Nowadays, with more and more school enrollment, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of student information to deal with. If only rely on manpower to complete, this will become a very tedious, complex work, and there will be a lot of unexpected mistakes, to manage these data brought great inconvenience, but also more and more not suitable for the needs of school development. Educational administration management system is a huge and complex system, it includes the management of department information, the management of course information, the management of student information and the management of student achievement and so on. Educational administration management system is an essential content of each school, its quality directly affects the main work in the school, once this system paralysis disease, the school will be very serious loss, will also affect every student.
管理员可对 教师信息、学生信息、课程信息 进行 增删改查 操作,管理员账户,可以重置非管理员账户的密码
所有课程: 在这里选修课程,选好后,将会自动跳转到已选课程选项
已选课程: 这里显示的是,还没修完的课程,也就是老师还没给成绩,由于还没有给成绩,所以这里可以进行退课操作
已修课程: 显示已经修完,老师已经给成绩的课程
JDK8、Tomcat8、MySQL5.7、IntelliJ IDEA、Maven
- IOC容器:Spring Web框架:SpringMVC
- ORM框架:Mybatis
- 数据源:C3P0
- 日志:log4j
- 前端框架:Bootstrap
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学生页:学生登录: 10001+123
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import java.io.IOException; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; @WebServlet("/MyServlet") public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public MyServlet() { super(); } @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { System.out.println("doget MyServlet"); } @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { System.out.println("dopost MyServlet"); super.doPost(request, response); } @Override public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig){ System.out.println("MyServlet"); } }
package com.system.controller; import com.system.exception.CustomException; import com.system.po.*; import com.system.service.*; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import javax.annotation.Resource; import java.util.List; /** * Created by Jacey on 2017/6/30. */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/admin") public class AdminController { @Resource(name = "studentServiceImpl") private StudentService studentService; @Resource(name = "teacherServiceImpl") private TeacherService teacherService; @Resource(name = "courseServiceImpl") private CourseService courseService; @Resource(name = "collegeServiceImpl") private CollegeService collegeService; @Resource(name = "userloginServiceImpl") private UserloginService userloginService; /* * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<学生操作>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * >>>>> */ // 学生信息显示 @RequestMapping("/showStudent") public String showStudent(Model model, Integer page) throws Exception { List<StudentCustom> list = null; // 页码对象 PagingVO pagingVO = new PagingVO(); // 设置总页数 pagingVO.setTotalCount(studentService.getCountStudent()); if (page == null || page == 0) { pagingVO.setToPageNo(1); list = studentService.findByPaging(1); } else { pagingVO.setToPageNo(page); list = studentService.findByPaging(page); } model.addAttribute("studentList", list); model.addAttribute("pagingVO", pagingVO); return "admin/showStudent"; } // 添加学生信息页面显示 @RequestMapping(value = "/addStudent", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) public String addStudentUI(Model model) throws Exception { List<College> list = collegeService.finAll(); model.addAttribute("collegeList", list); return "admin/addStudent"; } // 添加学生信息操作 @RequestMapping(value = "/addStudent", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String addStudent(StudentCustom studentCustom, Model model) throws Exception { Boolean result = studentService.save(studentCustom); if (!result) { model.addAttribute("message", "学号重复"); return "error"; } // 添加成功后,也添加到登录表 Userlogin userlogin = new Userlogin(); userlogin.setUsername(studentCustom.getUserid().toString()); userlogin.setPassword("123"); userlogin.setRole(2); userloginService.save(userlogin); // 重定向 return "redirect:/admin/showStudent"; } // 修改学生信息页面显示 @RequestMapping(value = "/editStudent", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) public String editStudentUI(Integer id, Model model) throws Exception { if (id == null) { // 加入没有带学生id就进来的话就返回学生显示页面 return "redirect:/admin/showStudent"; } StudentCustom studentCustom = studentService.findById(id); if (studentCustom == null) { throw new CustomException("未找到该名学生"); } List<College> list = collegeService.finAll(); model.addAttribute("collegeList", list); model.addAttribute("student", studentCustom); return "admin/editStudent"; } // 修改学生信息处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/editStudent", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String editStudent(StudentCustom studentCustom) throws