error: src refspec XXX matches more than one

简介: error: dst refspec v1.0 matches more than one. error: failed to push some refs to '' 错误原因是 branch名和tag名有相同的,在执行git push origin :branchName时,就会报上面的错 删除branch: git branch -r -d origin/branch-name //只能使用这个命令来删除branch,下面的命令不可以。


error: dst refspec v1.0 matches more than one.
error: failed to push some refs to ''

错误原因是 branch名和tag名有相同的,在执行git push origin :branchName时,就会报上面的错


git branch -r -d origin/branch-name  //只能使用这个命令来删除branch,下面的命令不可以。因为同样是因为有 matches more than one
git push origin :branch-name



git tag -d tagName


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