Windows Server中的 WINS 服务器远程内存损坏漏洞分析,
if (((Entry->Flink)->Blink) != Entry){ mov ecx,3 int 29h }
.text:00007FF7F87E35D4 DeallocEnt proc near ; CODE XREF: CommAssocDeallocAssoc+2Ap .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 ; CommAssocDeallocDlg+2Ap .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 ; DATA XREF: ... .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 arg_0 = qword ptr 8 .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 arg_8 = qword ptr 10h .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 arg_10 = qword ptr 18h .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 arg_20 = qword ptr 28h .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 arg_28 = qword ptr 30h .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 .text:00007FF7F87E35D4 mov [rsp+arg_0], rbx .text:00007FF7F87E35D9 mov [rsp+arg_8], rsi .text:00007FF7F87E35DE mov [rsp+arg_10], r8 .text:00007FF7F87E35E3 push rdi .text:00007FF7F87E35E4 sub rsp, 20h .text:00007FF7F87E35E8 mov rbx, r9 .text:00007FF7F87E35EB mov rsi, r8 .text:00007FF7F87E35EE mov rdi, rdx ---> rdi points to the head of the list (rdx, named entry A here) which equals sAssocQueHd global variable .text:00007FF7F87E35F1 mov rcx, r8 ; lpCriticalSection .text:00007FF7F87E35F4 call cs:__imp_EnterCriticalSection .text:00007FF7F87E35FA nop .text:00007FF7F87E35FB inc dword ptr [rbx] .text:00007FF7F87E35FD mov eax, [rbx] .text:00007FF7F87E35FF mov rbx, [rsp+28h+arg_20] ; ---> rbx points to the entry B, which will be deallocated .text:00007FF7F87E3604 mov [rbx+10h], eax .text:00007FF7F87E3607 mov rax, [rdi+8] .text:00007FF7F87E360B cmp [rax], rdi .text:00007FF7F87E360E jz short loc_7FF7F87E3617 .text:00007FF7F87E3610 mov ecx, 3 .text:00007FF7F87E3615 int 29h ; Win8: RtlFailFast(ecx) .text:00007FF7F87E3617 .text:00007FF7F87E3617 loc_7FF7F87E3617: ; CODE XREF: DeallocEnt+3Aj .text:00007FF7F87E3617 mov [rbx], rdi ---> entry B’s Blink points to entry A .text:00007FF7F87E361A mov [rbx+8], rax ---> entry B’s Flink points to entry C .text:00007FF7F87E361E mov [rax], rbx ----> set entry C’s Blink to entry B .text:00007FF7F87E3621 mov [rdi+8], rbx ----> set entry A’s Flink to entry B .text:00007FF7F87E3625 mov rdi, [rsp+28h+arg_28] .text:00007FF7F87E362A cmp dword ptr [rdi], 64h ...
if (((Entry->Flink)->Blink) != Entry) { mov ecx,3 int 29h }
.text:00007FF7F87E0190 ProcTcpMsg proc near ; CODE XREF: MonTcp+4C5p .text:00007FF7F87E0190 ; DATA XREF: .pdata:00007FF7F88077D4o .text:00007FF7F87E0190 ...... .text:00007FF7F87E0284 loc_7FF7F87E0284: ; CODE XREF: ProcTcpMsg+EDj .text:00007FF7F87E0284 mov ecx, [r15+4] ---> netlong here was obtained from the second packet (Wirehark parses it as "WINS-Replication WREPL_REPL_UPDATE2"), "Assoc_Ctx"="00 00 00 3f". .text:00007FF7F87E0288 call cs:__imp_ntohl .text:00007FF7F87E028E mov esi, eax ---> here esi=0x3f .text:00007FF7F87E0290 mov ecx, [r15+8] ; netlong ...... .text:00007FF7F87E0382 loc_7FF7F87E0382: ; CODE XREF: ProcTcpMsg+1EAj .text:00007FF7F87E0382 lea ecx, [rsi-1] .text:00007FF7F87E0385 mov rax, qword ptr cs:xmmword_7FF7F8804D28 .text:00007FF7F87E038C mov rbx, [rax+rcx*8] ; ---> here rbx = poi(7FF7F8804D28)+0x3e*8, because rcx is obtained from Assoc_Ctx=0x3f -1 .text:00007FF7F87E0390 xor esi, esi