DBCC CheckDB遇到a database snapshot could not be created


在备份一个客户的数据库时(数据库版本为SQL 2005 Express版本),做DBCC CHECKDB时遇到了下面错误信息:


dbcc checkdb('DB_NAME');

消息 5030,级别 16,状态 12,第 1 行

The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation.

消息 7926,级别 16,状态 1,第 1 行

Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created and the database or table could not be locked. See Books Online for details of when this behavior is expected and what workarounds exist. Also see previous errors for more details.




2:没有支持稀疏文件(Parse file)的文件系统



     No Parse file support by the file system.

                A. Parse file is not supported in FAT32 check the file system of the datafiles. If you use FAT32   use DBCC CheckDB with Tablock Option

                B. To get the volume information of file system in which we have the datafiles we use  !GetVolumeInformation API.

                This API would fail if SQLServer startup account do not have full permission on Volume in which the data file is located.

                Grant full permission for the startup account of SQLServer on the root volume of all the datafies.


我 检查了数据库发现没有设定为只读的文件组,这台PC是Window Xp,文件系统系统确实为FAT32,使用DBCC CHECKDB('db_name') WITH  TABLOCK 依然报错,其实当文件系统为FAT32时,DBCC CHECKDB只能在单用户模式才能成功。所以我在该数据库做DBCC CHECKDB时会遇到这个错误,为此,我特意在测试环境测试了一下,如下所示:


测试FAT32文件系统下的DBCC CHECKDB问题:

1: 新建的数据库TEST的文件位于FAT32磁盘上。如果没有会话访问数据库TEST(相当于单用户模式),DBCC CHECKDB成功,如果在新开一个窗口访问TEST,然后再另外一个窗口执行DBCC CHECKDB('TEST')则会报如下错误,另外DBCC CHECKDB('db_name') WITH  TABLOCK也需要在单用户模式下才能成功。


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