解决CE6和CE5在Platform Builder的Connectivity Options上的冲突


安装完CE6后,会发现Platform Builder for CE5的Connectivity Options不好用了,即使修改设置后点Apply也无法把新设置保存住
在完全卸载CE6和VS2005后,点PB5的Connectivity Options会弹出这个错误



1) Shutdown all instances of PB (version 5.0 and later) and make sure
Cepb.exe, CeSvcHost.exe (CeSvcH~1.exe) and DeviceEmulator.exe are gone from
the task manager.

2) Back up the C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\local settings\application
data\microsoft\corecon folder  //我就直接DELETE掉,不用BACKUP了

3) Purge that folder [This will destroy all previously configured device
settings. It is important to make a backup as in step 2 if you need to
retain the other device settings and revert back].

4) Back up C:\Documents and Settings\all users\application
data\microsoft\corecon\1.0\addons folder to something outside of   //同样,直接DELETE掉

5) Purge that addons folder under the corecon\1.0

6) Create a new one by that name under the corecon\1.0 folder

7) Copy C:\Program Files\<PB Install folder>\CoreCon\SDK\XSL\Addons\*.xsl to
the new ...\coreCon\1.0\Addons folder you created.

8) Also copy C:\Program Files\<PB Install
folder>\CEPB\bin\microsoft.platformbuilder500.servicecategory.xsl to the
above addons folder.

9) Relaunch PB and try creating and configuring a new device.

该方法经本人验证,正确可用。很显然,CE6修改了core connectivity的方法,但是在卸载时却没有清理干净。


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