- 将目标字符串按字符转换为数组,遍历展示
this.stringLib[this.step].split("").forEach((item) => { this.targetList.push({ text: item, }); });
- 监听键盘事件
created() { this.keyDown(); },
// 按下按键 keyDown() { // function内的this不再是vue实例,需提前将 this 存入 that以便在 function内使用 let that = this; document.onkeydown = function (e) { console.log(e.key) // 按下键盘上的 A 时会打印 a } }
- 根据按键值判断输入是否正确,若正确则添加属性 type 为 success ,字符变绿 ;输入错误则添加属性 type 为 danger,字符变红 (type 值来自 el-tag 对应的效果)
// 用下标 index 跟踪标记输入进度 let targetText = that.targetList[that.index].text; if (e.key === targetText) { // 使用 $set 页面才能及时响应对象的变化 that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", "success"); } else { that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", "danger"); }
- 当前关的字符输入完后,按任意键都会判定通关结果,输入全部正确才能通关
// 输入的正确字符数与目标字符数相等时,通过当前关 if (that.rightCharNum === that.targetList.length) { // 若已是最后一关,则全部通关,闯关结束 if (that.step === that.totalStep) { that.over(); } else { that.result = "success"; // 通过当前关时播放通关成功的音效 that.$refs.successAudio.play(); } } else { that.result = "fail"; // 存在错误字符时播放通关失败的音效 that.$refs.failAudio.play(); }
- 判定结果后,按回车键/空格键,若通关则开始下一关,若失败则重新挑战
if (that.result) { if (e.key === "Enter" || e.key === " ") { if (that.result === "success") { that.nextStep(); } if (that.result === "fail") { that.replay(); } } return; }
- 为提升用户体验,每一次输入都会配音效,并统计输入正确和错误的次数
if (e.key === targetText) { that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", "success"); // 为避免输入过快时声音反应不及时,在每次输入时让音频从头开始播放 that.$refs.inputAudio.currentTime = 0; that.$refs.inputAudio.play(); that.rightNum++; } else { that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", "danger"); that.$refs.errorAudio.currentTime = 0; that.$refs.errorAudio.play(); that.wrongNum++; }
element UI 需升级到 2.15.7 以上版本,否则不支持 el-result 标签
升级 element UI 的方法可以参考 https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41192489/article/details/126013674
过长的音效,可通过软件 Audacity 剪辑 (腾讯管家软件库中可下载)
<template> <div class="mainBox"> <h1 class="center">【 打字闯关 】第 {{ step }} 关</h1> <el-row type="flex" class="pageBanner" justify="center"> <el-pagination :pager-count="20" :total="totalStep" :page-size="1" @current-change="currentPageChange" :current-page="step" layout="prev, pager, next" > </el-pagination> </el-row> <el-row type="flex" justify="center"> <el-tag :key="index" v-for="(item, index) in targetList" :type="item.type" > {{ item.text }} </el-tag> </el-row> <el-row :gutter="10" type="flex" justify="center"> <el-col class="center" :span="2"> 正确:{{ rightNum }} 次 </el-col> <el-col class="center" :span="2"> 错误:{{ wrongNum }} 次</el-col> <el-col class="center" :span="4" v-if="result"> 正确字符:{{ rightCharNum }} 个</el-col > <el-col class="center" :span="4" v-if="result"> 错误字符:{{ wrongCharNum }} 个</el-col > </el-row> <el-result v-if="result === 'success'" icon="success" title="恭喜通关" subTitle="你真棒!" > <template slot="extra"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="nextStep" >下一关</el-button > </template> </el-result> <el-result v-if="result === 'over'" icon="success" title="恭喜您,已全部通关" subTitle="这大腿,俺抱定了!" > </el-result> <el-result v-if="result === 'fail'" icon="error" title="挑战失败" subTitle="失败是成功的妈妈,再试一次吧!" > <template slot="extra"> <el-button type="primary" size="medium" @click="replay" >重新挑战</el-button > </template> </el-result> <audio ref="overAudio" controls="controls" hidden> <source src="./audios/全部通关.wav" type="audio/mpeg" /> </audio> <audio ref="successAudio" controls="controls" hidden> <source src="./audios/通关.wav" type="audio/mpeg" /> </audio> <audio ref="failAudio" controls="controls" hidden> <source src="./audios/一片嘘声.wav" type="audio/mpeg" /> </audio> <audio ref="inputAudio" controls="controls" hidden> <source src="./audios/键盘输入音.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" /> </audio> <audio ref="errorAudio" controls="controls" hidden> <source src="./audios/错误提示音.wav" type="audio/mpeg" /> </audio> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { index: 0, targetList: [], rightNum: 0, wrongNum: 0, result: null, wrongCharNum: 0, rightCharNum: 0, stringLib: { 1: "aaaa ssss dddd ffff", 2: "jjjj kkkk llll ;;;;", 3: "qqqq wwww eeee rrrr", 4: "uuuu iiii oooo pppp", 5: "zzzz xxxx cccc vvvv", 6: "mmmm ,,,, .... ", 7: "tttt yyyy gggg hhhh", 8: "bbbb nnnn 1111 2222", 9: "3333 4444 5555 6666", 10: "7777 8888 9999 0000", }, // 关卡数 step: 1, // 总关卡数 totalStep: 10, }; }, created() { this.keyDown(); }, mounted() { this.init(); }, methods: { currentPageChange(newPage) { this.step = newPage; this.init(); }, // 重玩 replay() { this.init(); }, // 下一关 nextStep() { if (!this.stringLib[this.step + 1]) { this.over(); return; } this.step++; this.init(); }, // 初始化 init() { this.result = null; this.rightNum = 0; this.wrongNum = 0; this.rightCharNum = 0; this.wrongCharNum = 0; this.index = 0; this.targetList = []; this.stringLib[this.step].split("").forEach((item) => { this.targetList.push({ text: item, }); }); }, // 全部通关 over() { this.result = "over"; this.$refs.overAudio.play(); }, // 按下按键 keyDown() { let that = this; document.onkeydown = function (e) { if (that.result) { if (e.key === "Enter" || e.key === " ") { if (that.result === "success") { that.nextStep(); } if (that.result === "fail") { that.replay(); } } return; } if (that.index > that.targetList.length - 1) { that.targetList.forEach((item) => { if (item.type === "success") { that.rightCharNum++; } else { that.wrongCharNum++; } }); // 输入的正确字符数与目标字符数相等时,通过当前关 if (that.rightCharNum === that.targetList.length) { // 若已是最后一关,则全部通关,闯关结束 if (that.step === that.totalStep) { that.over(); } else { that.result = "success"; // 通过当前关时播放通关成功的音效 that.$refs.successAudio.play(); } } else { that.result = "fail"; // 存在错误字符时播放通关失败的音效 that.$refs.failAudio.play(); } return; } if (e.key === "Backspace") { if (that.index > 0) { that.index--; that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", ""); } return; } let targetText = that.targetList[that.index].text; if (e.key === targetText) { that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", "success"); // 为避免输入过快时声音反应不及时,在每次输入时让音频从头开始播放 that.$refs.inputAudio.currentTime = 0; that.$refs.inputAudio.play(); that.rightNum++; } else { that.$set(that.targetList[that.index], "type", "danger"); that.$refs.errorAudio.currentTime = 0; that.$refs.errorAudio.play(); that.wrongNum++; } that.index++; }; }, }, }; </script> <style scoped> .center { text-align: center; } .mainBox { padding: 30px; } .el-tag { margin: 10px; height: 100px; width: 100px; font-size: 60px; line-height: 100px; border-radius: 10%; text-align: center; } </style>