
简介: 首先说说这三者完全是三种不同的东西,SQL是结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称,这大家再熟悉不过了,下面主要介绍LINQ和Lambda表达式的基本概念以及同一查询这三者的不同实现。

首先说说这三者完全是三种不同的东西,SQL是结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)简称,这大家再熟悉不过了,下面主要介绍LINQ和Lambda表达式的基本概念以及同一查询这三者的不同实现。


LINQ(Language Integrate Query)是语言集成查询他在对象和数据之间建立一种对应的关系,可以使用访问内存对象的方式查询数据集合。LINQ查询是C#中的一种语言构造。因此开发人员可以再C#代码汇总嵌套类似于SQL语句的查询表达式,从而实现数据查询的功能。LINQ也不是简单地作为C#中嵌套查询表达式,而是将查询表达式作为C#的一种语法。



1 查询Student表的所有记录。
2 select * from student
3 Linq:
4     from s in Students
5     select s
6 Lambda:
7     Students.Select( s => s) 


select sname,ssex,class from student
 3 Linq:
 4     from s in Students
 5     select new {
 6         s.SNAME,
 7         s.SSEX,
 8         s.CLASS
 9     }
10 Lambda:
11     Students.Select( s => new {
12         SNAME = s.SNAME,SSEX = s.SSEX,CLASS = s.CLASS
13     })


2 select distinct depart from teacher
3 Linq:
4     from t in Teachers.Distinct()
5     select t.DEPART
6 Lambda:
7     Teachers.Distinct().Select( t => t.DEPART) 


1 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。
 2 select * from score where degree between 60 and 80
 3 Linq:
 4     from s in Scores
 5     where s.DEGREE >= 60 && s.DEGREE < 80
 6     select s
 7 Lambda:
 8     Scores.Where(
 9         s => (
10                 s.DEGREE >= 60 && s.DEGREE < 80
11              )
12     )


 select * from score where degree in (85,86,88)
2 Linq:
3     from s in Scores
4     where (
5             new decimal[]{85,86,88}
6           ).Contains(s.DEGREE)
7     select s
8 Lambda:
9     Scores.Where( s => new Decimal[] {85,86,88}.Contains(s.DEGREE))


2 select * from student where class ='95031' or ssex= N'女'
3 Linq:
4     from s in Students
5     where s.CLASS == "95031"
6        || s.CLASS == "女"
7     select s
8 Lambda:
9     Students.Where(s => ( s.CLASS == "95031" || s.CLASS == "女")) 


2 select * from student order by Class DESC
3 Linq:
4     from s in Students
5     orderby s.CLASS descending
6     select s
7 Lambda:
8     Students.OrderByDescending(s => s.CLASS)


 select count(*) from student where class = '95031'
 2 Linq:
 3     (    from s in Students
 4         where s.CLASS == "95031"
 5         select s
 6     ).Count()
 7 Lambda:
 8     Students.Where( s => s.CLASS == "95031" )
 9                 .Select( s => s)
10                     .Count()


 2 select avg(degree) from score where cno = '3-105'
 3 Linq:
 4     (
 5         from s in Scores
 6         where s.CNO == "3-105"
 7         select s.DEGREE
 8     ).Average()
 9 Lambda:
10     Scores.Where( s => s.CNO == "3-105")
11             .Select( s => s.DEGREE)


 2 select distinct s.Sno,c.Cno from student as s,course as c ,score as sc
 3 where s.sno=(select sno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score))
 4 and c.cno = (select cno from score where degree = (select max(degree) from score))
 5 Linq:
 6     (
 7         from s in Students
 8         from c in Courses
 9         from sc in Scores
10         let maxDegree = (from sss in Scores
11                         select sss.DEGREE
12                         ).Max()
13         let sno = (from ss in Scores
14                 where ss.DEGREE == maxDegree
15                 select ss.SNO).Single().ToString()
16         let cno = (from ssss in Scores
17                 where ssss.DEGREE == maxDegree
18                 select ssss.CNO).Single().ToString()
19         where s.SNO == sno && c.CNO == cno
20         select new {
21             s.SNO,
22             c.CNO
23         }
24     ).Distinct()


 2 select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(*)>=5
 3 Linq:
 4         from s in Scores
 5         where s.CNO.StartsWith("3")
 6         group s by s.CNO
 7         into cc
 8         where cc.Count() >= 5
 9         select cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE)
10 Lambda:
11     Scores.Where( s => s.CNO.StartsWith("3") )
12             .GroupBy( s => s.CNO )
13               .Where( cc => ( cc.Count() >= 5) )
14                 .Select( cc => cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) )
15 Linq: SqlMethod
16 like也可以这样写:
17     s.CNO.StartsWith("3") or SqlMethods.Like(s.CNO,"%3") 


 2 select avg(degree) from score where cno like '3%' group by Cno having count(*)>=5
 3 Linq:
 4         from s in Scores
 5         where s.CNO.StartsWith("3")
 6         group s by s.CNO
 7         into cc
 8         where cc.Count() >= 5
 9         select cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE)
10 Lambda:
11     Scores.Where( s => s.CNO.StartsWith("3") )
12             .GroupBy( s => s.CNO )
13               .Where( cc => ( cc.Count() >= 5) )
14                 .Select( cc => cc.Average( c => c.DEGREE) )
15 Linq: SqlMethod
16 like也可以这样写:
17     s.CNO.StartsWith("3") or SqlMethods.Like(s.CNO,"%3") 


 select sc.sno,c.cname,sc.degree from course as c,score as sc where c.cno = sc.cno
 2 Linq:
 3     from c in Courses
 4     join sc in Scores
 5     on c.CNO equals sc.CNO
 6     select new
 7     {
 8         sc.SNO,c.CNAME,sc.DEGREE
 9     }
10 Lambda:
11     Courses.Join ( Scores, c => c.CNO,
12                              sc => sc.CNO,
13                              (c, sc) => new
14                                         {
15                                             SNO = sc.SNO,
16                                             CNAME = c.CNAME,
17                                             DEGREE = sc.DEGREE
18                                         })
19                 .Average() 


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