等待事件:Disk file operations I/O

简介: ORALCE的等待事件有很多,今天在一个数据库的awr报告中发现了一个新的等待事件:Disk file operations I/O,官方解释如下:This event is used to wait for disk file operations (for example, open, close, seek, and resize).

ORALCE的等待事件有很多,今天在一个数据库的awr报告中发现了一个新的等待事件:Disk file operations I/O,官方解释如下:

This event is used to wait for disk file operations (for example, open, close, seek, and resize). It is also used for miscellaneous I/O operations such as block dumps and password file accesses.

Wait Time: The wait time is the actual time it takes to do the I/O




Type of file operation


File identification number


Type of file (for example, log file, data file, and so on)




1.file creation 2 file open 3 file resize 4 file deletion 5 file close 6 wait for all aio requests to finish 7 write verification 8 wait for miscellaneous io (ftp, block dump, passwd file) 9 read from snapshot files

以上的这些操作大部分跟操作系统的I/O有关系,跟数据库本身的参数等待是没有关系的,数据库出现Disk file operations I/O等待事件的时候往往也可以看到另外一个熟悉的等待事件:log file sync;

经过和sa沟通了解,原来这台数据库使用的硬盘是用raid1,瞬间无语,一般情况下数据库建议放在raid 10的磁盘上面,还好这个数据库对性能要求不高,也没有调优的必要;



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