Kit 3D 更新

简介: Kit3D is a 3D graphics engine written for Microsoft Silverlight. Kit3D was initally released in a JavaScript format to run with Silverlight 1.
Kit3D is a 3D graphics engine written for Microsoft Silverlight. Kit3D was initally released in a JavaScript format to run with Silverlight 1.0, now there is a new release which is written for the upcoming Silverlight 2 release. The new version of the engine is written in C# and the classes now model the WPF3D types which are found in the System.Windows.Media.Media3D namespace. Applications written using Kit3D will look nearly identical to code written to produce WPF3D content.

Kit3D 是一个silverlight中3D引擎.其第一个版本是用js为sl1.0开发的.现在的这个版本是为sl 2用C#开发.其中的类是用WPF3D中的类型. 其命名空间在System.Windows.Media.Media3D下. 使用Kit3D做的程序几乎和在WPF3D中做的一样. ;)


4/24/2008: Added HitTesting, this means it is now possible to interact with a 3D scene. There is a new class, Kit3D.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper object that has a HitTest method, just like in WPF. For more information on how to use this class look on MSDN. For an example see Hit Testing Example if you mouse down on the torus and move the mouse left/right the picture will rotate. The code is checked into


The following demos were all written in C# and taken mainly from existing examples using WPF3D syntax, in order to run these samples you will need to install the Silverlight Beta2 install, which can be found at:

This sample was converted from Charles Petzold's 3D Programming for Windows book (really awesome book)

This sample was converted from Charles Petzold's 3D Programming for Windows book (really awesome book)

An example of texture mapping
Texture Example

A tiger created with solid polygons
Solid Tiger

This sample was converted from Charles Petzold's 3D Programming for Windows book (really awesome book)
Solar System

This sample was based on an excellent set of WPF tutorials at
Rotating Cubes

The following demos were written using the Javascript version of the engine and work on 1.0 versions of Silverlight and above: To see some demos, you can click on the following links (in order for the demos to work you will need to download and install Silverlight 1.0 from Microsoft []):

Spinning cubes with solid faces

Spinning cubes with texture mapped faces

Spinning playing cards with texture mapped faces

3D Picture Grid

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索引 开发者 Python
Bytom Kit开发辅助工具介绍
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