HDOJ/HDU 2140 Michael Scofield's letter(字符转换~)

简介: Problem Description I believe many people are the fans of prison break. How clever Michael is!! In order that the message won’t be found b...

Problem Description
I believe many people are the fans of prison break. How clever Michael is!! In order that the message won’t be found by FBI easily, he usually send code letters to Sara by a paper crane. Hence, the paper crane is Michael in the heart of Sara. Now can you write a program to help Sara encode the letter from Michael easily?
The letter from Michael every time is a string of lowercase letters. You should encode letters as the rules below:
b is ’ ‘, q is ‘,’, t is ‘!’, m is l, i is e, c is a, a is c, e is i, l is m. It is interesting. Are you found that it is just change michael to leahcim?

The input will consist of several cases, one per line.
Each case is a letter from Michael, the letteres won’t exceed 10000.

For each case, output the encode letter one line.

Sample Input

Sample Output
please forgive me, sara!
i love you!

就是输入一行字符串,然后根据b is ‘空格’, q is ‘,’, t is ‘!’, m is l, i is e, c is a, a is c, e is i, l is m.来转换,输出转换之后的字符串!

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main{

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<Character, Character>();
        map.put('b', ' ');
        map.put('q', ',');
        map.put('t', '!');
        map.put('m', 'l');
        map.put('i', 'e');
        map.put('c', 'a');
        map.put('a', 'c');
        map.put('e', 'i');
        map.put('l', 'm');
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
            String str=sc.next();
            for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
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