咱也来一把标题党,是不是大数据分析不重要,本文绝对有助于大家全面了解JavaOne。从我自己开发的"NLP"工具对session title进行了分析,不能做到极其严谨,因为有的session跟我不一样,是真正的标题党。
此次JavaOne共有个498个Session,总结来看JAVA和ORACLE是完全认知和拥抱云计算和大数据这个已经到来的未来。微服务技术更加成熟,业内有了更多的思考。DOCKER,DEVOPS,KUBERNETS被提及也处于前列。而JAVA技术本身在往微服务,异步化(消息化),Steams,REACTIVE,函数式方向发展。业内也出现了一些较新的技术和理念,像Serverless,Event Sourcing,CQRS等等,这些其实也都是在围绕微服务展开。
2) Session详情
1) 此次JavaOne被提及5次以上的topic及数量如下。
- Topic: JAVA with counts 187
- Topic: JAVA9 with counts 83
- Topic: JAVAEE with counts 82
- Topic: CLOUD with counts 45
- Topic: MICROSERVICES with counts 30
- Topic: ORACLE with counts 28
- Topic: DATA with counts 27
- Topic: APPLICATIONS with counts 24
- Topic: APPS with counts 17
- Topic: WEB with counts 17
- Topic: DATABASE with counts 17
- Topic: DEVELOPERS with counts 17
- Topic: ORACLECLOUD with counts 15
- Topic: KUBERNETES with counts 15
- Topic: APACHE with counts 15
- Topic: DOCKER with counts 15
- Topic: BUILDING with counts 15
- Topic: DEVOPS with counts 15
- Topic: DEVELOPMENT with counts 13
- Topic: TOOLS with counts 13
- Topic: JAVAFX with counts 13
- Topic: API with counts 13
- Topic: APPLICATION with counts 12
- Topic: CODE with counts 12
- Topic: MOBILE with counts 11
- Topic: BUILD with counts 11
- Topic: OPEN with counts 11
- Topic: JAVASCRIPT with counts 11
- Topic: SECURITY with counts 10
- Topic: MACHINELEARNING with counts 10
- Topic: PERFORMANCE with counts 10
- Topic: PATTERNS with counts 10
- Topic: CONTAINERS with counts 10
- Topic: IOT with counts 10
- Topic: JVM with counts 10
- Topic: REACTIVE with counts 10
- Topic: OPENSOURCE with counts 10
- Topic: KOTLIN with counts 9
- Topic: SYSTEMS with counts 9
- Topic: DESIGN with counts 8
- Topic: GUIDE with counts 8
- Topic: STREAMS with counts 8
- Topic: DEVELOPER with counts 8
- Topic: COMMUNITY with counts 8
- Topic: ENTERPRISE with counts 8
- Topic: PRACTICES with counts 8
- Topic: KAFKA with counts 8
- Topic: SPARK with counts 8
- Topic: MODULES with counts 7
- Topic: FUNCTIONAL with counts 7
- Topic: SCALE with counts 7
- Topic: JAVADEVELOPERS with counts 7
- Topic: JAVA8 with counts 7
- Topic: BESTPRACTICES with counts 7
- Topic: ONORACLECLOUD with counts 7
- Topic: PROGRAMMING with counts 6
- Topic: JAVAAPPS with counts 6
- Topic: DEVELOPING with counts 6
- Topic: SERVERLESS with counts 6
- Topic: CLOUDNATIVE with counts 6
- Topic: SCALA with counts 6
- Topic: REALTIME with counts 6
- Topic: BLOCKCHAIN with counts 6
- Topic: ECLIPSE with counts 6
- Topic: SERVICE with counts 6
- Topic: SQL with counts 5
- Topic: BIGDATA with counts 5
- Topic: JSON with counts 5
- Topic: ANALYTICS with counts 5
- Topic: DESIGNPATTERNS with counts 5
- Topic: NODEJS with counts 5
1.3 一点感想
说实话我们可里在大规模系统的建设上是全世界所有公司需要学习的。但是最新技术的探索使用,在效率、标准化、拥抱生态等方面,我们还是相对落后的,业内讨论最多的一些技术我们甚至都没听说过。是不是有的时候应该有人稍微停下来,审视下我们的技术与业内的GAP,取长补短,这样长此一往,我们不仅scalable, resilient方面很强,我们的效率还是最好的。