean value indicating if IPv6 is supported
    Integer constants:
    AF_INET, AF_UNIX -- socket domains (first argument to socket() call)
    SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_RAW -- socket types (second argument)
    Many other constants may be defined; these may be used in calls to
    the setsockopt() and getsockopt() methods.
    SocketType = class _socketobject(__builtin__.object)
     |  socket([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> socket object
    #打开一个 给定类型的socket.family指定地址族,他默认是AF_INET,type类型
     |  Open a socket of the given type.  The family argument specifies the
     |  address family; it defaults to AF_INET.  The type argument specifies
     |  whether this is a stream (SOCK_STREAM, this is the default)
     |  or datagram (SOCK_DGRAM) socket.  The protocol argument defaults to 0,
     |  specifying the default protocol.  Keyword arguments are accepted.
     |  A socket object represents one endpoint of a network connection.
     |  #socket对象的方法(关键字参数不允许)
     |  Methods of socket objects (keyword arguments not allowed):
     |  accept() -- accept a connection, returning new socket and client address
(<socket._socketobject object at 0xb7791d84>, ('', 48336))
     |  bind(addr) -- bind the socket to a local address
     |  close() -- close the socket
     |  connect(addr) -- connect the socket to a remote address
     |  connect_ex(addr) -- connect, return an error code instead of an exception
>>> s.connect_ex(("",80))
>>> s.connect_ex(("",80))
>>> s.connect_ex(("",80))
     |  dup() -- return a new socket object identical to the current one [*]
     |  fileno() -- return underlying file descriptor
    # 返回低层的文件描述符
>>> print s.fileno()
     |  getpeername() -- return remote address [*]
     |  getsockname() -- return local address
>>> print s.getpeername() 刚返回的是百度的
        ('', 80)
     |  getsockopt(level, optname[, buflen]) -- get socket options
     |  gettimeout() -- return timeout or None
     |  listen(n) -- start listening for incoming connections
     |  makefile([mode, [bufsize]]) -- return a file object for the socket [*]
     |  recv(buflen[, flags]) -- receive data
     |  recv_into(buffer[, nbytes[, flags]]) -- receive data (into a buffer)
     |  recvfrom(buflen[, flags]) -- receive data and sender's address
     |  recvfrom_into(buffer[, nbytes, [, flags])
     |    -- receive data and sender's address (into a buffer)
     |  sendall(data[, flags]) -- send all data
     |  send(data[, flags]) -- send data, may not send all of it
     |  sendto(data[, flags], addr) -- send data to a given address
     |  setblocking(0 | 1) -- set or clear the blocking I/O flag
     |  setsockopt(level, optname, value) -- set socket options
     |  settimeout(None | float) -- set or clear the timeout
     |  shutdown(how) -- shut down traffic in one or both directions
     |  #关闭流量在进或出?
     |   [*] not available on all platforms!
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, family=2, type=1, proto=0, _sock=None)
     |  accept(self)
     |      accept() -> (socket object, address info)
     |      Wait for an incoming connection.  Return a new socket representing the
     |      connection, and the address of the client.  For IP sockets, the address
     |      info is a pair (hostaddr, port).
     |  bind(self, *args)
     |      bind(address)
     |      Bind the socket to a local address.  For IP sockets, the address is a
     |      pair (host, port); the host must refer to the local host. For raw packet
     |      sockets the address is a tuple (ifname, proto [,pkttype [,hatype]])
     |  close(self)
     |      close()
     |      Close the socket.  It cannot be used after this call.
     |  connect(self, *args)
     |      connect(address)
     |      Connect the socket to a remote address.  For IP sockets, the address
     |      is a pair (host, port).
     |  #返回一个整型
     |  connect_ex(self, *args)
     |      connect_ex(address) -> errno
import socket
s = socket.socket()
ConnError = s.connect_ex(("",80))
if ConnError == 0:
        print "connect is ok"
     |      This is like connect(address), but returns an error code (the errno value)
     |      instead of raising an exception when an error occurs.
     |  dup(self)
     |      dup() -> socket object
     |      Return a new socket object connected to the same system resource.
     |  fileno(self, *args)
     |      fileno() -> integer
     |      Return the integer file descriptor of the socket.
     |  getpeername(self, *args)
     |      getpeername() -> address info
     |      Return the address of the remote endpoint.  For IP sockets, the address
     |      info is a pair (hostaddr, port).
     |  getsockname(self, *args)
     |      getsockname() -> address info
     |      Return the address of the local endpoint.  For IP sockets, the address
     |      info is a pair (hostaddr, port).
