void writeMatToFile(cv::Mat& m, const char* filename) { ofstream fout(filename); if(!fout) { cout<<"File Not Opened"<<endl; return; } fout << m; fout.close(); }
void writeMatToFile(cv::Mat& m, const char* filename) { ofstream fout(filename); if(!fout) { cout<<"File Not Opened"<<endl; return; } //fout << m.rows << " " << m.cols << " " << m.dims << endl; fout << m; fout.close(); // Delete the begining '[' and ending ']' fstream file(filename); string line; int cnt = 0; fout.open("tmp.txt"); while (!file.eof()) { getline(file, line); if (cnt == 0) line = line.substr(1); // Delete '[' if (cnt == m.rows - 1) line.pop_back(); // Delete ']' fout << line << endl; ++cnt; } file.close(); fout.close(); file.open("tmp.txt"); fout.open(filename); while (!file.eof()) { getline(file, line); fout << line << endl; } file.close(); fout.close(); system("del tmp.txt"); }
void writeMatToFile(cv::Mat& m, const char* filename) { ofstream fout(filename); if(!fout) { cout<<"File Not Opened"<<endl; return; } for (int i = 0; i < m.rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < m.cols; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < m.channels(); ++k) { fout << m.at<float>(i, j * m.channels() + k); if (j * m.channels() + k < m.cols * m.channels() - 1) { fout << ", "; } } } if (i < m.rows - 1) fout << "; " << endl; } fout.close(); }
// Save CvMat to .xml file CvMat *m = cvLoadImageM("image.jpg", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); cvSave("m.yml", m); // Save cv::Mat to .xml file cv::Mat m; CvMat cm = m; cvSave("cm.yml", &cm); // Load .xml file to CvMat CvFileStorage *fs = cvOpenFileStorage("m.yml", 0, CV_STORAGE_READ); CvMat *newM = (CvMat*) cvLoad("m.yml");
本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:Write cv::Mat to a file,如需转载请自行联系原博主。