
简介: Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way1.Crash Full crash dump 2.SystemReboot系统启动 Logcat, kmesg, tomestone 如下:1.
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
1.Crash Full crash dump
2.SystemReboot系统启动 Logcat, kmesg, tomestone 如下:
1.Logcat logs(main, events, radio) 
2.Dmesg/kernel logs 
3.bugreport and “dumpstate" log 
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt 
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.log 
(this command will produce trace log about all process then u need adb pull /data/anr to collect the trace log) adb pull /d/binder/ . 
4.Trace file /data/anr 
5.adb pull /data/tombstones 
(All log file time must be consistent with issue occurred time, it needs to clear /data/anr & /data/tombstones after stability issue occur) 
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
3.System Freeze/ Touch panel freeze系统卡死/屏幕卡死 Logcat, kmesg 如下:
1.Logcat logs 
2.Kernel logs: “ adb shell getevent” 实时事件log
open echo w > /proc/sysrq-trigger when capture dmesg and bugreport log as follows: 
adb root 
adb remount 
adb shell 
echo w > /proc/sysrq-trigger 
& then exit adb shell, then collect bugreport 
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt 
adb shell kmesg > kmesg.txt 没有kmesg
3.Key events log 
adb shell getevent -rtl /dev/input/event0 按键事件
4.bugreport and “dumpstate " log: 
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt 
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.log 
adb pull /d/binder/ . 
5.Dumpsys window log: 
adb shell dumpsys window > dump_window.txt 
6.Meminfo log: 
adb shell cat proc/meminfo > meminfo.txt 
7.Procrank log: 
adb shell procrank > procrank.txt 
8.Top log: 
adb shell top > top.txt 
9. Add below information: 
•Adb workable or not, ANR or not 
•CTP workable or not ->
 touch screen and observe 
the output of "adb shell getevent". 
•Display driver workable or not -> 
Use the screencast to see 
if the screen can be displayed 
•Power key/volume key work or not? 
Menu/back/home key work or not? 
10. It's better to trigger a ram dump 
Before test: 
adb root 
adb shell "echo 0x843 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/address" 
adb shell "echo 0x80 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/data" 
Then long press power key more than 10~30s 
could trigger a dump. 
If device is rebooted, it needs to set again. 
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
4.Black screen 黑屏 Logcat, kmesg 如下:
Main, events, radio, bugreport, sumpstate, Procrank, 
meminfo, top log 
1.Logcat logs(main, events, system, radio) 
2.Kernel logs 
3.bugreport and “dumpstate " log 
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt 
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.log 
then capture traces log : 
adb pull /data/anr , after about I min ,
 clear /data/anr and capture traces log once again 
adb pull /d/binder/ . 
5.Meminfo log: 
adb shell cat proc/meminfo >meminfo.txt 
6.Procrank log: 
adb shell procrank >procrank.txt 
7.Top log: 
adb shell top >top.txt 
4.Add below information: 
•Adb workable or not, ANR or not 
•CTP workable or not
 -> touch screen and observe the output of
 "adb shell getevent". 
•Display driver workable or not
 -> Use the screencast to see
 if the screen can be displayed 
•Power key/volume key work or not? 
Menu/back/home key work or not? 
5.It's better to trigger a ram dump 
Before test: 
adb root 
adb shell "echo 0x843 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/address" 
adb shell "echo 0x80 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/data" 
Then long press power key more than 10~30s
could trigger a dump. 
If device is rebooted, it needs to set again. 
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
5.APPs freeze/crash Logcat, kmesg,tomestone 如下:
1.Logcat logs(main, events, radio) 
2.Dmesg/kernel logs 
3.Trace file /data/anr 
4.adb pull /data/tombstones 
All log file time must be consistent 
with issue occurred time, it needs to clear /data/anr &


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