     |  getsockopt(self, *args)
     |      getsockopt(level, option[, buffersize]) -> value
     |      Get a socket option.  See the Unix manual for level and option.
     |      If a nonzero buffersize argument is given, the return value is a
     |      string of that length; otherwise it is an integer.
     |  gettimeout(self, *args)
     |      gettimeout() -> timeout
     |      Returns the timeout in floating seconds associated with socket
     |      operations. A timeout of None indicates that timeouts on socket
     |      operations are disabled.
     |  listen(self, *args)
     |      listen(backlog)
     |      Enable a server to accept connections.  The backlog argument must be at
     |      least 1; it specifies the number of unaccepted connection that the system
     |      will allow before refusing new connections.
     |  makefile(self, mode='r', bufsize=-1)
     |      makefile([mode[, bufsize]]) -> file object
     |      Return a regular file object corresponding to the socket.  The mode
     |      and bufsize arguments are as for the built-in open() function.
     |  sendall(self, *args)
     |      sendall(data[, flags])
     |      Send a data string to the socket.  For the optional flags
     |      argument, see the Unix manual.  This calls send() repeatedly
     |      until all data is sent.  If an error occurs, it's impossible
     |      to tell how much data has been sent.
     |  setblocking(self, *args)
     |      setblocking(flag)
     |      Set the socket to blocking (flag is true) or non-blocking (false).
     |      setblocking(True) is equivalent to settimeout(None);
     |      setblocking(False) is equivalent to settimeout(0.0).
     |  setsockopt(self, *args)
     |      setsockopt(level, option, value)
     |      Set a socket option.  See the Unix manual for level and option.
     |      The value argument can either be an integer or a string.
     |  settimeout(self, *args)
     |      settimeout(timeout)
     |      Set a timeout on socket operations.  'timeout' can be a float,
     |      giving in seconds, or None.  Setting a timeout of None disables
     |      the timeout feature and is equivalent to setblocking(1).
     |      Setting a timeout of zero is the same as setblocking(0).
     |  shutdown(self, *args)
     |      shutdown(flag)
     |      Shut down the reading side of the socket (flag == SHUT_RD), the writing side
     |      of the socket (flag == SHUT_WR), or both ends (flag == SHUT_RDWR).

本文转自 煮酒品茶 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者
开发者 Python
Python Socket编程:不只是基础,更有进阶秘籍,让你的网络应用飞起来!
在数字时代,网络应用成为连接世界的桥梁。Python凭借简洁的语法和丰富的库支持,成为开发高效网络应用的首选。本文通过实时聊天室案例,介绍Python Socket编程的基础与进阶技巧。基础篇涵盖服务器和客户端的建立与数据交换;进阶篇则探讨多线程与异步IO优化方案,助力提升应用性能。通过本案例,你将掌握Socket编程的核心技能,推动网络应用飞得更高、更远。
69 1
Python编程中的魔法方法(Magic Methods)
【10月更文挑战第40天】在Python的世界中,魔法方法就像是隐藏在代码背后的神秘力量。它们通常以双下划线开头和结尾,比如 `__init__` 或 `__str__`。这些方法定义了对象的行为,当特定操作发生时自动调用。本文将揭开这些魔法方法的面纱,通过实际例子展示如何利用它们来增强你的类功能。
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Python Socket编程大揭秘:从菜鸟到黑客的进阶之路,你准备好了吗?
【10月更文挑战第4天】在编程领域,Python Socket编程犹如一把开启网络世界的钥匙,带领开发者从简单数据传输迈向复杂应用构建。本文将引导你从零开始,逐步掌握Socket编程的核心技巧,包括基本概念、TCP服务器与客户端的搭建、并发处理及异常管理、SSL/TLS加密通信,直至深入了解网络协议与安全漏洞。通过实战演练与理论学习,助你成为驾驭网络世界的高手。
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聊一聊 Python 的 socket,以及 select、poll、epoll 又是怎么一回事?
聊一聊 Python 的 socket,以及 select、poll、epoll 又是怎么一回事?
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网络协议 Python
网络世界的建筑师:Python Socket编程基础与进阶,构建你的网络帝国!
在数字宇宙中,网络如同复杂脉络连接每个角落,Python Socket编程则是开启这一世界的钥匙。本文将引导你从基础概念入手,逐步掌握Socket编程,并通过实战示例构建TCP/UDP服务器与客户端。你将学会使用Python的socket模块进行网络通信,了解TCP与UDP的区别,并运用多线程与异步IO提升服务器性能。跟随本文指引,成为网络世界的建筑师,构建自己的网络帝国。
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网络协议 Python
告别网络编程迷雾!Python Socket编程基础与实战,让你秒变网络达人!
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