Co-STAR 模型是一种结构化的提示词设计方法,旨在帮助你更清晰地表达需求,使得人工智能模型能够更准确地理解和响应。Co-STAR 是一个缩写,代表 Context(上下文)、Objective(目标)、Scope(范围)、Task(任务)、Action(行动)和 Result(结果)。下面我们通过几个例子来展示如何使用 Co-STAR 模型来设计提示词。
假设我们希望 AI 生成一段关于未来科技的描述。我们可以用 Co-STAR 模型来设计提示词:
- Context(上下文):在未来的世界中,科技高度发达。
- Objective(目标):描述未来科技的特点和应用。
- Scope(范围):主要涉及医疗、交通和日常生活。
- Task(任务):生成一段详细描述。
- Action(行动):AI 应该生成自然流畅的文本。
- Result(结果):得到一段500字左右的描述性文字。
In a future world where technology is highly advanced, describe the characteristics and applications of future technology. Focus on areas such as healthcare, transportation, and daily life. Generate a detailed description that is around 500 words long.
然后,我们用这个提示词调用 GPT-3 或类似模型:
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer
model_name = 'gpt2'
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
prompt = ("In a future world where technology is highly advanced, describe the characteristics "
"and applications of future technology. Focus on areas such as healthcare, transportation, "
"and daily life. Generate a detailed description that is around 500 words long.")
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, return_tensors='pt')
output = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=600, num_return_sequences=1)
generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
假设我们希望 AI 生成一张描述未来城市的图像。我们可以用 Co-STAR 模型来设计提示词:
- Context(上下文):未来的城市繁荣而高科技。
- Objective(目标):展示未来城市的外观和特点。
- Scope(范围):包括建筑、交通工具和公共设施。
- Task(任务):生成一张图像。
- Action(行动):AI 应该生成视觉上吸引人的图像。
- Result(结果):得到一张反映未来城市风貌的高清图像。
Generate an image of a prosperous and high-tech future city. The image should include elements like buildings, vehicles, and public facilities. The result should be a visually appealing high-resolution image reflecting the futuristic cityscape.
然后,我们用这个提示词调用 DALL-E 或类似模型:
from transformers import DalleBartProcessor, DalleBartForConditionalGeneration
import torch
from PIL import Image
processor = DalleBartProcessor.from_pretrained('facebook/dalle-mini')
model = DalleBartForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained('facebook/dalle-mini')
prompt = ("Generate an image of a prosperous and high-tech future city. The image should include "
"elements like buildings, vehicles, and public facilities. The result should be a visually "
"appealing high-resolution image reflecting the futuristic cityscape.")
inputs = processor([prompt], return_tensors="pt")
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model.generate(**inputs, num_inference_steps=50)
image = processor.batch_decode(outputs, output_type="pil")
通过使用 Co-STAR 模型来设计提示词,你可以更清晰地定义需求,使得 AI 能够更准确地理解和执行任务。无论是文本生成还是图像生成,结构化的提示词都能帮助提高生成内容的质量和相关性。
当使用 Co-STAR 模型来设计提示词时,确保每个部分都清晰明了,同时也要尽量简洁。这有助于确保人工智能模型能够准确理解你的意图,并生成符合预期的输出。另外,在实际使用中,你可以根据需要灵活调整每个部分的内容,以便更好地满足特定的任务需求。