Dates and Times

简介: Dates and Times

Dates and Times

Calendar date values are represented with the date class. Instances have attributes for year, month, and day. It is easy to create a date representing the current date using the today()

The following is example code:

import datetime

today =

print('Today is {}'.format(today))

print('ctime :', today.ctime())

tt = today.timetuple()
print('tuple     : tm_year =', tt.tm_year)
print('          : tm_mon  =', tt.tm_mon)
print('          : tm_mday =', tt.tm_mday)
print('          : tm_hour =', tt.tm_hour)
print('          : tm_min  =', tt.tm_min)
print('          : tm_sec  =', tt.tm_sec)
print('          : tm_wday =', tt.tm_wday)
print('          : tm_yday =', tt.tm_yday)
print('          : tm_isdst=', tt.tm_isdst)

print('ordinal:', today.toordinal())
print('Year   :', today.year)
print('Mon    :', today.month)
print('Day    :',

This example prints the current date in several formats.

D:\Python39\python.exe D:/My_Project/
Today is 2023-04-11
ctime : Tue Apr 11 00:00:00 2023
tuple     : tm_year = 2023
          : tm_mon  = 4
          : tm_mday = 11
          : tm_hour = 0
          : tm_min  = 0
          : tm_sec  = 0
          : tm_wday = 1
          : tm_yday = 101
          : tm_isdst= -1
ordinal: 738621
Year   : 2023
Mon    : 4
Day    : 11

Process finished with exit code 0

When I see the program’s result, I suddenly find that one hundred days have already passed. Where have the time gone? So, Please don’t waste time.

成功解决but is 0 and 2 (computed from start 0 and end 9223372 over shape with rank 2 and stride-1)
成功解决but is 0 and 2 (computed from start 0 and end 9223372 over shape with rank 2 and stride-1)
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