Exception { studentService.updataById(studentCustom.getUserid(), studentCustom); // 重定向 return "redirect:/admin/showStudent"; } // 删除学生 @RequestMapping(value = "/removeStudent", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) private String removeStudent(Integer id) throws Exception { if (id == null) { // 加入没有带学生id就进来的话就返回学生显示页面 return "admin/showStudent"; } studentService.removeById(id); userloginService.removeByName(id.toString()); return "redirect:/admin/showStudent"; } // 搜索学生 @RequestMapping(value = "selectStudent", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) private String selectStudent(String findByName, Model model) throws Exception { List<StudentCustom> list = studentService.findByName(findByName); model.addAttribute("studentList", list); return "admin/showStudent"; } /* * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<教师操作>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * >>>>>>>> */ // 教师页面显示 @RequestMapping("/showTeacher") public String showTeacher(Model model, Integer page) throws Exception { List<TeacherCustom> list = null; // 页码对象 PagingVO pagingVO = new PagingVO(); // 设置总页数 pagingVO.setTotalCount(teacherService.getCountTeacher()); if (page == null || page == 0) { pagingVO.setToPageNo(1); list = teacherService.findByPaging(1); } else { pagingVO.setToPageNo(page); list = teacherService.findByPaging(page); } model.addAttribute("teacherList", list); model.addAttribute("pagingVO", pagingVO); return "admin/showTeacher"; } // 添加教师信息 @RequestMapping(value = "/addTeacher", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) public String addTeacherUI(Model model) throws Exception { List<College> list = collegeService.finAll(); model.addAttribute("collegeList", list); return "admin/addTeacher"; } // 添加教师信息处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/addTeacher", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String addTeacher(TeacherCustom teacherCustom, Model model) throws Exception { Boolean result = teacherService.save(teacherCustom); if (!result) { model.addAttribute("message", "工号重复"); return "error"; } // 添加成功后,也添加到登录表 Userlogin userlogin = new Userlogin(); userlogin.setUsername(teacherCustom.getUserid().toString()); userlogin.setPassword("123"); userlogin.setRole(1); userloginService.save(userlogin); // 重定向 return "redirect:/admin/showTeacher"; } // 修改教师信息页面显示 @RequestMapping(value = "/editTeacher", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) public String editTeacherUI(Integer id, Model model) throws Exception { if (id == null) { return "redirect:/admin/showTeacher"; } TeacherCustom teacherCustom = teacherService.findById(id); if (teacherCustom == null) { throw new CustomException("未找到该名学生"); } List<College> list = collegeService.finAll(); model.addAttribute("collegeList", list); model.addAttribute("teacher", teacherCustom); return "admin/editTeacher"; } // 修改教师信息页面处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/editTeacher", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String editTeacher(TeacherCustom teacherCustom) throws Exception { teacherService.updateById(teacherCustom.getUserid(), teacherCustom); // 重定向 return "redirect:/admin/showTeacher"; } // 删除教师 @RequestMapping("/removeTeacher") public String removeTeacher(Integer id) throws Exception { if (id == null) { // 加入没有带教师id就进来的话就返回教师显示页面 return "admin/showTeacher"; } teacherService.removeById(id); userloginService.removeByName(id.toString()); return "redirect:/admin/showTeacher"; } // 搜索教师 @RequestMapping(value = "selectTeacher", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) private String selectTeacher(String findByName, Model model) throws Exception { List<TeacherCustom> list = teacherService.findByName(findByName); model.addAttribute("teacherList", list); return "admin/showTeacher"; } /* * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<课程操作>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * >>>>>>>> */ // 课程信息显示 @RequestMapping("/showCourse") public String showCourse(Model model, Integer page) throws Exception { List<CourseCustom> list = null; // 页码对象 PagingVO pagingVO = new PagingVO(); // 设置总页数 pagingVO.setTotalCount(courseService.getCountCouse()); if (page == null || page == 0) { pagingVO.setToPageNo(1); list = courseService.findByPaging(1); } else { pagingVO.setToPageNo(page); list = courseService.findByPaging(page); } model.addAttribute("courseList", list); model.addAttribute("pagingVO", pagingVO); return "/admin/showCourse"; } // 添加课程 @RequestMapping(value = "/addCourse", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) public String addCourseUI(Model model) throws Exception { List<TeacherCustom> list = teacherService.findAll(); List<College> collegeList = collegeService.finAll(); model.addAttribute("collegeList", collegeList); model.addAttribute("teacherList", list); return "admin/addCourse"; } // 