- 万能对象:一个类具有太多的功能,违背了单一责任原则。这个类会变得复杂,难以测试和维护。 解决方法:根据任务拆分成多个类。
- 重复代码:相同的代码块多次出现,增加了冗余,并且增加维护难度。 解决方法:抽象出一个函数,通过调用函数替代多个相同的代码块。
- 过长的方法:一个方法太长,说明这个方法做了太多事情,理解和维护该方法会很困难。 解决方法: 按照功能,拆分成若干的方法。
- 神奇数字: 代码中出现的神秘数字难以理解和修改。解决方法:定义一个常量表示数字的含义。
- 嵌套过深:过多的嵌套使得函数的流程难以把握。 解决办法: 去掉嵌套条件,必要时创建函数。
1. The “god object” smell (万能对象)
class OnlineStore: def search_product(self, query: Query): # Logic to search for products in some database pass def process_order(self, order: Order): # Logic to process the order and send confirmation email pass def handle_payment(self, payment_info: PaymentInfo): # Logic to handle payment and update the order status pass def manage_inventory(self, product_id: int, quantity: int): # Logic to manage inventory and update the database pass # Many more methods
“上帝对象”是整体设计的,处理了太多的任务和责任,违反了SOLID设计的单一责任原则(SRP, Single Responsibility priciple)。代码示例中的 OnlineStore类负责库存管理、订单处理、付款接受和产品搜索。将所有这些职责合并到一个类别中可能会限制我们引入新功能的灵活性,同时增加测试和维护的复杂性。
我们可以将 OnlineStore 类重写为更易于管理的专用类(如 ProductSearch 、 OrderProcessor 、 PaymentGateway 和 InventoryManager )。这使得每个类在遵守 SRP 的同时专注于特定任务。
class ProductSearch: def search_product(self, query: Query): # Logic to search for products in some database pass class OrderProcessor: def process_order(self, order: Order): # Logic to process the order and send confirmation email pass class PaymentGateway: def handle_payment(self, total: int, payment_info: Payment): # Logic to handle payment and update the order status pass class InventoryManager: def manage_inventory(self, product_id: int, quantity: int): # Logic to manage inventory and update the database pass
2. The “duplicate code” smell (重复代码)
class ReportGenerator: def generate_sales_report(self, sales_data: list[Report): # Preprocessing steps, such as formatting the data into a table. # Generate sales report pass def generate_inventory_report(self, inventory_data: list[Report]): # Preprocessing steps (duplicated) # Generate inventory report pass
我们可以将这些重复的过程组合成一个单一的方法来解决这个问题。通过这种方式,我们消除了冗余,并将其与 DRY(不要重复自己)编码理念保持一致。
class ReportGenerator: def preprocess_data(self, data: list[Report]): # Common preprocessing steps pass def generate_sales_report(self, sales_data: list[Report]): self.preprocess_data(sales_data) # Generate sales report pass def generate_inventory_report(self, inventory_data: list[Report]): self.preprocess_data(inventory_data) # Generate inventory report pass
3. The “long method” smell (方法太长)
def handle_customer_request(request: CustomerRequest): # Validate request # Log request details # Check inventory # Calculate pricing # Apply discounts # Finalize response pass
def handle_customer_request(request: CustomerRequest): validate_request(request) log_request(request) check_inventory(request) pricing = calculate_pricing(request) apply_discounts(pricing) return finalize_response(pricing) def validate_request(request: Request): pass def log_request(request: Request): pass def check_inventory(request: Request): pass def calculate_pricing(request: Request): pass def apply_discounts(pricing: int): pass def finalize_response(pricing: int): pass
4. The “magic numbers” smell (神奇数字)
def calculate_shipping_cost(distance: float) -> float: return distance * 1.25 # What does 1.25 signify?
“幻数”是那些棘手的数字文字,经常出现在编程代码中,没有明显的解释,使代码更难理解和处理。该 calculate_shipping_cost 函数在没有任何上下文的情况下使用数字 1.25,让我们猜测它的目的和含义。
相反,我们可以引入一个名为 PER_MILE_SHIPPING_RATE 的常量,它清楚地表明 1.25 表示每英里的运输成本。这个简单的更改使我们的代码更易于理解,也简化了将来对此值的更改。
PER_MILE_SHIPPING_RATE = 1.25 def calculate_shipping_cost(distance: float) -> float: return distance * PER_MILE_SHIPPING_RATE
5. The “nested conditionals” smell(嵌套过深)
def approve_loan(application: LoanApplication) -> bool: if application.credit_score > 600: if application.income > 30000: if application.debt_to_income_ratio < 0.4: return True else: return False else: return False else: return False
嵌套的条件语句可能会使理解函数的流变得困难。该 approve_loan 方法被一系列难以理解的嵌套 if 语句包围。
通过重构我们的代码,以便按顺序检查每个条件,我们可以创建一个更扁平、更易于阅读和理解的结构。如果将复杂的逻辑与条件混合在一起,则可能值得将逻辑抽象为单独的函数,以使条件更易于阅读。如果您有一系列需要满足的条件,请考虑使用 any 和 all 内置函数来使条件更具可读性。
def approve_loan(application: LoanApplication) -> bool: if application.credit_score <= 600: return False if application.income <= 30000: return False if application.debt_to_income_ratio >= 0.4: return False return True
def approve_loan(application: LoanApplication) -> bool: return all([ application.credit_score > 600, application.income > 30000, application.debt_to_income_ratio < 0.4 ])