Autodesk Topobase 2011 Available 发布


虽然这个产品对中国用户可能不太熟悉,但对于Map/MapGuide开发者来说,了解一下也有好处,其实这个是相当于在Map 3D/MapGuide 基础上二次开发的一个产品:)


Autodesk Topobase 2011

We are excited to announce the release of Autodesk® Topobase™ 2011. This fantastic product release, consisting of Autodesk Topobase Client and Autodesk Topobase Web, culminates a tremendous effort by an incredible, global team of people in UX, UA, SWD, QA, OPS, Localization, Project Management, Product Management and Marketing. 

Autodesk Topobase infrastructure model management software provides more accurate information about the location and status of assets throughout our customers’ organizations.  Some of the many Autodesk Topobase 2011 enhancements include improved administrative capabilities, enhanced 4D vertical modules, as well as some terrific new web features that will help our customers leverage the web as a point of access for their Topobase data.

Here are a handful of quotes from the Topobase 2011 Beta community celebrating this release:

“There’s really added value now compared to (other Infrastructure Model Management software releases).”

“The new quick plot really is a very cool feature…”

“There are some changes in the TBEXPORTDWG.  You now export lines with global width attribute set => great, exactly what I wanted. There is a new progress bar => very useful”

“Again a nice new feature: The Server Administrator! It’s great that it is now possible to update all documents at a time and get a log file afterwards.”

“Let me start this Beta testing phase with a compliment: The new functionality for creating and combining Display Models is great. That really helps me a lot and…our users will like that…”

Please read on for detailed highlights and enhancements.

Highlights & Enhancements

Enhanced 4D Model Management & Administration – More easily manage 4D information models and user access:

§ Database Structure Editor

o Create and share new module data models, or extend existing vertical module data models

o Generate data model definition files from existing Oracle® database schemas

§ 1-click Database Maintenance

o Detect invalid database objects, errors with Topobase system objects

o Verify database geometries, views, and report scripts

o Fix detected errors and issues

o Extensible through APIs

§ Enhanced Display Model Editor

o Manage display models more easily

o Control visibility, layer groups, selectability, and draw order

o Reuse and merge layers from multiple display models

§ Intelligent Search

o Utilize existing position finder statements

o Locate assets or area of interest

§ Enhanced Plotting

o Specify plot label values while creating a new plot

o Enhanced plot template editing

Enhanced 4D Vertical Modules

§ Electric Module

o Cross section enhancements

o Transformer enhancements

o Topology enhancements

o Stacked structures and internals

o Device class and feeder

o New trace templates

o Looped circuits (North America)

o Electric task user interface

§ Wastewater Module

o ISYBAU import enhancements (Germany)

§ Land Module

o Cadastral survey enhancements

o INTERLIS, ALKIS support (Central Europe)

Improved Web Functionality – leverage the web as a point of access for all Topobase data.

§ Editing and Snapping

o Web-based feature geometry editing

o Snap to node, vertex, or edge

§ Quick Plots

o Generate plots at specified scale and angles more quickly

§ Improved Redlining and Markup

o Save markups as DWF™ or KML

§ Feature Inspector

o Select and list multiple features from the map

o Zoom to, select, and unselect individual elements

o View attribute forms associated with items

§ Enhanced Publish to Autodesk® Topobase™ Web

o Automatically assign active display model

o Simpler configuration of Topobase widgets in Autodesk MapGuide® Studio software

Official 64-bit versions of Topobase Client & Topobase Web

Improved DWG export functionality

Assign multiple user groups per user

Improved Zoom/highlight behavior

New document options for jobs (e.g. remember most recently used job)

Single Sign On (sample LDAP integration).

Enhanced User Assistance

§ Welcome screen videos

§ Video tutorials

§ Enhanced graphical tooltips

§ “Tell me more” tables

And LOTS of other additions coming from AutoCAD Map 3D and Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise….

Additional Resources

For more detailed information as well as video demonstrations please visit:
Autodesk Topobase 2011:

作者: 峻祁连

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