添加课程信息处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/addCourse", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String addCourse(CourseCustom courseCustom, Model model) throws Exception { Boolean result = courseService.save(courseCustom); if (!result) { model.addAttribute("message", "课程号重复"); return "error"; } // 重定向 return "redirect:/admin/showCourse"; } // 修改教师信息页面显示 @RequestMapping(value = "/editCourse", method = { RequestMethod.GET }) public String editCourseUI(Integer id, Model model) throws Exception { if (id == null) { return "redirect:/admin/showCourse"; } CourseCustom courseCustom = courseService.findById(id); if (courseCustom == null) { throw new CustomException("未找到该课程"); } List<TeacherCustom> list = teacherService.findAll(); List<College> collegeList = collegeService.finAll(); model.addAttribute("teacherList", list); model.addAttribute("collegeList", collegeList); model.addAttribute("course", courseCustom); return "admin/editCourse"; } // 修改教师信息页面处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/editCourse", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String editCourse(CourseCustom courseCustom) throws Exception { courseService.upadteById(courseCustom.getCourseid(), courseCustom); // 重定向 return "redirect:/admin/showCourse"; } // 删除课程信息 @RequestMapping("/removeCourse") public String removeCourse(Integer id) throws Exception { if (id == null) { // 加入没有带教师id就进来的话就返回教师显示页面 return "admin/showCourse"; } courseService.removeById(id); return "redirect:/admin/showCourse"; } // 搜索课程 @RequestMapping(value = "selectCourse", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) private String selectCourse(String findByName, Model model) throws Exception { List<CourseCustom> list = courseService.findByName(findByName); model.addAttribute("courseList", list); return "admin/showCourse"; } /* * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<其他操作>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * >>>>>>>> */ // 普通用户账号密码重置 @RequestMapping("/userPasswordRest") public String userPasswordRestUI() throws Exception { return "admin/userPasswordRest"; } // 普通用户账号密码重置处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/userPasswordRest", method = { RequestMethod.POST }) public String userPasswordRest(Userlogin userlogin) throws Exception { Userlogin u = userloginService.findByName(userlogin.getUsername()); if (u != null) { if (u.getRole() == 0) { throw new CustomException("该账户为管理员账户,没法修改"); } u.setPassword(userlogin.getPassword()); userloginService.updateByName(userlogin.getUsername(), u); } else { throw new CustomException("没找到该用户"); } return "admin/userPasswordRest"; } // 本账户密码重置 @RequestMapping("/passwordRest") public String passwordRestUI() throws Exception { return "admin/passwordRest"; } }
package com.system.controller; import com.system.po.Userlogin; import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils; import org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken; import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; /** * Created by Jacey on 2017/6/30. */ @Controller public class LoginController { //登录跳转 @RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = {RequestMethod.GET}) public String loginUI() throws Exception { return "../../login"; } //登录表单处理 @RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) public String login(Userlogin userlogin) throws Exception { //Shiro实现登录 UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(userlogin.getUsername(), userlogin.getPassword()); Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); //如果获取不到用户名就是登录失败,但登录失败的话,会直接抛出异常 subject.login(token); if (subject.hasRole("admin")) { return "redirect:/admin/showStudent"; } else if (subject.hasRole("teacher")) { return "redirect:/teacher/showCourse"; } else if (subject.hasRole("student")) { return "redirect:/student/showCourse"; } return "/login"; } }
package com.system.controller; import com.system.exception.CustomException; import com.system.po.Userlogin; import com.system.service.UserloginService; import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils; import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import javax.annotation.Resource; /** * Created by Jacey on 2017/7/6. */ @Controller public class RestPasswordController { @Resource(name = "userloginServiceImpl") private UserloginService userloginService; // 本账户密码重置 @RequestMapping(value = "/passwordRest", method = {RequestMethod.POST}) public String passwordRest(String oldPassword, String password1) throws Exception { Subject subject = SecurityUtils.getSubject(); String username = (String) subject.getPrincipal(); Userlogin userlogin = userloginService.findByName(username); if (!oldPassword.equals(userlogin.getPassword())) { throw new CustomException("旧密码不正确"); } else { userlogin.setPassword(password1); userloginService.updateByName(username, userlogin); } return "redirect:/logout"; } }