#include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include "VectorTest.h" using namespace std; void VectorTest::simpleOperation() { // create empty vector for strings vector<string> sentence; // reserve memory for five elements to avoid reallocation sentence.reserve(5); // append some elements sentence.push_back("Hello,"); sentence.insert(sentence.end(), { "how", "are", "you", "?" }); // print elements separated with spaces copy(sentence.cbegin(), sentence.cend(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ")); cout << endl; // print "technical data" cout << " max_size(): " << sentence.max_size() << endl; cout << " size(): " << sentence.size() << endl; cout << " capacity(): " << sentence.capacity() << endl; // swap second and fourth element swap(sentence[1], sentence[3]); // insert element "always" before element "?" sentence.insert(find(sentence.begin(), sentence.end(), "?"), "always"); // assign "!" to the last element sentence.back() = "!"; // print elements separated with spaces copy(sentence.cbegin(), sentence.cend(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ")); cout << endl; // print some "technical data" again cout << " size(): " << sentence.size() << endl; cout << " capacity(): " << sentence.capacity() << endl; // delete last two elements sentence.pop_back(); sentence.pop_back(); // shrink capacity (since C++11) sentence.shrink_to_fit(); // print some "technical data" again cout << " size(): " << sentence.size() << endl; cout << " capacity(): " << sentence.capacity() << endl; } void VectorTest::run() { printStart("simpleOperation()"); simpleOperation(); printEnd("simpleOperation()"); }
---------------- simpleOperation(): Run Start ----------------
Hello, how are you ?
max_size(): 153391689
size(): 5
capacity(): 5
Hello, you are how always !
size(): 6
capacity(): 7
size(): 4
capacity(): 4
---------------- simpleOperation(): Run End ----------------