control file parallel write等待事件


This event occurs when a server process is updating all copies of the controlfile. Controlfile updates occur in the following situations: A checkpoint is reached The session starts a control file transaction (to make sure that the control files are up to date in case the session crashes before committing the control file transaction) The session commits a transaction to a control file Changing a generic entry in the control file, the new value is being written to all control files Solutions If this wait is significant, check for I/O problems. Possible points of trouble include controllers and physical disks. Check for all of the controlfile copies. Limit controlfile copies, but consider the increased risk of losing all controlfiles at once. If possible, use Asynchronous I/O. Move the controlfiles to drives with less I/O activity. Frequency of controlfile access is governed by activities such as Redo Logfile switching and Checkpointing. Therefore focus on tuning these activities if the I/O paths are healthy.

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Oracle 前端开发 关系型数据库
log file sync 和 log file parallel write等待事件的区别和联系
log file parallel write 和log file sync这两个等待事件关系密切,很多人对这两个等待事件有一些误解,我们先来看看Oracle官方文档的解释:
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ORACLE等待事件: log file parallel write
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[20180322]理解db file parallel read等待事件2.txt --//上个星期的学习: https://docs.
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